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Ribs tradutor Português

1,899 parallel translation
Hey. He has a flail chest and multiple broken ribs.
Tem um retalho costal e várias costelas partidas.
I broke my collar bone, my leg and three ribs.
Parti a clavícula, a perna e três costelas.
Which ribs did you break in the fall?
Que costelas... partiu quando saltou?
Twelve years, eight stories and a dumpster ago, he broke three ribs, damaged his spleen.
Há doze anos, oito andares e um contentor atrás. Ele partiu três costelas, danificou o baço.
They think a couple rounds Probably broke a couple of ribs.
Acham que as balas partiram umas costelas.
I've catalogued a large number of remodeled fractures along the ribs, plus bilateral flattening of the proximal radii.
Cataloguei uma série de fracturas remodeladas ao longo das costelas e achatamento bilateral do rádio proximal.
In searching for cause of death, I found three small grooves along the margin on three separate ribs.
Ao procurar a causa da morte, encontrei três pequenas ranhuras na margem de três costelas distintas.
The only markings we know for sure came from before the sinkhole are these three little nicks on his ribs.
As únicas marcas que sabemos que são anteriores ao escoamento são estes três cortes nas costelas.
One bullet fired from above, grazing these three ribs, deflecting, piercing the diaphragm.
Uma bala disparada de cima, arranha estas três costelas e fura o diafragma.
When you shot your brother, the force partially dislocated his shoulder, while the bullet traveled through the torso in a fatal trajectory, grazing three ribs.
Quando alvejou o seu irmão, deslocou-lhe parcialmente o ombro, enquanto a bala o trespassava fatalmente pelo torso, raspando três costelas.
- I don't know. I probably just broke some ribs or something.
- Não sei, devo ter partido alguma costela, ou algo do género.
Point tenderness is just above ribs 10 and 11.
O ponto sensível está acima das costelas 10 e 11.
I need a place to put the ribs.
Quero espaço para as costeletas.
I love ribs.
Adoro costeletas.
The guy ribs me and you laugh. Great!
O tipo ataca-me e tu ris-te.
It is ribs.
- São costeletas.
Have you noticed how beef ribs used to always be disgusting, and then recently they found a way to make them really delicious instead?
Já reparaste como as costeletas de porco dantes pareciam nojentas, e, recentemente, encontraram uma maneira de as tornar deliciosas?
Broken ribs and a possible ruptured spleen?
Costelas partidas e possível ruptura do baço?
Fractured ribs. About three of them on the left.
Costelas partidas, cerca de três no lado esquerdo.
We also have some fractured ribs here on the right.
- Também fracturou costelas no lado direito.
One of your ribs is broken, sire.
Tendes uma costela partida, Alteza.
This guy's ribs are completely missing.
As costelas deste tipo estão completamente em falta.
Mmm. I have always loved Harry's ribs.
Sempre adorei as costeletas do Harry.
You might have 2 or 3 broken ribs or maybe just some fractures.
Poderás ter umas costelas partidas, ou talvez só facturadas.
Not like the ribs.
Não é como as costelas.
How are those ribs?
Como estão essas costelas?
Got a few ribs broken?
Tens algumas costelas partidas?
And now our resident hunger artist, alexander Ribs!
E agora, o nosso esfaimado artista residente : Alexander Costelas!
It's been a ribs place and a chicken wings place... and everybody goes bankrupt.
Já foi churrascaria, frangaria, e todos vão à falência.
Those are called ribs, Jenny, and they`re for extra pleasure.
São chamadas de lombas, Jenny, e são para ter prazer extra.
Boom, break his ribs.
Boom! Parte-lhe as costelas.
Ribs collapsing!
- Olha as costelas!
It must have fallen between the ribs, I guess.
Deve ter caído entre as costelas, suponho eu.
Break cracked ribs.
Partir as costelas estaladas.
In summary, ears ringing, jaw fractured, 3 ribs cracked, 4 broken, diaphragm haemorrhaging, physical recovery : 6 weeks, full psychological recovery : 6 months.
Em resumo, ouvidos a zunir, maxilar partido, três costelas rachadas e quatro partidas, hemorragia no diafragma, recuperação física em seis semanas. Total recuperação psicológica : seis meses.
I have a broken arm, three cracked ribs.
Tenho o braço partido, três costelas rachadas.
I brought you some ribs.
Trouxe-te umas costeletas.
She has a couple of fractured ribs.
Ela fracturou duas costelas.
Spare-ribs rice.
Costeletas com arroz.
These braised short ribs taste like a dog's asshole.
Estas costeletas têm o sabor do cu de um cão.
- Those guys broke your ribs.
- Partiram-te as costelas.
One of my short ribs is broken.
- Uma das costelas está partida.
- Oh, crushed ribs.
- Costelas esmagadas.
Broken ribs, a busted cheekbone, a couple of trips to the emergency room.
Costelas partidas, um malar, algumas visitas ao serviço de urgência.
Put me in the hospital with two broken ribs.
Fui parar ao hospital com duas costelas partidas.
I can't know if the ribs are broken without an x-ray.
Tem de fazer um raio-X às costelas.
São as costelas da Habershackle?
Yeah. Or ribs...
- Ou costeletas, ou frango que também é bom.
Hey, I smell ribs.
- Cheira a costeletas.
We came for the ribs.
Viemos pelas costelas.
He has broken ribs and also has a broken arm.
Quebrou algumas costelas.

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