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So he killed her tradutor Português

93 parallel translation
Julia knew about it, so he killed her.
A Julia sabia, por isso matou-a.
He couldn't, so he killed her.
Como não podia, matou-a.
The solicitation increased his feeling of nothingness, so he killed her before sex.
A solicitação fê-lo sentir-se mais insignificante e matou-a antes de fazer sexo.
- So he killed her..... before she could tell anyone about it. What a prince, huh?
Então ele matou-a antes que ela pudesse contar a alguém.
He couldn't make her love him, so he killed her.
Ele não conseguiu que ela o amasse, então matou-a.
She left him... so he killed her.
Como ela o deixou, matou-a.
So he killed her and then waited while her body chilled.
Então ele a matou e depois esperou que o corpo dela arrefecesse.
So he killed her husband and son.
Então matou seu marido e seu filho.
- So he killed her?
- Então, ele matou-a?
so he killed her.
então matou-a.
So he killed her because he loved her so much?
Matou-a porque a amava demasiado?
So he killed her because she was working him for the diamonds?
Matou-a porque queria deitar a mão aos diamantes?
( Van Pelt ) So he killed her while stealing his own car?
- Pois, acho eu. Então matou-a enquanto roubava o seu próprio carro?
And he resented Carol for taking Joshua away, so he killed her to make sure he never left again.
E ressentia-se da Carol por ter levado o Joshua. Matou-a para que ela não o voltasse a fazer.
So he went to Julia, and he killed her.
Por isso, foi ter com a Julia e matou-a.
So, like the gentleman of the old school that he is, he killed her.
Então, como um cavalheiro da velha escola que é, ela matou-a!
So, like the gentleman of the old school that he is, he killed her!
Então, como um cavalheiro da velha escola que é, ela matou-a!
He couldn't go through with the wedding. He was gonna have the law down on her, so she killed him.
Como não se podia casar com ela, ia denunciá-la à polícia, e ela matou-o.
She had enough evidence to send him to the electric chair, so he had her killed.
Ela tinha provas suficientes para o enviar para a cadeira eléctrica,.. ... e por isso ele matou-a.
"Yes Sir, he raped her" so she committed su icide! "He killed my wife, I'll kill him!"
Sim Sr. ele violou-a e ela suicidou-se!
Because she loved us so much, she tried hard to be one after he died, but when the plague killed our cattle, something inside her broke and never mended.
Como nos amava muito, tentou sê-lo depois de ele morrer. Mas quando a praga dizimou o nosso gado, algo dentro dela quebrou e nunca mais recuperou.
When Myrea refused to denounce her love for Martumus he was so filled with spite that he killed her.
Ficou tão cheio de raiva e despeito que a matou.
He watched when the soldiers killed his mother - they drowned her - so he's looking for his mother in the water.
afogaram-na. Procura a sua mãe na água.
So then he put her in the car and killed her.
Então depois colocou-a no carro e matou-a.
But wait, it gets better. Kung Lao thinks Kitana killed Daahraan, so now he's hunting her.
Kung Lao pensa que Kitana matou Daahraan, por isso agora ele está atrás dela.
He grew so tired that he killed her while she slept, impaling her on a sword, and that was it for her
Ficou tão cansado, que a matou enquanto dormia, com uma espada. Foi o fim dela.
She's saying Alex killed Andrew, so he must really love her.
Ela diz que o Alex matou o Andrew e que deve gostar mesmo dela.
So he killed her.
Por isso, ele matou-a.
So, he lied to us about the last time he saw Lisa Marie... and that doesn't prove he killed her so, we go back to the jeep.
Ele mentiu-nos acerca de quando viu a Lisa Marie pela última vez, mas isto não prova que ele a matou, por isso, voltemos ao jipe.
Feared it so much he killed her.
Temia tanto que a matou.
He loved me. So you killed her?
- Então matou-a?
Collateral damage - he killed her so she couldn't identify him.
Danos colaterais. Matou-a para que ela não o pudesse identificar.
So you think Wallace killed her because... he was afraid she'd eventually lead me to the body.
Então achas que o Wallace a matou porque... Tinha medo que ela acabasse por me levar ao cadáver.
June told him shHe wasn't going to let that thappen, so he made a new bomb using an old watch and killed her.
- A June disse-lhe que se ia entregar. - Ele não a deixou. Por isso, fez uma nova bomba, usando um relógio antigo, e matou-a.
So Tierney became more than just a subject to him, - and then she rejected him, and he killed her?
Então a Tierney tornou-se mais do que um tema para ele, depois ela rejeitou-o, e ele matou-a?
So you think he killed her there.
E achas que ele a matou lá.
He hurt her so bad I guess he thought he'd killed her.
Magoou-a tanto, que ficou muito mal penso que foi ele quem a matou.
Why would Rahl keep her alive when he's killed so many others?
Porque a manteria o Rahl viva quando matou tantas outras?
Ok, so the ghost is her husband, And he's angry because he thinks that the radio show killed him?
Muito bem, então, o fantasma é o marido dela, e está zangado porque pensa que o programa de rádio o matou?
So, he killed her elsewhere, and then brought her here.
Ela matou-a noutro lugar, e depois trouxe-a para aqui.
He thought he killed her on the stairs, so he went to get his car.
Ele achou que a matou nas escadas e foi buscar o carro.
Ok, so Addison's sleeping with Michelle, and let's say, for whatever reason, he wanted to have her killed.
Então, o Addison dormia com a Michelle e queria mandar matá-la.
So he couldn't have killed her.
Então, ele não podia tê-la morto.
He didn't want the affair to go public, So he had her killed.
Ele não queria que o caso viesse a público, e mandou-a matar.
Okay, Brass confirmed that Nathan Culver was at school at 8 : 30, so the only way he could've killed Maria is if he strung her up with his own belt sometime before that.
Certo, o Brass confirmou que o Nathan Culver estava na escola às 8h30, por isso a única maneira de ter morto a Maria era se a tivesse estrangulado com o cinto antes.
He loved his daughter so much, he killed her.
Amava tanto a filha, que a matou.
He said he and his associates had Nicole. He said, uh, Henry tried to escape, so they killed him, but Nicole is was still alive, and if I ever wanted to see her again, I had to give him $ 5 million.
Disse que o Henry tentou escapar, por isso o mataram, mas a Nicole ainda estava viva, e se eu quisesse voltar a vê-la, tinha que pagar $ 5 milhões dólares.
Hey! Hey! He didn't love her anymore, so she killed him.
Ele já não a amava, por isso ela matou-o.
He killed her, Rebecca, and then he made up this entire lie about your father so that he wouldn't lose you.
Ele a matou, Rebekah, e então criou essa mentira sobre o teu pai para não te perder.
Like, he was jealous. And so, he killed her.
Fizeram com que parecesse que não tinha importância, que ele tinha ciúmes e, por isso, matou-a.
So Talia went to go and find fish, and he killed her when she did?
Então, Talia foi para ir e encontrar peixes, e ele a matou quando ela fez?

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