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So he was tradutor Português

11,181 parallel translation
So he was just trying to locate the closest hospital?
Então ele estava apenas a tentar localizar o hospital mais próximo?
He's Italian, so he was an old pro.
Ele era italiano, então era experiente.
So he was carrying stolen money.
- Então andava com dinheiro roubado.
Wait, so the guy you met here, was he, like, a boyfriend guy, or what?
O tipo com quem vieste cá ter é teu namorado ou algo do género?
Of course he was being loyal, so he didn't rat out the friend.
Ele foi leal e não denunciou o amigo.
In third form he trained somewhat seriously, cos usain, usain was so talented that he didn't have to train really, really hard, and he put in some semblance of training and then became the man from the west.
No terceiro ano, treinou mais ou menos a sério. O Usain era tão talentoso que não treinava muito. Treinou um pouco e tornou-se "O Homem do Ocidente".
When you hear a bad song, you give the selector some money and he starts the song over, so I was coming to the end in a club and then one of the songs play and I wanted to do a "money pull-up",
Se der uma música má, dás dinheiro ao selecionador e ele põe outra. Estava numa discoteca e começou uma música, eu queria que a trocassem.
Everybody looked across, he wasn't there, so I was like, you know what, continue running.
Todos olharam e ele não estava lá. Continuei a correr.
I know he wasn't at his best because I train with him, so I know what he was going through.
Sei que não estava no seu melhor. Treino com ele, sei o que ele passava.
I take my 200 meters very personal, so for me it was a big deal that he actually beat me over 200 meters.
Levo os 200 metros muito a sério. Dei muita importância à derrota nos 200 metros.
Unfortunately, usain had to pull out of the final of the 100 meters in the trials, so we got it checked out by the chief medical officer and it was detennined that he had a strain in there and it would be dangerous for him to run,
Infelizmente, o Usain não pôde fazer os últimos 100 m nas provas. O Diretor Médico Executivo verificou e determinou a existência de uma luxação. Seria perigoso para ele correr, então pedimos dispensa médica.
She was pissed he was driving her away, and she wanted him to think someone was after him so she could swoop in to protect him.
Ela ficou passada por ele a estar a afastar, e ela quis que ele pensasse que estava alguém atrás dele para que ela pudesse voltar e protegê-lo.
He's getting randy, so Yoko set him up with a little orchid and told him not to bother coming home until it was out of his system.
- Ele anda atrevido. A Yoko despachou-o com aquela "orquídea" e disse-lhe para não voltar para casa enquanto não se aliviasse.
So, how was he?
Então, como estava ele?
I wasn't gonna eat their... So I went to go look for Taylor, and when I found him he was messed up.
Não ia aturar aquelas cenas delas... então, fui procurar o Taylor, e quando o encontrei... ele estava lixado do capacete.
So, Hjortur, he was difficult to work with?
Então, o Hjörtur, é difícil trabalhar com ele?
Now, I know he said it's not a boxing match, but Jamal was the favorite on every list, so, I mean, isn't this kind of like Balboa-Creed?
Sei que ele disse que não é um combate de boxe, mas o Jamal era o preferido em todas as listas. Esta votação não é como o combate entre Balboa e Creed?
- So blatant, he was like out of a movie. - Yeah.
Mesmo flagrante, parecia uma cena de um filme.
He was so technically skilled with turntable tricks.
Tinha tanta técnica, a fazer truques com o gira-discos.
He was always so positive and always helping everyone around him.
Era sempre muito positivo e estava sempre a ajudar todos à sua volta.
Duncan wanted to know how Paul died, but what he needed was to believe his brother was a hero so he could let it go.
O Duncan queria saber como o Paul morreu, mas do que ele precisava era acreditar que o irmão era um herói para que o pudesse deixar ir.
Ko was supposed to be in London tomorrow afternoon, so why did he leave the airport, and what the hell is he doing in this neighborhood?
O Ko tem de estar em Londres amanhã à tarde, então porque é que ele saiu do aeroporto, e que diabo está ele a fazer neste bairro?
But he was sleeping, so I couldn't talk to him.
Mas ele estava a dormir, por isso não podia falar com ele.
He was so fragile.
Estava tão frágil.
I was bait so he'd sign. Everyone in that room knew that.
Toda a gente sabia isso.
I was gonna say he seems like a handful, but you love that, so...
Ia perguntar se é uma carga de trabalhos, mas tu gostas disso.
That he was so determined that maybe yes, maybe no.
Já que estava tão decidido, que talvez sim ou talvez não.
So, Ryan told me that Chicago was a sting gone wrong, but he didn't tell me what kind of sting and what happened.
Bem, o Ryan disse-me que em Chicago uma missão correu mal, mas não me disse que tipo de missão nem o que é que aconteceu.
So, he was an investor with you?
Era seu investidor?
He was going on holiday after Bermuda anyway so if he pulls through, he can carry on.
Ele sairia de férias depois de Bermuda, então se ele sobreviver, ele pode continuar.
'Randolph Churchill's in the hall'so, they all peer round the door to have a look anyway, he's driven up, drunk as a skunk, thought the house was an hotel marched in and ordered a gin from one of Sarah's guests.
"Randolph Churchill está no hall", então todos espiaram pela porta. bem, ele estava bêbado como um gambá, a pensar que era um hotel caminhou e levou um gin de um dos convidados de Sarah.
When he first told me about Sol, I was so angry.
Quando ele me falou do Sol, fiquei tão zangada.
I know he's probably still undercover, so I was wondering if you had his home address in Chicago.
Sei que ele anda, provavelmente, ainda disfarçado, por isso queria saber se tens a morada dele de casa, em Chicago.
He was so scared. He was so ashamed.
Ele estava tão envergonhado.
Apparently, the last baron was so obsessed with the purity of his bloodline... he decided only his sister was clean enough to carry his child.
Aparentemente, o último barão estava tão obcecado com a pureza do seu sangue... que decidiu que só a irmã era pura o suficiente para ser mãe do filho dele.
So was he.
- Ele também a procurava.
But it was too hot so every timer he stopped.
Estava tão quente que a toda a hora ele parava.
Danny, he was always better than me at everything, so he ended up in the Rangers.
O Danny, sempre foi melhor que eu, em tudo, e acabou por se juntar aos Rangers.
Dr. hale, you led me to believe he was beyond saving. Is it so? Or is it only your moral diagnosis?
Dr. Hale... fez-me acreditar que ele não tinha qualquer salvação.
It's not like he was so happy to do this in the first place.
A questão agora é o William.
He was so smart.
Ele era tão inteligente.
He was the first person I killed so that I could live.
Ele foi o primeiro que matei para que pudesse viver.
So was he older or younger?
Então, ele era mais velho ou mais jovem?
And then he was there in Alexandria after the attack, hiding in one of the brownstones, so I stopped him again.
Ele estava em Alexandria depois do ataque, escondido numa das casas, e detive-o novamente.
It was not so official. He would take me out on calls with him.
Não de forma oficial, mas, levava-me às consultas externas dele.
So on the morning of the incident, was he acting any different?
Então, na manhã do incidente, ele estava diferente?
He was so moved by the plight of that man's daughter that he arranged transportation and medical care for her.
Ficou tão comovido com a filha daquele homem que tratou do transporte e cuidados médicos para ela.
So glad that while he was here, I was one of the lucky few who knew him.
Feliz porque enquanto esteve cá, fui um dos sortudos que o conheceu.
Andrew was a lovely head shrinker before he turned into a not-so-lovely Inhuman serial killer.
O Andrew era um adorável psiquiatra... antes de se transformar num não tão agradável assassino em série de não-humanos.
So, the boy's parents were killed in a car crash when he was nine.
Os pais do rapaz morreram num acidente quando ele tinha nove anos.
And, uh, when he was informed, he was watching an episode of Mindhorn, so, he has developed a sort of morbid obsession with the show.
Quando ele foi informado, estava a ver o Mindhorn, por isso desenvolveu uma espécie de obsessão mórbida pelo programa.

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