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Stacey tradutor Português

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I am Stacey Sampanahoditra of the Kuristani foreign office.
Sou a Stacey Sampanahodrita, representante do Kuristan.
Uh, Waldo, why don't you invite, uh, Stacey to our opera tomorrow night?
Porque não convidas a Stacey para a nossa ópera amanhã?
Stacey... will you join us for the opera tomorrow night?
Stacey, acompanha-nos à ópera amanhã à noite?
- Um, oh, Stacey!
- Oh, hi, Stacey.
Olá, Stacey.
Uh, why don't you, uh, show Stacey the garden before you leave?
Porque não mostras o jardim à Stacey antes de sairmos?
Major Stacey speaking.
Fala o Major Stacey.
Ah, there you are, Stacey.
Ah, Stacy. Um momento.
Stacey here, is proud of being the leader of Drake house,
O Stacy aqui está orgulhoso por ser o chefe da casa Drake...
- aren't you, Stacey?
-... não, Stacy? - Sim, senhor.
- I am, sir. Well, Stacey, I'm gonna put these lads in your charge.
Bem, Stacy, estão sob tua responsabilidade.
Well, I bet this Stacey ought to win that challenge cup for us.
Bem, aposto que o Stacy deve ganhar o troféu para nós.
Come on, Stacey.
Vamos, Stacy.
This is where Stacey always leaves them, sir.
É onde o Stacy sempre deixa todos para trás, senhor.
You know, we might think of training you for that long-distance cross-country run, with Stacey's help here, of course.
Podíamos pensar em treinar-te para o corta-mato. Com a ajuda do Stacy, claro.
And, you, too, Stacey.
E tu também, Stacy.
Anyway, the competition will put Stacey on his toes.
De todo modo, a competição manterá o Stacy alerta.
- What's got into you, Stacey?
- De mau humor?
- have any of you seen Stacey? - He's got a late lunch.
Alguém viu o Stacy?
Come on, Robins, you know where Stacey is.
Vamos, Robbins.
In any case, with Stacey gone, there's no action that I can take, so that disposes of the fight.
Além do mais, se ele se foi, não posso fazer nada.
Well, I suppose it's possible, sir, that Stacey took it a bit hard.
O que achas, Fenton? Creio, senhor, que o Stacy levou a mal.
It's a pity about Stacey, sir. He'll be badly missed at the sports.
É uma lástima o que se passou com o Stacy.
I'd just like to say that it was as much my fault as Stacey's, sir.
Foi tanto culpa minha como de o Stacy, senhor.
We can leave Stacey out of this, he's in far more serious trouble.
Vamos deixar o Stacy fora disso.
That rancher she married... Stacey, is it? He's doing fine up in Idaho.
A esse rancheiro com o que casou-se, Stacey vai muito bem em Idaho.
In case you hadn't heard, Stacey Bridges and the Carlin brothers...
Caso não saibam, o Stacey Bridges e os irmãos Carlin...
Stacey Bridges and his cousins, the Carlin boys.
Stacey Bridges e os primos, os irmãos Carlin.
Matter of fact, Stacey kept bringing that up at the trial all the time... saying that he was being railroaded.
De facto, o Stacey repetiu isso durante o julgamento... dizendo que tinha sido falsamente acusado.
Well, Stacey, it looks like we got three fresh horses.
Bom, Stacey, parece que temos três cavalos frescos.
Stacey, help me.
Stacey, ajuda-me.
Help me, Stacey.
Ajuda-me, Stacey.
Do something about my arm, Stacey.
Trata do meu braço, Stacey.
- Stacey, for Gods sake.
- Stacey, pelo amor de Deus.
Are you gonna get Stacey Bridges first?
Vai apanhar primeiro o Stacey Bridges?
Stacey, it was always you.
Stacey, foste sempre tu.
Come on, Stacey.
Vamos, Stacey.
Stacey, the goddamn horses are gone!
Stacey, os malditos cavalos desapareceram!
Uh, Miss Stacey, I just want to ask you one question, if you don't mind.
Sra. Stacy, queria fazer-lhe uma pergunta, se não se importar.
Stacey, sorry to bother you with this.
Desculpe fazê-la sair da água.
Stacey pulled a fast one. She's three months'pregnant.
Enganou toda a gente, está grávida de 3 meses.
- Eh, Stacey?
- Não, senhor.
- Well, you beat Stacey.
Não digas asneiras.
- Come on, Stacey, have a cigarette.
Vamos, Stacy.
All right, lads, in line here, and, Stacey, cut that hose off.
Alinhem-se. E Stacy, fecha essa mangueira.
- I think Stacey's got away. - Oh, do leave off.
- Creio que o Stacy se escapou.
Four late lunches, Stacey's not one of them.
- What's the matter, then? - When did you last see Stacey?
- Qual é o problema?
In my opinion, Stacey may have provoked him to it.
Creio que o Stacy o pode ter provocado.
No news of Stacey, yet, sir, but we have the others under control.
Sem notícias de Stacy.
Stacey, would you mind taking a letter?
Venha cá, por favor.
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