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Translate.vc / Inglês → Português / [ S ] / Sure about that

Sure about that tradutor Português

2,838 parallel translation
Are you sure about that?
Tens a certeza?
Are you sure about that?
Tem a certeza disso?
- You sure about that?
- Não. - Tens a certeza?
You sure about that?
Estás segura disso?
And you're sure about that?
Tens a certeza?
You sure about that?
Tem a certeza?
You sure about that?
Não. De certeza?
You sure about that?
Tem a certeza disso?
You sure about that?
De certeza?
- You sure about that?
- Tens a certeza disso?
You sure about that?
Tens a certeza?
You're sure about that? I am completely sure of that.
- Tens a certeza disso?
No, I'm not sure about that.
Não, não tenho assim tanto essa certeza.
No, I'm not sure about that.
Não, não tenho a certeza sobre isso.
Are you sure about that?
Tens a certeza disso?
I'm sure about that.
Disso tenho a certeza.
You seem pretty sure about that.
Pareces ter muita certeza disso. Aconteceu depressa.
Are you sure about that, Mac?
Tem a certeza disso, Mac?
You sure about that?
- Tem a certeza disso? - Tenho.
You're sure about that? I've finally gotten my hands on one of the artefacts.
Consegui finalmente obter um dos artefactos.
Are you sure about that?
Tem a certeza?
I'm not sure about that.
Não tenho certeza sobre isso.
Are you sure about that, Ms. Dobrica?
Tem a certeza, Mna. Dobrica?
You sure about that? Okay.
Tem a certeza?
Sure about that?
Tem a certeza disso?
I'm not so sure about that.
Não tenho tanta certeza disso.
Are you sure about that? Your fingerprint was on a wine glass.
As tuas impressões digitais estavam num copo.
You sure about that?
Tens a certeza sobre isso?
Nothing more. - Sure about that?
Nada mais.
Wouldn't be so sure about that.
Não teria tanta certeza disso.
You sure about that?
Você tem certeza disso?
I'm sure he's okay, if that's what you're worried about.
Tenho a certeza de que ele está bem, se é isso que te preocupa.
I know that it hurts you when he sleeps with other women, and I can't do anything about that, but I can make sure that I'm not part of that problem.
- Sei que te magoa quando dorme com outras mulheres, e não posso fazer nada sobre isso, mas posso garantir que... não sou parte do problema.
I'm sure that... just knowing about Brody and I living together, it-it set you off.
De certeza que... Saber que eu e o Brody vivíamos juntos... - Fez-te explodir.
Group laughter : a sure sign that the worst is behind us and the movie is just about over.
Risada em grupo. Um sinal claro de que o pior já passou e o filme está a acabar.
Now, are you sure that Spencer didn't say anything about what she was going to do?
De certeza que a Spencer não disse nada em relação ao que ia fazer?
Well, I've just come back... and I'm not sure how much I've talked about it... but there is a feeling that's stayed with me.
Eu acabei de regressar. Não sei se já falei muito nisto, mas há uma sensação que aquilo me deixou.
I'm not sure, but that's how he knew about Annabelle and the search warrant for V.N.X. Energy.
Não sei, mas foi assim que ele soube sobre a Annabelle e o mandato de busca para a V.N.X.
- You sure about that?
- De certeza?
Yeah, I'm sure about that.
De certeza.
You were sure about that?
Tinhas a certeza disso?
We're just talking about a case, a big case that I'm sure you'd love to retire on.
Só de um caso. Um grande caso, com que gostavas de encerrar a carreira.
I'm pretty sure that if I told a shrink about the secret government agency I work with, they would have me committed.
Tenho a certeza de que se contasses a um psicólogo sobre a agência secreta que trabalho, eles internavam-me.
I'm not sure about that.
Não tenho assim tanta certeza.
You sure about that?
- Tem a certeza disso?
I was hoping that you wouldn't have to find out about it at all. But of course, it's probably gonna get out. So I just wanted to make sure that you didn't have to hear about it from anyone else.
Não queria que soubesses, mas é claro que vão espalhar, então não queria que ouvisses de outros.
So what makes you so sure that Alexis isn't serious about this guy?
O que te faz ter tanta certeza que a Alexis não quer algo sério com este rapaz?
I sure as hell didn't know about that.
Eu de certeza que não sabia disso.
If that's what you want to talk about, sure.
Se é disso que estás a falar, sim.
Now that you mention it, though, I'm not sure you're one to talk about going straight at a man'stead of what he loves.
Mas agora que falas nisso, não me parece que possas falar muito sobre ir diretamente atrás de alguém em vez daquilo que ele ama.
I'm not sure this is the kind of thing that gets better by talking about it.
Não sei se é o tipo de coisa que melhora se falarmos sobre ela.

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