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Things are going to change tradutor Português

58 parallel translation
Things are going to change.
Aqui vai ver se o trabalho.
And things are going to change around here.
As coisas vão ter de mudar.
I just know that things are going to change for the better now that you're here.
Sei que as coisas vão mudar para melhor, agora que cá está.
They migrate, they know when things are going to change and they fly away.
Eles migram. Sabem quando as coisas vão mudar e voam para longe.
They mean things are going to change!
Significam que as coisas vão mudar.
And you can tell all your scum friends that things are going to change in this town!
Diga á escória como vocês que as coisas vão mudar nesta cidade!
Things are going to change around here.
As coisas agora väo mudar.
Things are going to change a bit.
As coisas vão mudar um pouco.
Well, things are going to change around here, you know.
Bem, as coisas vão mudar aqui.
Some day, Abu, things are going to change.
Um dia Abu, as coisas mudarão!
Things are going to change on Cardassia.
As coisas vão mudar, em Cardássia.
Things are going to change on Cardassia.
As coisas vão mudar em Cardássia.
- Things are going to change around here.
- As coisas vão mudar por aqui.
Things are going to change.
As coisas vão mudar mesmo.
When you see what's in this report, things are going to change in this town.
Quando vires o que está neste relatório, as coisas vão mudar nesta cidade.
Things are going to change.
As coisas vão mudar. Espera para ver.
Things are going to change.
As coisa vão mudar.
Things are going to change around here, Mama.
Algumas coisas vão mudar por aqui, mãe.
I know he's been tough on you lately, Nate. But I want you to know things are going to change around here.
Até parece que ele organizou este jogo todo sozinho... só para poder voltar para o campo.
Things are going to change?
- As coisas vão mudar?
So, things are going to change a lot.
Portanto, as coisas por aqui vão mudar, e muito.
But some things are going to change.
Mas terá de haver mudanças.
But let's leave them in no doubt that things are going to change.
Mas eles que não quero tenham dúvidas : As coisas vão mudar.
Things are going to change.
As coisas vão mudar. Consigo sentir isso.
Things are going to change a lot with us.
As coisas vão mudar muito entre nós. Eu sei.
I've been losing up till now but things are going to change.
Até agora, tem-me vencido, mas...
Just because James is getting married doesn't mean things are going to change.
Só porque o James vai casar não significa que as coisas vão mudar.
And the fact that we're having this conversation means things are going to change.
O facto de estarmos a ter esta conversa significa que as coisas vão mudar.
Something tells me that things are going to change course.
Algo me diz que as coisas estão por tomar um rumo distinto.
I'm really nervous things are going to change when we go to college.
Tenho medo que as coisas mudem depois de irmos para a faculdade.
And someday things are going to change, but until that day, the last thing I need is to draw attention to the things I know, the things that are going to make me an excellent member of the New York police department.
Um dia, as coisas hão-de mudar, mas, até lá, a última coisa que quero é chamar atenção para o que sei, para aquilo que vai fazer de mim um excelente membro da Polícia de Nova Iorque.
I have the distinct feeling things are going to change around here.
Tenho a nítida impressão de que as coisas vão mudar por aqui.
I know it can't happen overnight, Michael. But for the sake of the family, you gotta understand that things are going to change around here.
Sei que não pode acontecer o que houve naquela noite, Michael, mas pelo bem da família tens que entender que as coisas estão a mudar aqui.
Things are going to change.
As coisas vão mudar.
None of your business. Look, now that I'm in charge, things are going to change- - a lot of things.
Olha, agora que sou a responsável, as coisas vão mudar, muitas coisas.
But things are going to change.
Mas as coisas vão mudar.
And you know that things are going to change.
E nesse momento, sabes que as coisas vão mudar.
Because things are going to change, but they'll be better.
Porque as coisas vão mudar, mas vão melhorar.
It's about the curriculum and things are going to change!
É sobre o currículo que as coisas vão mudar!
Things are going to change between us.
As coisas entre nós vão mudar.
Things are going to change around here,
Aqui as coisas vão mudar.
Hagstead e acho que algumas coisas vão mudar neste lugar.
Without Henry's income, things... maybe not tomorrow, but things are going to have to change.
Sem os rendimentos do Henry, as coisas... talvez não amanhã, mas as coisas vão ter de mudar.
Things are inevitabry going to change.
As coisas vão, celtamente, tel de mudal.
I'm sorry, but a lot of things are going to have to change.
Desculpe. Muitas coisas terão de mudar.
Things are going to change. But come on.
Vai trazer-me muitas dores de cabeça e mudar muitas coisas, mas enfim...
People think "These companies are so big and so powerful, how are we ever going to change things?"
As pessoas acham que as companhias são tão grandes e poderosas que jamais conseguirão mudar as coisas.
Things around here are going to change.
As coisas vão começar a mudar por aqui.
No, we are going to change things.
Não, vamos mudar as coisas.
Things are going to have to change if I'm sticking round.
As coisas vão ter que mudar se eu ficar por cá.
Even if I understand what's happening to us, I can't just choose to radically change the way things are going,
Mesmo que entenda o que nos acontece, não posso escolher mudar radicalmente o modo como as coisas estão a acontecer.

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