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Thomas jefferson tradutor Português

192 parallel translation
I want ya all to meet my new deputy, Thomas Jefferson Destry.
Quero que conheçam o delegado Thomas Jefferson Destry.
Do you, Thomas Jefferson Destry... swear to uphold the law... and serve your office and do your duty and everything that goes with it?
Tu, Thomas Jefferson Destry, juras manter a lei, exercer o teu cargo, cumprir o teu dever - e tudo o que daí advém?
- You're Thomas Jefferson Destry, ain't ya? - That's right.
És o Thomas Jefferson Destry, não és?
Thomas Jefferson.
Thomas Jefferson.
I think Thomas Jefferson was every bit as great a mind as Isaac Newton was.
Mas ainda acho que Thomas Jefferson... foi um gênio tão importante quanto Isaac Newton.
So that's Thomas Jefferson, huh?
Então, este é que é Thomas Jefferson?
I've been doing some studying of a different mankind lately... like the ones you told me- - Thomas Jefferson last week... and this week, Tom Paine.
Ultimamente, tenho estudado outro tipo de humanidade. Aqueles que me aconselhaste : Thomas Jefferson e Tom Paine.
I'd like to speak to Thomas Jefferson, please.
Gostaria de falar com Thomas Jefferson.
Over there is the memorial to Thomas Jefferson, the third President of the United States.
E ali fica o monumento a Thomas Jefferson, o nosso terceiro presidente.
It was writ by Thomas Jefferson of Virginia.
Foi "excrita" pelo Sr. Thomas Jefferson da Virgínia.
- Written by Thomas Jefferson.
- Escrita pelo Sr. Thomas Jefferson.
Thomas Jefferson couldn't have said it better.
Thomas Jefferson não o teria dito melhor.
Old Thomas Jefferson said that he was a warrior so his son could be a farmer, so his son could be a poet.
Tudo o que Thomas Jefferson disse foi que ele era um guerreiro. Para que seu filho pudesse ser um fazendeiro. Para que seu filho pudesse ser um poeta.
Who was Thomas Jefferson?
Quem foi Thomas Jefferson?
Thomas Jefferson?
Thomas Jefferson?
See, the point is, if they tried to charge Thomas Jefferson with a call he didn't make, the Boston Harbor would've been full of phones, and all the local women would've been swimming around down there, and we wouldn't have had to hang them as witches.
A questão é que se tentassem cobrar a Jefferson uma chamada que não tivesse feito, o porto de Boston estaria cheio de telefones, as mulheres da zona andariam a nadar por lá e não teria sido necessário enforcá-las.
So, you're kind of like Thomas Jefferson?
Então, és mais ou menos como Thomas Jefferson?
Thomas Jefferson said :
Thomas Jefferson disse -
and gives me this book by Thomas Jefferson.
e deu-me um livrinho escrito pelo Thomas Jefferson.
For instance, did you know that Thomas Jefferson's wife was black?
Por exemplo, sabiam que a mulher do Thomas Jefferson era negra?
Well, when Thomas Jefferson was writing The Declaration of Independence, on the back, he wrote this song...
Quando o Thomas Jefferson estava a escrever a Declaração da Independência, no verso, ele escreveu esta canção.
- Don't "oh." What are you "oh-ing"? Thomas Jefferson Johnson. Why you keep usin'my middle name?
Para que pôs o meu nome do meio?
My middle name is Jefferson, last name is Johnson.
Jeff Johnson. Chamo-me Thomas Jefferson Johnson.
Thomas Jefferson Johnson.
Thomas Jefferson Johnson.
The Thomas Jefferson Johnson Foundation.
Para a Fundação Thomas J. Johnson.
The day after Thomas Jefferson died, July 5th.
O dia a seguir a Jefferson morrer, 5 de Julho. Deus abençoe a América.
Thomas Jefferson.
Thomas Jefferson...
Everyone says how great Thomas Jefferson was but he owned slaves just like the rest of them.
Acham Thomas Jefferson um herói, mas tinha escravos.
Thomas Jefferson Cole.
Thomas Jefferson Cole. O meu sobrinho.
My name is Thomas Jefferson Cole.
Chamo-me Thomas Jefferson Cole.
I'm helping him reach Thomas Jefferson.
Estou a ajudá-lo a falar com o Thomas Jefferson.
- Well, Thomas Jefferson said it first.
- Quem a disse foi Thomas Jefferson.
"The tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time... with the blood of patriots and tyrants." Thomas Jefferson.
"A árvore da liberdade refresca-se com sangue de patriotas e tiranos." Thomas Jefferson.
Thomas Jefferson used the Green Room as a dining room.
Thomas Jefferson usou a Sala Verde como sala de jantar.
In 1804, President Thomas Jefferson... commissioned Meriwether Lewis and William Clark... to explore the vast, uncharted territories of the Northwest.
Em 1804, o Presidente Thomas Jefferson... encarregou Meriwether Lewis e William Clark... de explorar os vastos e não mapeados territórios do Nordeste.
"Thomas Jefferson."
"Thomas Jefferson."
I bring you wishes for peace from Thomas Jefferson... the Great Chief of the Whites.
Trago-te desejos de paz de Thomas Jefferson... o Grande Chefe dos brancos.
The pipe is not Edward's, ThomasJeffierson.
O cachimbo é do Thomas Jefferson.
Thomas Jefferson?
O Thomas Jefferson?
Thomas Jefferson once said that politics is like the weather.
Thomas Jefferson disse um dia que política é como o tempo.
Who's Thomas Jefferson?
Quem é o Thomas Jefferson?
I just finished his Meriwether Lewis and Thomas Jefferson :
Acabei de ler " Meriwether Lewis e Thomas Jefferson
There have been political scandals since Thomas Jefferson.
Já há escândalos políticos desde o Thomas Jefferson.
I heard that Thomas Jefferson was a real fox.
Disseram-me que o Thomas Jefferson era um borracho.
Thomas Jefferson once shot a man for treason.
Thomas Jefferson uma vez atirou em um homem por traição.
- Thomas Jefferson?
- O Thomas Jefferson?
Thomas Jefferson died on his birthday.
Thomas Jefferson morreu no seu dia de anos.
- You aren't Thomas Jefferson.
- Não és o Thomas Jefferson.
James Madison, Alexander Hamilton, Benjamin Franklin, Thomas Jefferson,
James Madison, Alexander Hamilton Benjamin Franklin Thomas Jefferson George Washington John Adams.
- You know what?
- Teria de dizer Thomas Jefferson.
I would have to say Thomas Jefferson.
- Um homem?

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