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When we broke up tradutor Português

93 parallel translation
I used to wonder if I was right when we broke up.
Costumava pensar se teria razão, quando rompemos.
When we broke up, I threw it into the river.
Quando terminamos, eu joguei no rio.
When we broke up last time he locked himself in the john and took some pills.
Quando acabámos, ele fechou-se no WC e tomou comprimidos.
When we broke up and I first came out to New York, I was so sure I'd make it.
Quando vim para Nova Iorque, estava tão segura de que iria ser capaz.
Alison was bitter when we broke up.
A Alison ficou chateada quando acabamos
When we broke up, I had to see you the next day. And the next day.
Quando acabámos, tinha de te ver no dia a seguir, e no outro.
When we broke up, it was because she felt committed... to working things out with her family.
Quando acabámos, foi porque ela se sentia obrigada a resolver as coisas com a família.
Even when we broke up, you... I raised those kids on my own! It's bullshit.
Criei os três miúdos sozinha!
I decided right away when we broke up I wasn't coming.
Eu decidi logo quando acabámos que eu não ia
Remember, when we broke up and I said, "It's not you, it's me"?
Lembras-te quando acabámos e eu disse : "Não és tu, sou eu"?
I cried for weeks when we broke up.
Chorei durante semanas quando acabámos.
When we broke up, i told her that if she wanted to do this weird stuff...
Quando acabámos, disse-lhe que se ela quisesse fazer coisas esquisitas...
Because I knew that when we broke up, you would not cry... so, I got way over it.
Porque sabia que quando acabassemos tu não chorarias por isso tive de superá-lo.
This is exactly what happened with Paula and me when we broke up.
- É exactamente o que aconteceu comigo e com a Paula quando terminamos.
So, when we broke up, there I was, 23 and still a virgin.
Quando acabámos, eu tinha 23 anos e era ainda virgem.
She left It behind when we broke up.
Ela não o quis quando nos separámos.
When we broke up, she... she grabbed my throat...
Quando acabámos, ela... agarrou-me na garganta...
my boyfriend... well, my ex-boyfriend... when we broke up, he wasn't too happy about it, and things got out of control.
Bem, o meu ex-namorado... Quando nós acabámos, ele não ficou muito feliz com isso, por isso, as coisas descontrolaram-se.
When we broke up...
- Quando acabámos...
Back when we broke up... I knew it wasn't all your fault.
Quando nós nos separámos... eu sabia que não era tudo por tua culpa.
You were 10 when we broke up.
Tinhas 10 anos quando no separámos.
Yeah, I was in a long relationship, and when we broke up my mom, she was having health issues, so I moved in with her.
Tive uma relação longa, e quando nos separámos, a minha mãe tinha problemas de saúde, e fui viver com ela.
I was pregnant when we broke up.
Estava grávida quando acabámos.
When we broke up I felt like someone had cut off my arms and my legs.
Quando acabámos, senti que me cortavam pernas e braços.
You know, when we broke up, it was because I felt like I was smarter than you.
Sabes, quando acabámos, foi porque eu senti que era mais esperta do que tu.
And when we broke up, that's what he told everybody.
Quando acabámos, foi isso que ele disse a toda a gente.
When we broke up, I may have, um, accidentally hit him.
Quando terminamos, eu devo... ter-lhe acidentalmente batido.
We agreed when we broke up... To talk business only!
Quando rompemos concordámos em só falar de negócios!
Veda was 11 when we broke up. She's only 20 now.
A Veda tinha 11 anos quando nos separámos e agora tem 20.
We was broke up when he went from home.
Deixamos de nos falar quando ele saiu de casa.
aaaaa So it was with deep gratitude we recall day when Colonel Grant, using only sense of touch, through the medium of a clenched fist, actually broke through to Tom and got him to SHUT UP!
Por isso, recordamos com alegria um dia em que o Coronel Grant, por meio de sua sensibilidade, e de um punho chamou o Tom à razão e fez-o calar-se.
One night when we was staying up late we was talking about how much bad luck he must have from all those mirrors he broke.
Uma noite, quando ficamos acordados até tarde estávamos falando sobre quanto azar ele deve ter por causa de todos os espelhos que quebrou.
We're so in sync that when you broke up with me for my own good you figured I'd probably know it was for the best because we're so in sync.
Estamos em tanta sincronia que quando acabaste comigo pelo meu bem calculaste que eu ia saber que era pelo melhor porque estamos em sincronia.
He wasn't happy when I broke off the engagement,... but he seemed like he really pulled himself together when we met up a Stargate Command.
Ele não ficou contente quando acabei com a nossa relação, mas pareceu-me que ele estava muito bem quando o vi no comando do Stargate.
He wasn't happy when I broke off the engagement, but he seemed like he'd pulled himself together when we met up.
Ele não ficou contente quando eu rompi com ele, mas parecia ter-se recomposto quando nos voltámos a encontrar.
I wrote half of it when I was with Linda... and I wrote the other half after we broke up... so it's a little uneven, you know?
Eu escrevi metade daquilo quando estava com a Linda... e escrevi a outra metade quando acabamos... portanto não está equilibrado, entendes?
Remember when they fought and broke up and we were stuck here all night with no food?
Lembram-se quando eles discutiram E acabaram e ficámos aqui trancados Sem comida, nem nada?
Robert, six months ago when I asked about our future you freaked out and we broke up.
Robert, há seis meses, quando falámos do nosso futuro, entraste em pânico e acabámos.
And, uh, when she broke up with her boyfriend, We went out for, like, a week.
E quando ela acabou com o namorado... andámos juntos cerca de uma semana.
Whitney, when I told him how I felt and we broke up.
O Whitney, quando eu lhe disse o que sentia e acabámos.
Whitney's shared more with me since we broke up than when we were together.
O Whitney partilha mais comigo desde que acabámos do que antes.
When we were cleaning up, I was drunk... and I stumbled into the table, and it broke.
Quando limpávamos, eu estava bêbado, tropecei na mesa e partiu-se.
We broke up when he went on the inside.
- Nós acabamos quando ele foi dentro.
Well, how'd you deal with it when we first broke up, aside from immediately trying to hook up with Lucas?
Como lidaste com isso, quando acabámos, tirando teres começado logo a dar-te com o Lucas?
I feel good when I'm with him. And he's the first guy that I've met since we broke up that I can really see myself staying with.
É o primeiro homem que conheci desde que nos divorciámos com quem me vejo a ter um relacionamento sério.
I mean, we're doing good now, but, hey, when we were little, man, we came up broke as hell.
Quer dizer, vivemos bem agora, mas, quando éramos miúdos, crescemos completamente tesos.
We'd gone... we'd gone out before a few years ago, and, uh, you know... we... I broke it up when my ex wanted to give it another go.
Tínhamos estado juntos há alguns anos atrás, e eu... nós... eu acabei quando a minha "ex" quis tentar de novo.
We broke up when he moved away.
Acabámos quando ele se mudou.
But something changed when we both got cast in the show, and we broke up.
Mas alguma coisa mudou quando fomos os dois escolhidos para o programa, e terminámos.
He left this on my machine after we broke up for a few weeks when we were first dating.
Ele deixou isto no meu atendedor de chamadas uma vez quando acabámos quando namorámos da primeira vez.
When was the last time you saw her? Oh, not since we broke up.
Quando a viste pela última vez?

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