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Winston churchill tradutor Português

204 parallel translation
Winston Churchill from London.
Winston Churchill, de Londres.
- Winston Churchill, on our telephone.
- Winston Churchill, no nosso telefone.
Winston Churchill was on the telephone.
E Winston Churchill telefonou para cá.
From Winston Churchill.
De Winston Churchill.
In any case, his life and fate have best been summed up... ironically enough, in the words of Nazi Germany's sternest enemy... the honorable Winston Churchill.
Sua vida e seu destino foram melhor descritos, ironicamente, nas palavras do inimigo mais severo da Alemanha nazista, o ilustre Winston Churchill :
I tell him we're on our honeymoon and you drag out a copy of Winston Churchill.
Eu digo-lhe que estamos em lua-de-mel e tu trazes um exemplar do Winston Churchill.
In the words of Mr Winston Churchill :
Nas palavras de Winston Churchill :
Winston Churchill has called on the Labour government to end what he calls...
Winston Churchill solicitou ao Governo Trabalhista que ponha fim ao que ele chama...
Where is the responsibility of the world leader Winston Churchill... who said in an open letter to the London Times in 1938 :
Onde está a responsabilidade do líder mundial Winston Churchill... que disse em carta aberta no "London Times" em 1938 :
Are we now to find Winston Churchill guilty?
Vamos dizer agora que Winston Churchill é culpado?
It's easy to condemn the German people... to speak of the basic flaw in the German character... that allowed Hitler to rise to power, but also... comfortably ignore the basic flaw of character... that made the Russians sign pacts with him, Winston Churchill praise him... American industrialists profit by him.
É fácil condenar o povo alemão... para falar da falta de carácter na Alemanha... que permitiu a Hitler tomar o poder, mas também é... conveniente ignorar a falta de caráter... que fez os russos assinarem pactos com ele, Winston Churchill pedir por ele... indústrias americanas beneficiarem com ele.
But nobody ever said a bad word about Winston Churchill, did they?
Mas nunca disseram mal sobre o Winston Churchill, ou sim? Não!
My epitaph written by no less a person than Winston Churchill :
O meu epitáfio, escrito pelo punho do ilustre Winston Churchill :
" If General Kitchener should ever find time to read Mr. Winston Churchill's new book, The Malakand Field Force it's fascinating to imagine the great warrior's reaction to it.
" Se 0 General Kitchener arranjar tempo para ler 0 novo livro de Mr. Winston Churchill, The Malakand Field Force, é fascinante imaginar a reação do grande guerreiro.
Mr. Winston Churchill war correspondent, author, recently resigned from the army and candidate for parliament for Oldham at the age of 23.
Mr. Winston Churchill, correspondente de guerra, autor, demitiu-se recentemente do Exército e é candidate ao Parlamento, por Oldham, aos 23 anos.
" Young Mr. Winston Churchill's first attempt to enter politics has met with defeat.
" A primeira tentativa para entrar na politica do jovem Mr. Winston Churchill foi mal sucedida.
"Our special correspondent, Winston Churchill who distinguished himself before his capture has, in a fashion as yet undisclosed, escaped."
"O nosso correspondente especial, Winston Churchill, que se notabilizou antes de ser capturado, conseguiu evadir-se de forma ainda não revelada."
" A reward of 25 pounds is offered for the capture of Winston Churchill.
" E oferecida uma recompensa de 25 libras por Winston Churchill.
My name is Winston Churchill.
Chamo-me Winston Churchill.
You're young Winston-bloody-Churchill.
E 0 maldito Winston Churchill.
Pretoria. "Mr. Winston Churchill has given himself up."
Pretória. "Mr. Winston Churchill entregou-se."
"It is announced here that Winston Churchill has been recaptured dressed as a woman."
"E anunciado, aqui, que Winston Churchill foi recapturado vestido de mulher."
Rome. " So far as is known Mr. Winston Churchill is still at liberty.
Roma. " Tanto quanto se sabe, Mr.
The entire world watches the progress of his escape. "
Winston Churchill continua a monte. O mundo inteiro está atento é evolução da sua fuga. "
" Young Mr. Winston Churchill continues to give the Boers a run for their money.
" O jovem Mr. Churchill continua a dar que fazer aos Boers.
" Winston Churchill, who is American on his mother's side, is still free.
" Winston Churchill, americano por parte da mãe, continua a monte.
I'm Winston-bloody-Churchill!
Sou 0 maldito Winston Churchill!
"In raising his amendment against the government's bill on military expenditure young Mr. Winston Churchill in his first major speech seems bent, after one short and promising year in the House on repeating the most disastrous mistak e of his father's career."
"Ao apresentar a sua emenda contra a lei do Governo sobre as despesas militares, 0 jovem Mr. Winston Churchill, no seu primeiro discurso importante, parece decidido, apés um curto e promissor ano na Câmara, a repetir 0 erro mais desastroso da carreira do pai."
"Mr. Winston Churchill's outburst brought forth some cheers but not, it should be noted, from his own party."
Winston Churchill mereceu alguns aplausos, mas não do seu partido, é preciso realgar. "
"Mr. Winston Churchill, last night served notice that there is a young lion loose in the House and the lion has sharp claws."
Winston Churchill, ontem é noite deu provas de que há um jovem leão é solta na Câmara e que 0 leão tem garras afiadas. "
The normal native of London did not want to know of Winston Churchill as man or as politician, but as the man who it substituted Chamberlain.
O londrino normal não queria saber de Winston Churchill como homem ou como político, mas como o homem que substituiu o Chamberlain.
'We can Well give thanks to God for the army francês', Winston said Churchill when Hitler went up to the power.
'Bem podemos dar graças a Deus pelo exército francês', disse Winston Churchill quando Hitler subiu ao poder.
As Winston said Churchill :
Tal como disse Winston Churchill :
Winston Churchill, therefore knew then that Great-Britain was saved.
Winston Churchill, pois soube então que a Grã-Bretanha estava salva.
Prime minister of Great Britain Winston Churchill.
O primeiro-ministro da Grã-Bretanha Winston Churchill.
Winston Churchill to the defeated French people :
Winston Churchill dirige-se aos franceses derrotados :
( narrator ) Winston Churchill once told Stalin :
Certa vez, Winston Churchill disse a Estaline :
I imagine that until felt it to Stalin, I have the certainty of that Harry felt it to Truman, as well as Winston Churchill.
Imagino que até Estaline o sentia, tenho a certeza de que Harry Truman o sentia, bem como Winston Churchill.
Tonight we have a special guest the Prime Minister of Greater Britain, the very Honourable Winston Churchill who is just now coming into the studio, putting out his cigar.
"Esta noite temos um convidado especial... " o primeiro ministro da Grã Bretanha... " o muito honorável Winston Churchill...
- Winston Churchill was full of shit!
- O Winston Churchill era um merdas!
The other day, Winston Churchill called him a half-naked Indian fakir.
Winston Churchill disse há pouco, que ele era um faquír indiano mal vestido.
Winston Churchill, first lord of the admiralty, has declared :
Winston Churchill, primeiro lorde do Almirantado, declarou :
Winston Churchill is the new prime minister.
Winston Churchill é o novo primeiro ministro.
The British fancy themselves very much after what they've done here. Winston Churchill is puffing an extra big cigar today.
Os Britânicos devem estar orgulhosos do que fizeram aqui.
And we laugh at him.
Hoje, o Winston Churchill está a fumar um charuto maior que o normal.
My Early Life by Winston Spencer Churchill.
My Early Life. Por Winston Spencer Churchill.
Your loving son, Winston S. Churchill. "
O vosso filho que vos adora, Winston S. Churchill. "
Victoria, by the grace of God Queen, Sefender of the Faith, Empress of India to our trusty and well-beloved Winston Leonard Spencer Churchill gentleman, greeting.
Vitória, pela graça de Deus, Rainha, Defensora da Fé, Imperatriz da índia, ao nosso fiel e querido Winston Leonard Spencer Churchill, cavalheiro, saudações.
Alexander informed Churchill stops to order to touch the bells of the victory, what Winston made.
Alexander avisou Churchill para mandar tocar os sinos da vitória, o que Winston fez.
When Tobruq was taken, in 1942, Churchill was in Washington e the American press it made alarmistas stories of the state of the government e of the possible votes of no confidence, in such way that the Winston it telephoned me to the five of the morning,
Quando Tobruq foi tomada, em 1942, Churchill estava em Washington e a imprensa americana fazia relatos alarmistas do estado do governo e das possíveis moções de censura, de tal modo que o Winston me telefonou às cinco da manhã,
Winston Churchill.
Winston Churchill.

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