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Translate.vc / Inglês → Português / [ W ] / Would that be all right

Would that be all right tradutor Português

162 parallel translation
- Would that be all right?
- Concordas? - Concordo.
Would that be all right?
- Estaria bem assim?
Would that be all right?
- Estaria bem para ti?
Would that be all right?
Now, if we were to perform that for you, with the music only and no picture, would that be all right?
Agora, se nós lhes fôssemos mostrar aquilo, com música apenas e sem fotografias, já podia ser? Acho que sim.
Would that be all right with you?
Tudo bem?
would that be all right with you?
Näo se importa?
- Would that be all right, Sergeant?
Pode ser isso, Sargento?
- Would that be all right with you?
- Pode ser?
Would that be all right?
- Não faz mal?
Would that be all right?
Parece-lhe bem?
Would that be all right?
Pode ser?
I used to tell myself that I was looking out for things so that when the folks come back, everything would be all right.
Dizia para comigo que andava à procura de coisas para ter tudo como deve ser, quando viesse a família.
- That would be all right with me.
- Por mim, tudo bem.
And he never knew, and the girl kept this bad thing locked in her heart that would be all right, wouldn't it?
Se ele nunca soubesse e ela guardasse essa má acção no seu coração isso estaria certo, não era?
- Or would you? - I'm considering. If you feel that way, all you have to do is speak to the right people... and I'd be wearing a heavy iron bracelet.
Se pensa assim, tudo o que tem a fazer é falar com... as pessoas certas... e estarei usando um bracelete de ferro pesado.
But that would be all right because a man can make himself a fool when he's off his own stamping ground.
Mas não há problema, porque um homem pode ridicularizar-se quando não sabe do que fala.
But you said that everything would be all right.
Mas disseste que tudo ficaria bem.
I even let myself dream that when you got back everything would be all right between us.
Eu mesma me convenci que, quando tu regressasses, estaria tudo bem entre nós.
All right, ready to go, if that boy Alec would be good enough to appear.
Estamos prontos a seguir, se o Alec decidir aparecer.
Perhaps if you just left them on the floor that would be all right.
Pode deixar no chão. Está bem assim.
I wanted to box, the way I have... I was already in love with it, and that's why some ladies asked if I would let them raise her, so I let them, because I didn't want to ruin my daughter's happiness... I knew she would be all right with those ladies, and I couldn't do anything more for her.
Eu queria seguir o boxe como segui e já tinha amor à arte e foi por isso que me pediram se deixava criá-la e eu deixei, para não estragar a felicidade dela, porque sabia que a vida dela na mão daquelas senhoras que estava bem
That would be all right for the next 200-300 years, Hymie, but I want something permanent.
Tudo bem se for assim pelos próximos 200-300 anos, Hymie, mas quero algo mais duradouro.
It's all right, Mr Browne. I should have realised that it would be impossible to take an object from one world into another.
Não faz mal, eu devia saber que não se pode trazer objectos de outro mundo.
It would have to be deferred for a whole fortnight until the next tides were right. And at that time, our charts were so black in the Atlantic that there didn't seem to be any prospect of getting this operation going at all.
Teria de ser adiado 15 dias, até as marés o permitirem, e na altura, as nossas cartas eram tão agoirentas no Atlântico que não parecia haver hipótese de avançar com a operação.
At the time I thought that Iove could overcome everything and that things would be all right.
Com o tempo, achei que o amor poderia superar qualquer coisa e que as coisas correriam bem.
There are certain people who are only to be managed by indirect means temperaments averse from all resistance, restive natures who always kick when we would lead them on the right road of reason and who can only be led by a way opposed to that by which you wish them to go.
Há certas pessoas com as quais temos de ser astutos, pois são contra qualquer resistência, rebeldia e avessas à verdade. Pessoas que não seguem o caminho da razão e às quais só a astúcia poderá domar.
No, that would be all right.
De modo nenhum. Está muito bem.
I decided that it would be all right for me to die myself if millions, millions could be saved!
Eu decidi que não era mau morrer, se pudesse salvar milhões de pessoas.
All right, I see clothing, I see a pile of blankets on a chair, a lot of toys that weren't put away, and your favourite over-the-hill teddy bear who would probably be a lot happier... Who would probably be a lot happier in bed with you.
Vejo roupa, uma pilha de cobertores sobre uma cadeira, um monte de brinquedos para jogar fora... e o teu ursinho favorito... que provavelmente estará melhor... que provavelmente estará melhor na cama, contigo.
If it got solved, that would be all right, but it doesn't get solved.
- Não podem viver numa redoma. Se se resolvesse tudo estaria bem, mas nunca se resolve.
Yeah, that would be... All right, fine. Sure.
Sim, com certeza, claro.
Well, if it'll make you feel better, I guess that would be all right.
Se isso te faz sentir melhor, não me importo.
Well, ok, then that would be all right, woody.
Certo, então, está bem, Woody.
All right. That would be good.
- Está bem, isso era bom.
Look, all I know is that somebody real close to me... that I love a whole lot could be dead right now... and it would be all my fault.
Tudo o que sei é que alguém que me é próximo, que eu amo muito, podia estar morto agora, e a culpa seria minha.
All right. During that time, would she be able to walk and talk?
Durante esse tempo, ela conseguiria falar e andar?
Maybe that would be all right.
Talvez assim estivesse bem.
Who said that it would be all right? !
Quem disse que tudo se resolvia?
All right. So that would be 11 : 36.
Plano F.
Talking about moving You don't want to put all your eggs in the same basket, right So I was thinking that only 200 grands in the company would be good!
Falando em fazer algum... Já sei que não queres meter os teus ovos todos num mesmo cesto. Então eu pensei que somente 200 mocas na sociedade era bom!
So I'm giving it to you. I suppose... if the First Nagus Gint came to me in a vision and told me to break the Rules... that would be all right.
Suponho que se o Primeiro Nagus Gint me aparecesse numa visão e me dissesse para violar as Regras não haveria problema.
All right, the truth is that none of you would be accused... none of you would even be here... if the Bajorans weren't fighting the Cardassians.
Tudo bem, a verdade é que nenhum de vocês seria acusado, nenhum de vocês sequer estaria aqui, se os Bajorianos não tivessem lutado com os Cardassianos.
All right then, if Betty Grable came around that corner what part of her would you be staring at?
Tudo bem. Se Betty Grable viesse por aquele corredor qual parte você olharia primeiro?
Would that be all right, if I use your phone?
Posso usar o vosso telefone?
[Grady Narrating] I had come to the childhood home... of my soon-to-be ex - wife to set things straight... to say something that would end things on the right note... to make Emily feel better about it all... or maybe to make me feel better.
Tinha vindo à casa de infância da minha futura ex-mulher para esclarecer as coisas. Para dizer alguma coisa para acabar bem... Para fazer a Emily sentir-se melhor...
If that would be all right.
Se não fosse inconveniente.
It was here that Pip would finally and formally ask Estella to be his girlfriend. And all would be right with the world.
Seria aí que Pip finalmente pediria Estella em namoro e tudo acabaria em bem.
# Then rushing through the paris night # they hounded you, you lost control # we prayed that you would be all right # the news came through, your body cold
E foi numa correria Pela noite de Paris Que eles te perseguiram E perdeste o controlo Rezámos todos Para que estivesses bem
I would not be comfortable with that, all right?
Não me sentiria à vontade com isso, está bem?
We just folded them up and put them on the bed. I left the clothes on the floor so that you would know that they need to be dry-cleaned. All right.
Pusemos em cima da cama.

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