You're safe with me tradutor Português
118 parallel translation
When I know that Veronica's safe and you're with me, I'm not such a coward.
Quando a Verónica está em segurança e tu estás comigo, também tenho pouco medo.
No one possesses you. You're safe with me.
Ninguém te possuiu, comigo estás segura.
Well, you're safe with me, Renee.
Bem, comigo não tem problemas, Renee.
Why don't you two come with me? I know a place where you can radio your parents in the U.S. and tell them you're safe.
Podem vir comigo, podem avisar os vossos pais por telegrama e dizerem que estão bem.
You're safe with me now.
Estás safa. Agora comigo.
Don't worry, you're safe with me.
Não te preocupes, não corres perigo.
You're safe with me now.
Agora estás a salvo comigo.
Come on, you're safe with me.
Comigo não corre perigo.
You're safe with me.
Estás segura comigo.
Take my hand, you're safe with me.
Agarra na minha mão... Ficarás salvo.
As long as you're here... as long as you're with me... as long as I'm holding you... you're safe.
Enquanto estiveres aqui... Enquanto estiveres comigo... Enquanto eu estiver a abraçar-te... estás seguro.
- Long as you with me, you're safe.
- Enquanto estiveres comigo, estás a salvo.
You think you're safe in here with all these guards all around and me shackled?
Achas-te seguro aqui, com todos os guardas e comigo algemado?
Prue. If you're worried about my telling anybody your secret, you don't have to. It's safe with me.
Prue, se tens medo que eu conte a todo o mundo sobre o teu segredo, não tenhas.
As long as "this" doesn't connect to "that"... you're safe with me.
Enquanto que essas "várias" coisas não incluam "algumas" coisas... não há problema.
You're safe with me.
Você está a salvo comigo.
You're saying there's nothing wrong with those elevators and that it's perfectly safe for the public to ride them?
Deixem-me ver se percebi. Dizem que não se passa nada com os elevadores, e que as pessoas podem andar neles.
And you're safe with me.
E estás segura comigo.
You're safe with me, Celebi.
Estás seguro comigo, Celebi.
Well, I'm relieved that you're home. Because, to be honest, I wasn't feeling all that safe with you gone.
Depois lembrei-me que o Rupert estava aqui e senti-me muito mais segura.
You're safe here with me.
Estás a salvo aqui, comigo.
You're with me. Someplace safe and warm.
Estás comigo, num lugar seguro e quente.
You're safe with me, Slim.
Estás segura comigo, Slim.
You're safe with me.
Estás a salvo comigo.
You're secret's safe with me, partner.
O seu segredo está seguro comigo.
Delphine he recalls. You're here with me safe in this room.
Delphine, lembra-te, estás aqui comigo nesta sala, a salvo.
Besides the fact that you're a virgin, craving a first experience and that you feel safe with me besides those things, what exactly do you love about me?
Além do facto de seres virgem, e anseies uma primeira experiência e que te sentes seguro comigo além dessas coisas, o que amas em mim exactamente?
You'll thank me when Charles Manson breaks in and slits Eric's throat... while we're safe with...
Agradecer-me-ás quando o Manson degolar o Eric e nós tivermos o...
I ju I just feel a little left out. I, uh... get this feeling from you that you're so proud to be with me. And it makes me feel really safe and...
Antigamente eu sentia que tinhas tanto orgulho de estar comigo, e isso fazia com que eu me sentisse realmente segura e... amada!
You're safe with me.
Está segura comigo.
It's OK. you're safe with me.
Tudo bem, estás segura comigo.
You're the only ones I feel safe with.
São os únicos com quem me sinto segura.
Banana, you're safe with me now, okay?
Banana, estás segura comigo, está bem?
- You're safe with me.
- Estás segura comigo.
You're not safe with me.
Não estás a salvo comigo.
Yeah, I think you're safe with me.
Eu acho que você está segura comigo.
You're safe with me.
Comigo, estás segura.
Believe me, the only one you're gonna be safe with is me.
Só vais estar em segurança comigo.
You're safe with me.
Tu estás a salvo comigo.
But, Anna, you're safe with me now, okay?
Mas, Anna, agora estás segura comigo, está bem?
Until then, you're safe with me.
Até lá, estás a salvo comigo.
You're safe with me.
Estás seguro comigo.
- You're safe with me.
- Comigo estão a salvo.
And you're safe with me.
E estás a salvo comigo.
You're always safe with me.
Tu estás sempre segura comigo.
And even if they did, you're safe with me.
Mesmo que ligassem, podes contar comigo.
You're safe with me.
Está seguro comigo.
You're safe with me.
Comigo estás seguro.
You're safe here with me.
Estás seguro comigo.
You know you're safe with me.
Tu sabes que estás seguro comigo.
I promise you... You're safe with me.
Prometo-lhe está segura comigo.
you're safe 681
you're safe here 129
you're safe now 375
with me 1243
with men 23
you're cute 195
you're welcome 5601
you're right 14205
you're awesome 166
you're so pretty 112
you're safe here 129
you're safe now 375
with me 1243
with men 23
you're cute 195
you're welcome 5601
you're right 14205
you're awesome 166
you're so pretty 112
you're so stupid 85
you're not my type 58
you're so handsome 35
you're so sweet 212
you're sorry 317
you're 4202
you're so cute 124
you're so welcome 43
you're doing great 645
you're fired 1000
you're not my type 58
you're so handsome 35
you're so sweet 212
you're sorry 317
you're 4202
you're so cute 124
you're so welcome 43
you're doing great 645
you're fired 1000