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Translate.vc / Inglês → Português / [ Y ] / You should know that by now

You should know that by now tradutor Português

84 parallel translation
You should know that by now.
Já devias saber isso.
You should know that by now.
Já devia saber isso.
I always win Yeti, you should know that by now
Eu ganho sempre, Yeti, já o deverias saber...
You should know that by now.
Tu deves saber disso agora.
I'm not Aesclepius. You should know that by now.
Eu não sou o Asclépio, já devias saber isso.
And I think at your age, you should know that by now.
E eu acho que na tua idade, já devieras saber isso.
And you should know that by now!
E tu já devias saber isso!
Okay, but... h-here's the thing- - you should know that by now, right?
Pois bem, mas... É assim. Já devias saber isso.
Ellie Parker, and you should know that by now.
É Ellie Parker. Tu já devias saber.
You should know that by now.
Já deveria sabê-lo
You should know that by now.
Já devias saber disso!
You should know that by now.
Já devias saber disso.
You should know that by now.
Já devia saber.
Renee, you should know that by now.
Renee, já deverias saber isso.
You should know that by now.
Já deviam ter percebido isso.
Nobody's are, no matter what they claim, and you should know that by now.
Ninguém tem motivos puros, não importa o que digam. Por esta altura já devias saber disso.
- You should know that by now.
- Já devias saber isso a esta altura.
You should know that by now.
Já deverias saber isso.
You should know that by now.
Já devias saber disso. Não está na minha natureza.
He can't be trusted, and you should know that by now.
- Ele não é de confiança.
You should know that by now.
Devias saber disso por esta altura.
You should know that by now.
Já devias saber isso. Esta conversa não acabou, Robert.
You should know that by now.
Deve saber isso já.
Kiera, I wouldn't hide anything from you, you should know that by now.
Kiera, não te esconderia nada, já devias saber.
- By now you should know that.
Não gosto de violência.
By now you should know me better than that.
Já deverias conhecer-me melhor.
You should know by now that we wouldn't hurt you.
Já devias saber que não te iríamos magoar.
You should know by now that we wouldn't put a dark cloud over your head.
Já devias saber que não te arranjaríamos nenhum sarilho.
MARTIN : Rebecca, you should know by now that I haven't gotten where I am by waiting for things to come to me.
Rebecca, já deves saber que não cheguei onde estou por estar à espera que as coisas viessem até mim.
You should know by now that when we revolve... nothing is as it seems.
Já devias saber que quando revolvemos... nada é aquilo que parece.
You should know by now that time is money.
A estas alturas, você já devia saber que o tempo ê ouro.
You should know by now that my interest is in protecting Sydney.
Já devias saber que o meu interesse é proteger a Sydney.
Ullom, I know what you're doing and you should know by now that I will not play.
Ullom, sei o que você está fazendo... e você já deve saber que não farei seu jogo.
You should know by now that you can't have everything you want.
e já devia saber que não pode ter tudo que quer.
- Yeah. - Now, I don't mean to be forward, Lu, but you should know by now that a full-figured girl like yourself
- Não quero ser indiscreto, Lu, mas devia saber que uma miúda com a sua figura
Your Majesty, you should know by now... that nothing and no one shall ever keep me from you.
Vossa Majestade, já deveria saber... que nada nem ninguém alguma vez me separará de si.
But, you know, we should judge Otis by the pretty music that he makes and how kind he is to all them animals,'cause that's all we know about him now... right?
Mas quer saber? Devíamos julgar o Otis... pela música bonita que ele toca... e pela bondade com que ele trata os animais. É só isso que sabemos sobre ele agora,
Oh, we all know that if your training is worth a damn, by now, I should be able to take this crowbar and swing it as hard and as fast as humanly possible, and never get within an inch of you.
Nós sabemos que se o teu treino serviu para alguma coisa, devo ser capaz de pegar neste pé-de-cabra e manejá-lo da forma mais difícil e rápida possível sem conseguir acertar-te.
Darling, You Should Know By Now That Your Father Is Not A Fan Of The Difficult Conversation.
Querida, já devias saber que o teu pai não é grande fã de conversas difíceis.
I was warned repeatedly, by you, no less, and I should know by now that when someone tells you who they are, you should believe them.
Fui constantemente avisada, precisamente por ti, e já deveria saber que quando alguém nos conta como eles são, deveríamos acreditar neles.
You should know by now that Luisa has a mind of her own.
Já era tempo de você saber que Luísa é muito senhora de seu nariz.
Sir, by now you should know that he wasn't like that...
Senhor, agora sabe que ele não era assim...
You should know by now that you can't outthink me.
Já devias saber que não me podes enganar.
You should know me better than that by now.
Já me deverias conhecer melhor.
You should know by now that girls have different plumbing.
Devias saber que as mulheres têm uma "canalização" diferente.
Oh, my lady, you should know by now that I can do anything.
Podes mapear a zona onde estamos? Minha senhora, já deveria saber que eu consigo tudo.
You should know by now that my duty is to judge people for activities which breach the law, not their personal lives.
Deveria saber já que a minha tarefa consiste em julgar as pessoas pelas suas atividades contrárias à lei, não por atos da vida privada.
But what you should know by now is there's only one thing that gives orders :
Mas o que deviam saber é que têm de ter uma coisa para me dar ordens :
And you as a novice should know that by now.
- E como noviço, devíeis saber.
And if you don't know that by now, after all this, then I don't think I should be the one learning from you.
E se ainda não percebeste isso depois disto tudo, então acho que não devia ser eu a aprender contigo.
But you should know by now that no one leaves the crew.
Mas devias saber que ninguém sai da equipa.

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