He died tradutor Russo
7,999 parallel translation
He died by accident?
Он умер случайно?
See if anyone saw Ian before he died.
Может, кто-то видел Йена перед смертью?
There's a lot of calls from one number sent the morning that he died, from a Brent Hess.
Было много звонков с одного номера в утро, когда он умер, от Брента Хесса.
You made a dozen calls to his phone the night he died.
Вы несколько раз звонили ему в ту ночь, когда он умер.
An eyewitness saw Ian arguing with a woman, shortly before he died.
Свидетель видел, как Йен ссорился с женщиной незадолго до того, как он умер.
I ask because a witness saw Ian arguing with a woman, right here, just before he died.
Я спрашиваю, потому что свидетель видел, как Йен ссорился с женщиной здесь перед тем, как умер.
And he was married to me when he died.
И он женился на мне, когда она умерла.
A few algorithms later, and I was able to extrapolate what he was typing just before he died.
Спустя несколько алгоритмов, я смогла понять, что именно он набирал на клавиатуре перед своей смертью.
He died in poverty, you know.
Он умер в бедности, знаешь ли.
They revived him in the ambulance, and then, he died later.
Его увезли в скорой помощи, а позже он умер.
But he died in 1975 so, no.
Но он умер в 1975 году, так что нет.
He died with honor, newt.
Он погиб с честью, Ньют.
Captain Hiller, considering he died during a test flight... how do you feel taking off for the Moon from a hangar named after your father?
Капитан Хиллер, ваш отец погиб во время лётного испытания. Что вы ощущаете, взлетая из ангара, названного в честь вашего отца?
Before he died, he told me to find you.
Перед смертью он попросил меня найти вас.
I fought for him until he died.
Сражался за него, пока он не умер.
He died outside, when he was making the barrier.
Он умер у барьера, когда делал его.
He died of shock. No plasma.
Не хватило плазмы.
And he died three years ago.
А он умер четыре года назад.
I thought he died a hundred years ago.
Я думал, он умер сто лет назад.
I once knew an Indian who drank so much tea, he died in his "tea-pee."
Я знал индейца, который пил столько чая, что описался и утонул.
He died at the Alamo.
Он погиб в битве за Аламо.
He died, though.
Правда, он погиб.
He died.
Он умер.
Hmm? He died five years after that!
Он умер через пять лет после этого!
He died twice?
Он умер дважды?
And then he died in a plane crash, so...
А потом погиб в авиакатастрофе...
And he died of a haemorrhage in the brain in that chair.
умер от кровоизлияния в мозг в этом кресле.
The thieves he died with.
- Воры, что с ним умирали.
He was all alone, that's why he died.
Он одинок, потому и умер
- He died because he fell and hit his head.
Он умер потому, что упал и ударился головой
He died right back there in the bathroom needle still in his arm.
Он умер там, в ванной... с иглой в руке.
He OD'd. He died.
Он умер от передозировки.
This is Thomas Madison, my best friend. And he died because he stepped on one of your mines!
Это Томас Мэдисон, мой лучший друг, и он погиб, потому что наступил на одну из твоих мин!
You know that he died on the toilet?
Ты знаешь, что он умер на толчке?
"Oh, you know, my dad, he died in Iraq."
"знаете, мой отец погиб в Ираке".
He died eight years ago from a heart attack.
Скончался 8 лет назад от инфаркта.
She was positively identified by her own husband seconds before he died.
- Ее опознал муж за несколько секунд до своей смерти.
Tragic he died two months before then.
Как трагично умереть за два месяца до такого события.
But he died in the last episode...
В шестом сезоне он умрет.
He died for us.
Он погиб за нас.
He took me in after my parents died.
Он забрал меня после смерти родителей.
He's just died!
- Он только что умер.
The night his dad died, he was dealing.
В ту ночь, когда умер его отец, он продавал её.
He just died.
Он просто умер.
Strangely fitting that he should have died going down in the bush.
Странно, что для него все кончилось полным залетом в Австралии.
Why didn't he tell us that they all died?
Почему он не сказал нам, что они умерли?
His birth mother died when he was three.
Его рождения мать умерла, когда ему было три года.
Look, since T.J. died, Jamie helps us out when he can.
Да. чем может.
He was there for me when my wife died.
Он поддержал меня, когда умерла моя жена.
So, Hank's mom died when he was very, very little, and so it makes him upset to think about her.
Так, мама Хэнка умерла когда он был совсем-совсем маленьким, и ему всегда грустно про нее вспоминать.
Standing in my office, pretending he wanted to bring me my birthday present. But actually he was just having a crisis because his dog died.
Он ждал меня у офиса, притворился, что решил сделать мне подарок на день рождения, а на самом деле он в депрессии из-за того, что у него умерла собака... дома.
he died last year 22
he died a hero 16
he died of a heart attack 24
he died in my arms 17
he died last night 18
he died instantly 17
he died in 45
died 275
died in 24
he didn't mean to 22
he died a hero 16
he died of a heart attack 24
he died in my arms 17
he died last night 18
he died instantly 17
he died in 45
died 275
died in 24
he didn't mean to 22
he didn't 1210
he didn't make it 114
he didn't answer 29
he didn't have to 77
he didn't want to 25
he did nothing 20
he didn't tell me 71
he didn't say anything 96
he didn't show up 29
he didn't tell me anything 22
he didn't make it 114
he didn't answer 29
he didn't have to 77
he didn't want to 25
he did nothing 20
he didn't tell me 71
he didn't say anything 96
he didn't show up 29
he didn't tell me anything 22