Were they tradutor Russo
41,590 parallel translation
Were they painkillers?
And what were they doing in...
А что они делали в- -?
Who were they, vandals?
Кто они, вандалы?
Sorry. I mean, they were like a cousin or an auntie of Cath's, I think.
То есть, по-моему это была кузина или тетя Кэт.
Cath Atwood would know who they were?
Кэт Этвуд может знать, кто это был?
They were new.
Он был новым.
They were still serving.
Все еще продолжалось.
They were arguing.
Они ругались.
They were all there, they all saw Trish, they all had an opportunity.
Они все там были, все видели Триш, у всех была возможность.
- They were there, weren't they?
- Они были там, разве нет?
They were left on the front doorstep.
Их оставили на пороге.
Old pissed people wishing they were still young.
Пьяные старперы, которые хотят быть молодыми.
They were at the party.
Они были на вечеринке.
There was a team of Russian scientists, who were from a weather station over on the east coast, they reported a plague of wasps... and then a massacre.
Команда русских ученых с метеостанции, которые работали на восточном побережье, сообщили о чуме переносимой осами, а затем, о резне
The machines weren't keeping her alive, they were keeping her asleep.
Аппараты не поддерживали ее жизнь, они поддерживали ее сон.
Children, everyone, at some time in their life, wishes they were being raised by people different than the ones who were raising you.
Дети, все хоть раз в жизни желают, чтобы их растил кто-то другой, а не тот, кто их воспитывает.
They were my favorite berry when I was your age.
Это была моя любимая ягода, когда я был вашего возраста.
The Baudelaires did not understand why they were now off toward an unknown relative instead of living with Justice Strauss.
Бодлеры не понимали, почему они уехали к неизвестному им родственнику, вместо того чтобы остаться жить с судьей Штраус.
It seemed to the children that they were moving in an aberrant, a word which here means "very, very wrong, and causing much grief," direction.
Детям казалось, что они сбились с пути, что значит "очень, очень неправильно и приведет к еще большому горю"
If there were, the Baudelaires would have used that word when they rose to find dawn had awoken them, and their Uncle Monty had not.
Если бы такое было, Бодлеры озвучили его, проснувшись и обнаружив, что рассвет разбудил их, но не Дядю Монти.
So, I concentrated on each item as if they were parts of a machine.
Так что я стала рассматривать их как части единого механизма.
I thought they were penniless orphans.
Я думал, они бедные сиротки.
They were faking?
- Они симулировали?
No, they were actually ill, just not from your product.
- Нет, они отравились, просто не твоим продуктом.
If they were, they kept it a secret.
Если и были, то держали в секрете.
- Well, uh, they were my mom's.
- Это моей матери.
I thought they were bullshitting me.
Я думал, они издеваются.
And then, if someone were to try to sue me... which they won't... then we just, uh, kick that ol'policy back into gear?
И если кто-то и попытается подать на меня в суд, чему не бывать, мы просто... восстановим действие страховочки.
Were so impressed, they threw in this baby.
Были так восхищены, что подарили мне эту малышку.
If they were to take notice, there would be consequences for both of us.
Если они заметят, будут последствия. Для Нас обоих.
According to the police radios, they were staking out a crack house two doors down.
Согласно радиопередачам полиции, они следили за наркопритоном двумя домами дальше.
They were supposed to be meeting an Asset who had asked for our help to get him out of Russia.
Они должны были встретить актива, который попросил вывезти его из России. Актив?
They weren't poems, they were song lyrics.
Это было не совсем стихи, скорее песни.
Though they usually perform their own material, tonight, they're making an exception and debuting a cover of the song my parents claim they were listening to the night Jason and I were conceived.
Хотя они обычно представляют свой собственный материал, сегодня они решили сделать исключение и впервые исполнить кавер на песню, которую, по словам моих родителей, они слушали в ту ночь, когда мы с Джейсоном были зачаты.
As shocking as those three words were, they were nothing compared to the secrets that Jason's body had given up during its autopsy.
Сколь бы шокирующими не были эти три слова, они были ничем по сравнению с тайной, что тело Джейсона перестало цепляться за жизнь во время вскрытия.
They were gonna crucify Cheryl.
Они хотели обвинить Шерил. Я должен был ей помочь.
They were temporary placements.
Это были временные жилища.
They were having an extremely heated, intimate discussion.
У них была довольно разгоряченнная и приватная беседа.
Her Facebook, her Linkedln account, they were all created one year ago.
Ее Фейсбук, ее аккаунт на Linkedln были созданы год назад.
Linked in death even as they were in life.
Даже после смерти они всё ещё связаны.
Or what they were looking for?
Или что они искали?
They were in business together.
Они вели совместный бизнес.
When my dad told me how he felt, it seemed like they were both really into each other.
Когда мой отец рассказал мне о том, что чувствует, мне показалось, что они реально влюблены в друг друга.
They said you were sick.
Они сказали, что ты больна.
They were thrilled when Jason dumped me.
Когда Джейсон бросил меня, они были счастливы.
They were a part of the fabric of our daily lives...
Они были частью основы нашей повседневной жизни...
It didn't look like they were talking.
Не похоже было, что они разговаривают.
It looked like they were conspiring.
Выглядело так, будто они сговаривались.
My mom and dad would fah-reak if they knew we were in here.
Мои мама и папа сойдут с ума, если узнают, что мы здесь были.
Yeah, they were. Of hell.
Да, они были.Королем и королевой ада.
They were fighting about...
Они ругались насчет...
they 3238
they are coming 72
they are 1447
they are my friends 21
they can't see you 17
they come 53
they aren't 58
they are everywhere 27
they have 241
they're 1306
they are coming 72
they are 1447
they are my friends 21
they can't see you 17
they come 53
they aren't 58
they are everywhere 27
they have 241
they're 1306
they said 545
they are cute 16
they are beautiful 39
they are delicious 17
they don't 727
they are my family 17
they are here 88
they can't 247
they do 1025
they told me 111
they are cute 16
they are beautiful 39
they are delicious 17
they don't 727
they are my family 17
they are here 88
they can't 247
they do 1025
they told me 111