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Translate.vc / Espanhol → Inglês / Ahã

Ahã tradutor Inglês

158 parallel translation
 ¿ Hay alguien ahà ­ adentro?
Is there somebody in there?
- Ahà ­ estará ¡ s a salvo.
- There you'll be safe.
Ese hombre de ahà ­ està ¡ hablando solo.
That man over there is talking to himself.
 ¿ Ves ese tipo horrible de ahà ­?
See that scary guy over there?
 ¿ Quà © ocurre ahà ­ fuera?
What is that outside?
- Sonny,  ¿ està ¡ s ahà ­?
- Sonny, are you in there?
De ahà ­, para arriba.
And then it would go up.
-  ¿ Sigues ahà ­?
- Are you there?
Mà © tete ahà ­.
Stay back there.
Oye, me esperas ahà ­ fuera, frente al hospital,  ¿ estamos?
Listen. Wait for me outside, in front of the hospital, all right?
-  ¿ Està ¡ Carlo ahà ­?
- Is Carlo there?
Cerda italiana. iSal de ahà ­!
You Guinea brat. Get out of here!
Espera ahà ­.
You wait there.
No, quà © date ahà ­.
No, you just wait there.
- iSal de ahà ­!
- Get out of here!
iQuà © date ahà ­!
Wait there!
 ¿ Quià © n te llevà ³ ahà ­?
Did Kay talk you into it? Hey, hey, hey!
Dejadlas ahà ­.
Leave them out here.
Por ahà ­, por ahà ­.
Over here, over here.
 ¿ Por quà © no empieza por ahà ­?
Why don't you start with that?
Ni siquiera ve los partidos, se sienta ahà ­ a beber.
He doesn't even watch the games, just sits there drinking.
 ¿ Està ¡ s ahà ­?
You in there?
Me habí ­ an dicho que unos hombres se escondà ­ an ahà ­.
It appears to be a robbers'den.
Ahà ­ llega el seà ± or Favre.
There, monsieur Favre arrives.
Todo a cerca de Sakamoto estaba ahà ­.
Everything about Sakamoto was in it
Y esa gente de ahà ­?
And those people over there?
estará ­ as sorprendido de las cosas que metà ­ ahà ­ pero lo importante es que tu tienes responsabilidades ahora.
You'd be amazed at what I could fit up in there. But the important thing is that you have responsibilities now, so you gotta step up like I did.
Ooh, quà © es ese olor que viene de ahà ­?
Ooh, what stinks out here?
Si, nos vemos bien en público pero no estabas ahà ­ en los malos tiempos... como cuando no notà ³ que tenà ­ a ropa nueva
Well, we look good in public, but you weren't there for the bad times... Like he never noticed when I got a new outfit.
Sal de ahà ­ abajo, Keith MorehoÏ... se.
Get out from under there, Keith Morehouse.
Bogdan, la razà ³ n por la que perdimos es que no està bamos ahà ­.
Now, see, Bogdan, the reason we lost is because we weren't there.
 ¿ En quà ¨ està s trabajando ahà ­?
What are you working on there?
El pÏ... nto es qÏ... e ese à rbol no habrà ­ a estado ahà ­... ... si tuviera Ï... n corredor bloqueà ndolo.
Point is, that tree wouldn't have been there if you had a fullback blocking for him.
Espere'ahà ­ estÃ'ahà ­.
Wait, there he is, right there.
-  ¿ Quà ¨ es eso de ahà ­?
- What's that right there?
Tengo una peqÏ... eà ± a excursià ² n planeada para los muchachos... ... y nos encantará ­ a verte ahà ­, entrenador.
Got a little field trip planned for the boys and, well, we'd love to see you there, coach.
Si existe un cielo sà © que Tyler està ¡ ahà ­.
If there is a heaven I know Tyler's there.
Mà © tete ahà ­.
Get in there, let's go.
Los veo rià © ndose ahà ­.
I see you guys laughing over there.
Cada vez que miro el tablero, sà © que mi nombre deberá ­ a estar ahà ­.
Every time I look at that board, I know my name should be up there.
Cuando David abrià ³ la puerta, ahà ­ estaba la cama de Tyler.
And when David opened the door, that was Tyler's bed.
Asà ­ que, cuando David entrà ³, vio el interior del armario, y ahà ­ estaba Tyler.
So when David walked in is when he saw the inside of the closet, and there was Tyler.
Porque lo único que vemos cuando entramos aquà ­ incluso ahora es la imagen de Tyler colgado ahà ­.
Because all we see when we come in here still is the picture of Tyler hanging there.
Andaban por ahà ­, me llamaban marica, me encerraban en armarios y me decà ­ an : "Púdrete".
They went around, they were calling me a pussy, shoving me into lockers, saying, "Eff you."
Cuando nos aburrà ­ amos, nos metà ­ amos ahà ­ y cazà ¡ bamos conejos y esas cosas.
When we got bored we'd go down in there and hunt for rabbits and stuff.
Yo estarà ­ a ahà ­, llorando como ustedes, si les pasara algo a esos dos nià ± os.
I'd be sitting there, crying, just like you if anything happened to those two kids.
Levantà ³ el asiento, puso mi cabeza ahà ­ y se sentà ³ sobre ella.
And he lifted up the seat, put my head in it, sat on my head.
Ahà ­ y ahà ­.
Right there and right there.
Esto va ahà ­.
This goes right there.
 ¿ Te quedas ahà ­ fuera?
You staying out here? For a while.
Y bueno ese que va ahã ­ es maratonista profesional
This guy will give us a run for his money.

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