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Friend tradutor Inglês

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Buena oyente no, pero sí buena amiga.
Not a great listener, but good friend.
¿ Pediste una "para tu amiga"?
Oh, you're still ordering one for "your friend" at home?
Es bueno tener un amigo.
It's good to have a friend.
Y si todo sale bien, comenzará la era de Erlich Bachman y su raro amigo asiático Jian...
And if all goes well, it is the beginning of the era of Erlich Bachman and his funky Asian dude friend,
Mi raro amigo asiático.
I was referring to you as my funky Asian friend.
Le recordaré que a vuestro amigo Uhtred lo llaman rey de Mercia. Y también las ganas que le tenéis a su trono.
I will be reminding the King that your friend Uhtred has been called King of Mercia, and I shall remind him how fond you are of his seat.
Mi gran amigo.
He was my great friend.
Señor, me atrevo a decirle esto como su amigo... no haga nada.
Lord, I dare say this to you as your friend... do nothing.
Es mi amigo... y un traidor.
He is my friend... and a traitor.
Mi buena amiga.
My good friend.
¿ Cómo puedo ser tu amigo?
How can I be your friend?
No eres mi amigo, Sebastian.
You're not my friend, Sebastian.
¿ Realmente crees que nuestro amigo ahí abajo no lo sabrá?
You really think our friend down there won't know that?
¿ Dónde está mi amiga y qué ha destruido el ejercito romano?
Where is my friend and what destroyed the Roman army?
Tu amigo no volverá.
Your friend won't be coming back.
- Al Doctor, mi amigo.
The Doctor, my friend.
Voy a subir a encontrar a mi amigo.
I'm going up there to find my friend.
¿ Estás segura de que tu amigo estará con ellos?
Are you sure your friend will be with them?
¡ Mi mejor amigo gay, Flouncy Magoo!
It's my gay best friend, Flouncy Magoo.
Le interpretó como si fuera un amigo de su infancia.
Read the mark like she was his childhood friend.
- Creí que eras mi amiga.
I thought you were my friend.
Jeff es un amigo.
Jeff is just a friend.
Si es solo un amigo, ¿ por qué cerrar las cortinas al entrar?
And if he was just a friend, why did you draw the shades when you went inside the house?
Y si Jorph, o como se llame, solo fuera un amigo, ¿ por qué usaste tu ropa de cita?
And if Jorpf, or whatever he calls himself, was just a friend, why were you wearing your date-night clothes?
Y Jeff es solo un amigo
♪ And Jeff is just a friend ♪
Sí, solo es un amigo
♪ Yeah, he's just a friend ♪
Son cosas de amigos.
That's crazy. This is just friend stuff.
Quiero que conozcas a un amigo mío.
I want you to meet an old friend of mine.
Craig es amigo mío.
Craig's my friend.
La amiga prostituta zombi de Major.
Major's zombie hooker friend.
La amiga del detective Babineaux del equipo forense.
Detective Babineaux's friend from the M.E.'s office.
Mañana a primera hora, le preguntaremos al investigador quién le contrató.
First thing tomorrow, we'll ask our P.I. friend who hired him.
Cuando vuelva, dile que su amiga Liv quiere jugar.
When he gets back, tell him his friend Liv wants to play.
Tu amigo.
Your friend.
Ahora Tuan es un amigo.
Tuan is a friend now.
¿ Estáis fingiendo ser sus amigos?
Are you pretending to be his friend?
No soy de la ciudad, y una amiga me dijo que había una ruta de senderismo preciosa por aquí, pero que primero tenía que hacer esta mezcla de frutos secos.
I'm in from out of town, and a friend told me there was beautiful hiking around here, but that first I had to make this... Gorp.
Bueno, una amiga mía... Terry... visitó a un psiquiatra hace un par de años, tenía ciertos... problemas.
Well, a friend of mine- - Terry- - had seen a psychiatrist a couple of years ago, and she was having some... problems.
Mi amiga Ginny y yo íbamos en coche al Parque Nacional Arcadia en Maine.
My friend Ginny and I were driving to Acadia National Park in Maine.
Soy el único amigo que tiene.
I'm the only friend he's got.
Es un viejo y querido amigo, y nunca está demasiado ocupado para atender a alguien.
He's a very dear, old friend, and he's never too busy to help someone in need.
Es solo... una amiga.
She's- - She's just a friend.
Este es mi amigo Henry Jennings.
This is my friend Henry Jennings.
Solo necesitamos una negación plausible, amigo mío.
Plausible deniability is all we need, my friend.
Soy un viejo amigo de la escuela secundaria.
I'm an old friend from high school.
En realidad, estoy esperando que llegue una amiga, así que... no puedo...
Actually, I'm waiting for a friend to arrive, so... I can't.
Oye, encontraste a tu amiga.
Hey, you found your friend.
- ¿ No es tu amigo de la secundaria?
- He's not your friend from high school?
FELIZ Y CONECTADA EN UN PRESENTE RICO! Siempre hablo con el público, antes del espectáculo, por si acaso los trajo un amigo.
I always like to tell audiences... pre-program, just in case you're brought here by a friend.
Eres buena amiga.
Well, you're a good friend.
- Lo soy.
I am your friend.

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