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Nottingham tradutor Inglês

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Gracias a vos y a los asesinos normandos de Nottingham.
Thanks to you and the rest of you Norman cutthroats at Nottingham Castle.
Le daré vuestro mensaje esta misma noche en Nottingham.
I'll give him that message at the baron's meeting in Nottingham tonight.
No hay un solo sajón en Nottingham que no bendiga a Sir Robin de Locksley.
There isn't a poor Saxon in Nottingham shire that doesn't know and bless Sir Robin of Locksley.
¿ Merecía la pena venir conmigo a conocer a nuestros amigos de Nottingham?
Was it worthwhile coming with me from London to see what stout fellows our Nottingham friends are?
Y mi valiente sheriff de Nottingham le tiene miedo.
And my brave High Sheriff of Nottingham is afraid of him.
Guiad a nuestro invitado y a su nervioso amigo al camino de Nottingham. - ¿ Y los caballos?
Take six men and guide our loyal host and his nervous friend to the Nottingham Road.
Volveréis a Nottingham así, y a pie.
You'll return to Nottingham as you are, on foot.
Lamento no ir a Nottingham para ver lo que Gisbourne os reserva.
And I'm sorry I can't be in Nottingham to see what Gisbourne has in store for you.
"Este tribunal sentencia que mañana a mediodía seáis llevado a la plaza de Nottingham y colgado allí del cuello hasta morir".
"It is the sentence of this tribunal, on the morrow at high noon you be taken to the square in Nottingham and there hanged by the neck until you are dead."
Id a la abadía y haced los preparativos para proclamarme rey aquí en Nottingham pasado mañana.
Return to your abbey and make preparations to proclaim me king here in Nottingham, the day after tomorrow.
Majestad, el Príncipe Juan quiere que mañana el obispo le proclame rey.
Sire, Prince John's calling Bishop of the Black Canons to proclaim him king in Nottingham tomorrow.
¿ Atacando el castillo?
By attacking Nottingham castle?
¡ Venís demasiado a Nottingham!
- You've come to Nottingham once too often!
Os nombro Barón de Locksley, Conde de Sherwood y Nottingham y señor de las tierras y feudos colindantes.
Arise, Robin, Baron of Locksley, Earl of Sherwood and Nottingham and lord of all the lands and manors appertaining thereto.
Pero me temo que cuando sepamos de Nottingham y Birmingham...
But I'm afraid when the returns from Nottingham and Birmingham come in...
¿ Es su intención que él tenga una posición superior a la mía en la corte?
I will not. Do you intend this Earl of Nottingham to take precedence over me?
Donde vamos, chicos. ¿ Al hotel Nottingham?
Where to, children - The Nottingham hotel?
Traeremos el papel al Nottingham.
We'll try the paper at the Nottingham.
Hugo. - A Nottingham. Fui un esclavo en sus fábricas, pero ya nunca más.
- Birmingham, where I used to slave in the factories but not any more.
Darby, supongo y Nottingham y después, Londres.
Derby, I suppose. And Nottingham and then London.
Estuve en el 400 con él dos veces, mientras tú estabas en Nottingham.
I went to the Four Hundred with him twice while you were in Nottingham.
Mañana volveré a los muelles, Pinkie.
I'll go to Nottingham tomorrow to the dogs.
Me iré con mi primo a Nothingham. ¡ Eso es!
I'll go to my cousin in Nottingham at the Blue Anchor.
Manda un telegrama a la Calle Azul en Notingham.
And send a wire to the Blue Anchor, Union Street, Nottingham.
¿ Vamos rumbo a Nottingham, a Brittingham, a Buckingham?
Are we on our way to Nottingham, to Brittingham, to Buckingham
He estado antes de la guerra en Nottingham.
I have stayed before the war in Nottingham.
No, mi tía vive en Nottingham.
My aunt, she live in Nottingham.
¿ Qué es eso que decís en Nottingham?
What is it that you say in Nottingham?
Hace un momento, mientras subía, me detuve un instante para contemplar Nothingham en la distancia, e imagina que era Londres.
When I came up this morning, I stopped for a moment to look off at Nottingham in the distance. And I imagined it to be London.
¡ Tren a Notthingham, Melton Mowbray, Kettering Londres!
Nottingham, Melton Mowbray, Kettering, London train!
Y para empezar, como algo especial, voy a llevarte a Nottingham.
and for a start, I'm going to take you for a special treat to Nottingham.
Paul. Este es el señor Henry Hadlock, de Nottingham.
Paul, this is Mr. Henry Hadlock from Nottingham.
Está al sur de Nottingham y es bastante grande.
It's south of Nottingham and a good deal larger.
Ha venido un hombre de Nottingham que ha comprado mi dibujo y va a mandarme a Londres.
There's a man come From Nottingham, and he's bought my painting, and he's gonna send me To London.
Tomé el té en Nottingham. Con Clara Dawes, de Jordan " s.
I had tea in Nottingham with Clara Dawes...
¿ Por qué crees que está callejeando con una fulana de Notthingham?
Why do you think he's gallivanting'round with a Nottingham tart?
He ido a Nothingham.
I've been to Nottingham.
¿ A Nothingham?
To Nottingham.
¿ Qué haremos al volver a Nottingham?
What are we gonna do when we get back to Nottingham?
Ya olía yo a Nottingham.
I thought I could smell Nottingham.
Sra. Joyce Tucket... del 74 calle Clement Attlee, en Nottingham,
There's Mrs. Joyce Tucket... of 74 Clement Attlee Way, Nottingham,
Robin, como el mítico héroe del bosque de Nottingham.
Robin, like the mythical hero of the forest of Nottingham!
Vivo con mi madre en Nottingham.
I live with my mother in Nottingham.
Estos soldados de caballería ligera de Kingston, que Cumberland alabó como "celo en la persecución", todos ellos de Nottingham, todos ellos de profesión carniceros.
These troopers from the Duke of Kingston's Light Horse Regiment are later to be commended by Cumberland for their "zeal in the pursuit." Each of them comes from Nottingham. Each of them by trade is a butcher.
James Rae, como los otros caballeros de Kingston, cumplió su papel después de la batalla, se apresta a regresar a Nottingham, donde su regimiento será recibido con gran pompa y ceremonia.
James Rae himself, who, like the other troopers of Kingston's Light Horse, played his pan in the battle when it was over, is later to return to Nottingham, where his regimental colours are to be laid to rest with great pomp and ceremony.
Prosperidad para el condado de Nottingham.
"Long may the county of Nottingham flourish."
- El de las 7 : 55 a Nottingham.
- 7 : 55 to Nottingham.
Pase unas buenas vacaciones. Henderson le espera en Nottingham.
Well, have a good holiday, and Henderson will meet you.
- Nottingham.
- Nottingham.
¿ Jim Clarke es el gobernador de Nottingham?
Mu.m is Clarke Governor of Nottingham?
Vive en Nottingham.
She lives up in Nottingham.

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