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Podias tradutor Inglês

452 parallel translation
La semana pasada Michelle te pregunto si podias hacer un drag glamazon.
- Now, last week, the judges, Michelle, specifically, called you out to see if you could do glamazon drag.
¿ Qué podias hacer?
What could you do?
- Lo hiciste, no te podias marchar, has vuelto, no te podias marchar.
You did. You couldn't go. You came back.
Con esta espalda solo podias tener un varón!
With these nice shoulders, he had to have been a boy!
- Podias ser libre, pero has vuelto.
- Why not? We'd have been clear to Lincoln before you even got back here.
Y no podias pensar que fuera guapa.
And you couldn't have thought her pretty.
Podias pedir que te licenciaran.
You could ask for a discharge.
- ¿ Hiciste más de Io que podias?
Bite off more than you could chew?
No dijiste que no podias?
- You said you couldn't- -
Los hombres gritaban afuera, y podias escuchar sus alaridos.
Man stood outside and hollered, you could hear him.
Porque cometi un error, y tu no podias perdonarme.
Because I made a mistake, and you couldn't forgive me.
Y entonces un Indio se enamora de tu hija... y podias ver como todo comenzaba de nuevo.
And then an Indian fell in love with your daughter... and you could see the whole thing starting over again.
? Por que no te has mantenido al margen si no podias ayudarme?
If you couldn't do anything about it, why couldn't you leave it alone?
¿ Tú pensaste que podias darle a Ya Ya una vida mejor?
You thought you can make Ya Ya had a better life? .
¿ A quien le has preguntado si podias sentarte con nosotros?
Who asked you to sit with us, anyway?
No sabia que tú podias...
I didn't know that you could do...
Tu tenias 2.40mt, de estatura y tu podias apuntarle a pajaro a millas de distancia.
You were 2.40mt, tall and you could spot a bird one miles away.
- Podias haberme pegado mejor en la espalda.
- You could've got my back.
- Pensé que no podias caminar.
- But you couldn't walk.
Podias haberlo dicho asi :
But you could've said,
Podias elegir y escogiste la salida más fácil, y eso fue algo pésimo.
You had a choice and you took the easy way out. And it was a rotten thing to do!
Podias derribarlo fácilmente.
You could make that shot all day long.
Para eso, podias haber llamado.
You could have just called.
Pero sólo porque tú eras la más fuerte, la más inteligente, podias cuidar de ti misma, Io que mamá recalcaba siempre tanto en inglés como en italiano.
But only because you were the strongest, the smartest, and you could take care of yourself, which Ma constantly pointed out in English and Italian.
¿ No podias buscar un marinero borracho?
You couldn't find a drunken sailor on a street corner?
Podias haberlo capado.
You could've had him fixed.
Pense que podias haber muerto.
I thought you were dead.
Pensaste que podias esconderlo?
Thought you could hide it?
No podias dejar que nadie nos encontrara porque sino quedarías desheredada.
Not you could leave that nobody he / she found us because but you would be disinherited.
Tu siempre podias contar con el.
He was always there for you.
Dos semanas atras no podias mantenerte en pie.
¿ Te das cuenta que podias matarte? !
You could have killed yourself!
¡ Tu dijiste que podias conducir esta cosa!
- Come on, Shawn! You said you could drive this thing!
¿ Que diablos hacías? ¡ Podias haber muerto!
What are you doing out there?
Entonces no podias apreciar lo que estabas tomando, ¿ verdad?
You couldn't really appreciate what you were enjoying then, could you?
Pensaste que tendrias a mi Reema? Que podias hacer de ella el objeto de tu lujuria?
You thought you'd get my Reema... that you could make her the object of your lust...!
No podias controlar tu instinto animal?
Can't you control your animal urges?
Tu solamente no podias irte verdad?
You just couldn't leave, could you?
no, tu creiste que podias hacerlo sola tenemos 27,300 oficiales de policia en la ciudad. no confias en ninguno?
No, you thought you could handle it by yourself. We got 27,300 police officers in the city. Isn't there anybody you trust?
Pero estoy muy desilusionada porque.... me lo podias haber enviado con una carta o asi.
But I'm very upset though. You just sent it without a letter or anything.
Mamá dijo que no podias tener por tu bolitín.
Mom said you couldn't have one because of your report card.
- No podias esperar 2 minutos? - Callate y levantate!
- Couldn't you wait for 2 minutes?
Que no podias ganar aqui?
That you couldn't win here?
Sabía que no podias hacerlo solo.
I knew you couldn't do it on your own.
La engañaba y podias verlo en la hoja de crédito.
Uh-huh. He was cheating on her and you could tell from the credit report.
Creiste que podias tomar mi dinero y salirte con la tuya?
You thought you could take my money and get away with it?
- Sabia que podias hacerlo!
- I knew you could do it!
- No sabia que podias conseguir esto.
- I didn't know you could get that.
Acaso te dije que podias tocar mi cama?
Did I say you could touch my bed?
No sabia que podias decir tantas palabras seguidas.
Jesus, I didn't know you could say that many words in a row.
te dije que podias hacerlo hola hola Que diablos!
What the hell!

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