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Weaver tradutor Inglês

2,288 parallel translation
Sra. Weaver, enviaremos una unidad a su domicilio.
Mrs. Weaver, we're sending a unit to your home.
La Sra. Weaver tendrá protección las 24 horas.
I'm putting 24-hour protection on Ms. Weaver.
- ¿ Algo que pueda decirme?
Anything you can tell me... about Weaver?
¿ De Weaver? - No hay mucho qué decir.
Not much to tell.
Deberíamos decírselo a la Sra. Weaver.
We should tell Ms. Weaver.
La casa de Weaver tiene cámaras.
Weaver's house is wired.
Trabajo ahí. ¿ Qué hacías en casa de Weaver?
I work there. What were you doing at the Weaver house?
- Ahora, déjame hablar con Weaver.
Now, let me talk to Weaver.
- Catherine Weaver aceptó reunirse.
Catherine Weaver has agreed to meet.
- Sra. Weaver...
Ms. Weaver...
- Para reunirnos con Weaver.
With the meeting with Weaver.
¿ Qué hacías en la casa de Weaver?
What were you doing at the Weaver's house?
- Déjame hablar con Weaver.
- Let me talk to Weaver.
Recientemente, y hablo de este lunes, participó en un tiroteo, resultando cinco muertos y secuestrando a Savannah Weaver, hija de Catherine Weaver y de un ciudadano escocés, convirtiendo este incidente en un asunto federal e internacional.
More recently, and by that I mean Monday, you participated in a firefight leaving five dead and kidnapping one Savannah Weaver, daughter of Catherine Weaver and citizen of Scotland, making this incident both federal and international.
Hola, Sra. Weaver.
Hello, Ms. Weaver.
A Catherine Weaver le gustaría conocerte.
Catherine Weaver would like to meet you. Why?
Le dije a la Sra. Weaver que nunca irías sin tu madre.
I told Ms. Weaver you'd never come without your mom.
Porque necesito conocer a Catherine Weaver.
'Cause I need to meet Catherine Weaver.
Uno de sus amigos, y de hecho, colega que continua trabajando con el Dr. Manhattan hoy es el distiguido fisico Wally Weaver.
One of his friends and, in fact, colleagues who continues to work with Dr. Manhattan today is an esteemed physicist in his own right Wally Weaver.
Fuimos al laboratorio de Weaver y tuvimos la siguiente conversacion.
We went to Weaver's lab and had the following conversation.
- Y Scream Weaver.
- And Scream Weaver.
- Scream Weaber?
- Scream Weaver?
- Estabamos hablando sobre Scream Weaver.
- We were talking about Scream Weaver ".
Me deben una guinea por un funeral y un tejedor me debe 14 chelines.
I'm owed a guinea for a funeral and 14 shillings by a weaver.
¿ Citas una película de Sigourney Weaver?
Excuse me, are you quoting a Sigourney Weaver movie?
- Él es mi esposo, Duncan Weaver.
Uh, my husband, Duncan Weaver.
Luego lo vamos a colocar en el equipo de Danny Weaver.
Then we're gonna move you over to Danny Weaver's squad.
Weaver tiene razón.
Weaver's right.
Llamo... a Benjamin Weaver, criado del Sr. Crespigny.
I call... Benjamin Weaver, servant to Mr Crespigny.
Hablando de su pasado, Dr. Manhattan ¿ se acuerda de un tal Wally Weaver?
Speaking of your past, Dr. Manhattan do you remember a man named Wally Weaver?
Nos presentó un amigo de la universidad, Wally Weaver.
We were introduced by a good friend of mine from college, Wally Weaver.
parece que el Weaver acaba de empezar.
It seems like that we were just come started.
... la tejedora de sueños, pero ahora...
♪.. the dream weaver, but now...
Se persigue a Eric Stapleton, George Weaver y Raymond Plazzy son perseguidos por las muertes de una cajera y un guardia de seguridad.
Eric Stapleton, George Weaver and Raymond Plazzy are wanted deaths of a female teller and security guard.
Tú eras importante en McKinley.
WILL : You were a big deal at McKinley. ( "Dream Weaver" by Gary Wright playing quietly )
Bien. El polen que encontré en las crisálidas de la araña tejedora en sabana, procedían de pinos de montaña.
Okay, the pollen I found in the sheet weaver spider's egg sack came from hickory pine trees.
Identificaron al autor como Josh Weaver.
They identified the author as josh weaver.
Mi nombre es Damon Weaver.
My name's Damon Weaver.
Entonces, lo primero que te puedo decir es que si alguien está acechando a Damon Weaver, ese es la mayor atención que está recibiendo desde que publicó su libro hace dos años.
Well, the first thing I can tell you is if someone is haunting Damon Weaver, That's the most attention he's had since he put out his last book 2 years ago.
El dijo que Damon Weaver es un ladrón.
He said that damon weaver is a thief.
Eso es lo que pensaba, pero Damon Weavwe lanzó un spoiler sobre su nuevo libro, y el contenido del libro era mío...
That's what I thought, But then Damon Weaver releases a spoiler about his new book, And everything about it is just like mine...
Es decir, ¿ por qué Damon me dibujó a mi y a mi hermanastro en los cómics?
I mean, why would Damon Weaver draw me and my stepbrother into his blog comics?
Quiero decir, pero, ¿ realmente Damon Weaver mató a este chico para proteger su secreto?
I mean, but would Damon Weaver really kill this kid to protect his secret?
Gracias, Sr. Weaver.
Thank you, Mr. Weaver.
Es AI Weaver de Glo-Coat.
It's AI Weaver from Glo-Coat.
Al Weaver de Johnson Wax pidió otra gráfica para Glo-Coat.
AI Weaver at Johnson Wax requested another print of Glo-Coat.
El doctor Weaver me ha dado los resultados.
I've seen the test results from Dr. Weaver.
Jenny Kolinski y Curtis Weaver.
Jenny kolinski and Curtis Weaver.
Era una tejedora de seda.
It was a golden silk orb weaver,
Sí, sí, sáquele de aquí, Sargento Weaver. Hecho.
Get him out of here, Sergeant Weaver.
- ¿ Catherine Weaver?
Catherine Weaver?

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