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Translate.vc / Espanhol → Inglês / Àno

Àno tradutor Inglês

46 parallel translation
Eso es amor... Àno?
That's love... right?
Lugar interesante Àno crees?
Interesting place don't you think?
Has conducido hasta Tijuana para ver el show del burro, Àno?
Drove down to t. J. To see the donkey show, did you?
Tengo que conseguir una sustituta, Àno?
I gotta get a replacement, huh?
S', pero tœ eres tœ, Àno, Cissy?
Yeah, but you're still you, aren't you?
ÀNo es muy r'gida?
Not too stiff?
Esas putas tarjetas de platino tiene ese carburante... ÀNo, John?
These fucking platinum cards got that rocket fuel, don't they, John?
Yo s'te sueno, Àno, John?
Who I am rings a bell, right, John?
Por supuesto, partes de mi historia. No conoces a ninguno de los dos, Àno, John?
Of course, parts of my story you don't know either, right?
-... que decidamos comprar, Àno, john?
- we fucking-A decide to buy, right?
No creo que tengas un telŽfono, John, Àno?
I don't suppose you have a phone, John, do you?
S', Àno, John?
- Yeah, you would, John. I begin to seal about you, you know.
Pero eso est ‡ bien para ti, Àno?
But that's gonna be okay with you, isn't it?
Toda la puta colecci — n, Àno, John?
Full fucking quiver, right, John?
ÀNo nos damos cuenta a menudo de que nuestros cuerpos son teatros de nuestros resentimientos?
Don't we find so often our bodies are theaters of our resentments?
Nunca lo confundiste con un principiante Àno?
You'd never mistake him for a beginner, would you?
No me di cuenta, Àno?
I didn't notice, huh?
ÀNo est ‡ contento de que no se volara los sesos ayer?
Ain't you glad now you didn't blow your brains out yesterday?
Esa familia ya tiene bastante con sus problemas, pero Àno podemos hacer nuestra parte para empeorarlo?
You know, that family's got enough of their own problems, but can't we all still do our little parts to make them worse?
Digo esto desde el fondo de mi coraz — n, hermano, y con todo mi amor pero me parece que no se te da muy bien el tr ‡ fico, Àno?
I say this from the bottom of my heart, brother, and with all the love but I'm picking up you don't do too well with traffic, do you?
- Oh, s', Àno?
- Oh yeah, no?
ÀNo va a dejarme ser educado?
You're not gonna let me be polite?
ÀNo pudiste desviarte de tu camino cuatro putos bloques...
What, you couldn't drive four fucking blocks out of your way
No tengo que decidir lo de los — rganos ahora, Àno?
I don't have to decide now about the organs, right?
- ÀNo podemos entrar ahora?
- We can't come in now?
ÀNo dijo el poeta, "buenas verjas hacen buenos vecinos"?
Didn't the poet say, "good fences make good neighbors"?
ÀNo, abogado Dickstein?
No, attorney dickstein?
Estamos follando, Àno?
We're boning'now, aren't we?
Menudo l'o hay ah'delante, Àno?
It's some mess out front, huh?
S', fue... incre'ble, Àno?
Yeah, that was... something, huh?
- Conociste a mi viejo, Àno?
- You met my old man, right?
Hemos visto muchos, Àno?
Saw plenty of them, didn't we?
S', bueno... de vainilla y chocolate, Doc, Àno?
Yeah, well, chocolate-vanilla, doc, right?
Bueno, entonces mejor subo, Àno?
Well I definitely better climb out then, huh?
ÀNo es eso lo que he venido a pedirte?
Isn't that what the fuck I came to ask you?
ÀNo es agradable?
Isn't this pleasant?
ÀNo hace el chico de los Yost skate, adem ‡ s de surf?
Doesn't the Yost boy skate as well as surf?
Ah'est ‡ el asesino degollador que me trat —, Àno?
There's the murdering cutthroat who treated me, huh?
ÀNo es eso lo m ‡ s raro?
Isn't that the strangest thing?
Pero Àno lo ves?
But don't you see?
ÀTe refieres a la de ella, Àno?
You mean hers, don't you?
ÀNo sabes que no a escondidas la guarida de un Dhamphir?
Don't you know not to sneak around a Dhamphir's lair?
ÀNo me dŽ lecciones sobre el precio de esta guerra... y en las vidas humanas, vampiro!
Don't you lecture me on the price of this war... and on human lives, vampire.
- ÀNo?
- You don't?

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