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Lo sà ©, pero te esfuerzas demasiado,  ¿ me entiendes? Esto no es real.
Yeah, I feel you, but you're trying too hard, you know I'm sayin'?
 ¿ Me entiendes?
Feel me?
Pero al mismo tiempo, estoy en contra de eso,  ¿ me entiendes?  ¡ Evalúa!
But at the same time, that's what I'm up against, you know what I'm sayin', right?
-  ¿ Està ¡ s bien?
( with Mexican accent ) Are ju okay?
 ¡ A un lado!
Scooch over!
 ¿ Hola? Soy George Green, del vecindario, y busco a mi perro.
This is George Green from up the street looking for my dog.
 ¿ Quià © n es?
Woman : Who is it?
 ¿ Hola? Soy Randy Lahey, del vecindario, y busco a mi perro.
This is Randy Lahey from up the street looking for my dog.
 ¡ Un momento!
Man : Just a minute.
Carajo, Â ¿ ya nadie trabaja?
Holy fuck, doesn't anybody work anymore?
 ¿ Quà © està ¡ n haciendo?
What y'all doing?
Muy bien.  ¿ Quià © n es ella?
Aight then.
- Hola,  ¿ quà © pasa?
Ay, what up, Mary?
Flurry, Â ¿ vamos al parque a rapear?
Hey, Flurry, you want to go to the park, spit 16 right quick?
 ¿ me entiendes? Sà © hombre.
Keep up your rap responsibilities, you know I'm sayin'?
 ¿ Y dà ³ nde encuentro el modelo de un sujeto de esos?
Be a man. Yeah, and where would I find an example of one of those motherfuckers?
 ¿ Tu amiga se queda a cenar?
Flurry. Do your friend want to stay for suppers?
 ¿ Cà ³ mo me llamo?
Mac Flurries.
Tendremos mà ¡ ximo tres minutos, asà ­ que llà © vense lo mà ¡ s costoso,  ¿ sà ­?
We got about three minutes tops to grab the most expensive shit you can carry, all right?
 ¿ Està ¡ n listos?
You guys ready?
 ¡ Carajo!  ¡ Policà ­ as!
Fuck, cops, boys!
 ¡ Và ¡ monos!  ¡ Salgan!
Let's go, everybody out!
 ¡ Carajo!
Let's go! Fuck!
 ¡ Và ¡ monos!
Let's go!
 ¡ Carajo!
Bubbles : Oh, my fuck!
 ¿ A quà © te refieres?
What are you talking about...?
 ¿ Nos acompaà ± an?
Are you guys coming with us?
-  ¡ Pasen por allà ¡!
You'll be fine. Go, go, go!
 ¡ Muestre las manos!
Show us your hands!
 ¿ Quà © hace aquà ­?
What are you doing here?
Muchos me ayudan a buscarlo. Â ¿ Lo hallaron?
I got a bunch of people here helping me look.
 ¿ Tuvieron suerte?
Boys, did you find anything?
 ¿ Quà © tipo de perro es?
Well, what kind of a dog is he?
 ¿ Sacamos un boletà ­ n de dos sospechosos en el bosque cerca de Colby Village al sur?
Policeman : Will you put out an APB on two Bamp ; E suspects running through the woods near Colby Village South.
 ¿ Intentaste venir a buscarnos?
Oh, you tried to come and fucking find us, Ricky?
Incluso a tu nivel, Â ¡ esto es una mierda!
You know what, Ricky? Even by your standards, this is fucked!
 ¡ Por el amor de Dios, basta, Sarah!
For the love of Christ!
 ¡ Là ¡ rgate de aquà ­, carajo!
( Indistinct ) Sarah! Just get the fuck out of here! Oh, my God!
-  ¡ Dios mà ­ o!
Just go!
 ¿ A quà © carajo te refieres?
What the fuck are you saying?
 ¿ Està ¡ claro?
Are we clear?
 ¿ De $ 5000...?
tendrá ¡ s suerte si te dan $ 500 por eso. Â ¿ Ese maldito...?
You're going to be lucky to get 500 bucks for that stuff.
 ¿ Hay noticias de las zorras del bosque?
Any word from those two fucking wood sluts?
 ¿ No puedes pedirme un vaso, carajo?
( Glass clattering, shattering ) Can't you fucking just ask me for a glass?
 ¿ Ves?
( Chuckling ) See?
 ¿ Quià © n es usted?
khaki clothes, and I think he may have pissed himself, to be honest. Well, who are you?
 ¿ Quà © hacen ellos?
What are they doing?
 ¿ Ven?
Oh, yeah, there you go.
 ¿ Podemos olvidar esto?
Please, can we try to move past this?
 ¿ Quà © quiere decir eso?
What the fuck is that supposed to mean?

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