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Translate.vc / Francês → Inglês / Chrissy

Chrissy tradutor Inglês

479 parallel translation
Qu'est-ce que tu crois que j'ai fait avec Chrissy, hier soir?
What do you think I did with Chrissy last night?
La tombe de la famille de Chrissy.
Chrissy's family grave.
Tu veux Chrissy et son fric pour toi seul! N'y pense pas!
So you'll have Chrissy for yourself and all her money!
Je reste avec Chrissy!
You can't rattle this boy, this boy's staying with Chrissy!
Chrissy ne peut pas?
Oh, Chrissy can't, oh...
Au fait, vous êtes invités chez Chrissy et moi.
You've had plenty of practice. Princess, before I forget, I want to invite you and Dennis to come spend some time with Chrissy and me in our new house in Maui.
Chrissy sur le bateau.
That's Chrissy on a new Hobie Cat.
Dans le jacuzzi.
That's Chrissy in a hot tub.
À un barbecue.
That's me and Chrissy at a luau.
Chrissy est rentrée à Maui.
Chrissy's back in Maui.
Ne parlons pas de Chrissy.
Let's not talk about Chrissy.
Chrissy m'a quitté pour un plus jeune.
- Chrissy left me for a younger man.
Plus jeune qu'elle?
Younger than Chrissy?
Croyez-moi, Chrissy l'a quitté.
No, believe me, Chrissy left him.
Chrissy ne lui a rien appris!
You know, Chrissy didn't teach him a thing.
C'est l'inconvénient de n'avoir pas de femme. Chrissy?
That is one of the biggest drawbacks of being without a wife.
II fallait que je te parle, ma girafe.
Chrissy! I had to talk to you, Big Stan.
On n'a plus rien à se dire.
I... There's nothing to talk about, Chrissy.
- Ma future ex-femme, Chrissy.
Dorothy, this is my soon-to-be ex-wife, Chrissy.
On n'a rien à se dire.
Chrissy, there is nothing to discuss.
Il s'est passé quelque chose ici.
Chrissy, something happened here in Miami.
Chrissy doit entendre la vérité.
Chrissy deserves to hear the truth.
C'est fini entre nous, Chrissy. Voici la femme que j'aime.
It's all over between us, Chrissy.
Je regrette, Chrissy.
I'm sorry, Chrissy.
C'est vrai qu'il n'y avait pas grand-chose entre vous deux?
Stan, did you really mean what you said about there not being that much between you and Chrissy?
J'aimerais entendre la suite, mais je dois vite rattraper Chrissy.
Dorothy, I'd like to hear the rest of this, but I've got to get down to the lobby and grab Chrissy before somebody else does.
Ca va avec Chrissie?
So how are things going with Chrissy?
Et ton contrôle de bio?
- Hey, Chrissy. How was the bio test?
Chrissy, serre-moi la main.
GREG : Hey, uh, Chrissy, give me a hand.
Les gens ont des attitudes bizarres depuis.
Chrissy has a point. A lot of people around here have been acting nuts.
Et les autres filles suivront Chrissy.
- The other girls will go if Chrissy goes.
Chrissy serait peut-être plus encline à aller à la soirée.
Yeah, but it might make Chrissy a little more agreeable. To go to the party.
Salut, Chrissy.
GIRLS : Hi, Chrissy.
Relaxe, Chrissy.
- Oh, relax, Chrissy.
J'aimerais bien coucher avec Chrissy mais... je veux pas la brusquer.
Come on, guys. I mean, I'd love to sleep with Chrissy but she's shy. I don't wanna rush her.
Tu dois un peu forcer le destin.
Listen, Chrissy, if you want anything to happen, you gotta make it happen.
C'est pour Warren et Chrissy.
EDDIE : It's for Warren and Chrissy.
Allez, Chrissy!
EDDIE : Come on, Chrissy.
Chrissy, si on allait voir Fellini?
Chrissy, you want to go? Let's go to the Fellini movie.
Je ne vois pas pourquoi on fait un tel flan sur l'herbe.
Well, I don't know. What's the big deal about smoking grass anyway, Chrissy?
Et toi, Chrissy?
How about you, Chrissy?
- Chrissy?
- Chrissy.
Chrissy... T'es sûre que ça va?
Chrissy, um you sure you're okay?
Chrissy, we can't.
Chrissy et Warren?
- You know what I think?
Ca durera jamais.
- Chrissy and Warren will never last.
Alors Chrissy? Comment ça s'est passé, samedi soir?
So, Chrissy, how was it Saturday night?
Qu'est-ce qu'ils font?
Souvenez-vous d'eux...
[MAN YELLS] CHRISSY : Remember those guys?
Chrissy ne viendra pas.
- Hey, Chrissy is not gonna go.
On va au ciné.
I have to take Chrissy to the movies.

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