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Translate.vc / Francês → Inglês / Inquiête

Inquiête tradutor Inglês

217 parallel translation
Ne t'inquiête pas.
Now don't worry.
Ne t'inquiête pas, Hank.
Don't worry, Hank.
Ne t'inquiête pas.
But you don't need to worry.
Ne t'inquiête pas.
Don't worry, Hank.
J'ai dit : "Garde-le sobre." Il m'inquiête.
Hello, Jan, I said keep him sober. He worries me.
Ne t'inquiête pas, tout va bien se passer.
But don't worry, everything will be all right.
Três bien, ne t'inquiête pas.
All right, honey, don't worry.
- Je m'inquiête.
- I got worries.
Ne t'inquiête pas, chéri.
Don't worry, honey.
- Il y a quelque chose qui t'inquiête?
- Is anything the matter?
C'est ce qui m'inquiête.
- Yes, sir. It has me worried, sir.
- T'inquiête, je vais le récupérer.
- Quit worrying, I'll get it. - No, you won't!
Ne t'inquiête pas.
Don't feel bad.
Ne t'inquiête pas.
Oh, you've got nothing to worry about.
Ne t'inquiête pas.
Don't let it bother you.
T'inquiête pas.
Forget it.
Alors ne t'inquiête pas tant.
Then you shouldn't worry so much.
Ne t'inquiête pas, Mary.
Oh, don't take it so hard, Mary.
T'inquiête pas, je vais mieux.
Don't worry. I'm much better now.
- Inquiête-toi pour toi.
- Worry about yourself.
T'inquiête pas.
What are you worried about?
T'inquiête pas.
You don't have to worry, Kay.
Ne t'inquiête pas.
Don't worry, baby.
T'inquiête pas.
Don't worry, honey.
Ne t'inquiête pas, Jerry.
Don't worry, Jerry.
Mais ne t'inquiête pas déjà.
But don't start worrying about it now.
Ne t'inquiête pas, Jenny.
But don't fret, Jenny.
Je m'inquiête pour cette petite.
You know, I'm worried about that canary.
Gloves m'inquiête.
Barney, I'm that worried about Gloves.
- Qu'il s'inquiête. Il l'a mérité.
- You're being a little tough with Rader.
Ce n'est pas ma santé qui m'inquiête.
It isn't my health that I'm worried about.
Ne t'inquiête pas, ma chérie.
Don't worry, darling.
Je m'inquiête pour Eileen.
Jerry, I'm worried about Eileen.
Ne t'inquiête pas pour eux.
Oh, don't worry about those kids.
Ne t'inquiête plus, mon fils.
- So don't worry anymore, son.
- Ne t'inquiête pas.
- Don't you worry, Mom.
- L'argent ne t'inquiête pas?
- Money does not worry you?
Mon amie s'inquiête pour vous.
My girl is worried about you.
Ecoute, Helen s'inquiête de tes missions.
Listen, old man, Helen's worried about you flying missions.
Ne t'inquiête pas.
But don't you worry.
Ne t'inquiête pas.
Don't worry.
Ne t'inquiête pas.
Never fear.
Ne t'inquiête pas. ll m'a dégoûté des autres chevaux.
Don't worry. He spoils you for riding any other horse.
Tout ira très bien, ne t'inquiête pas.
Don't worry. Everything's gonna be all right.
Et George dit : "Mais je m'inquiête."
And George says, "But I'm worried."
Et ne t'inquiête pas.
And don't worry.
Ne t'inquiête plus. Il dormira comme ça pendant longtemps.
Don't worry... he'll be sleeping like that for quite a while.
Ne t'inquiête pas si tu n'as pas toujours de nouvelles.
Don't worry none if you don't hear from me, being aboard ship and all.
Et sera le soutien de notre vieillesse. Surtout, ne t'inquiête de rien, chérie.
The most important thing is, darling, you mustn't worry now.
T'inquiête pas, petit Eli.
You rest easy, Little Eli.
Ça m'inquiête.
Makes me uneasy.

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