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Translate.vc / Francês → Inglês / Mè

tradutor Inglês

22 parallel translation
"Nullité et annulabilité".
Was it mè having yóu come up? Nullity and nullification.
Je crois avoir remarqué que lui et sa mè...
I believe they both, heand his Moth... his Mother's picture!
Mais ce soir, il a guéri ma mè re, que Ie docteur croyait perdue.
But tonight he cured my mother! And the doctor could do nothing...
Si Ta volonté est qu ´ il soit épargné, sauve-Ie, non seulement pour Ie bonheur de sa mè re mais pour Ie bien de ses sujets qui I ´ aiment et Ie respectent.
If it's your will that he'll be spared... save him. Not only for his mothers sake... but for the sake of all his loyal subjects who love and respect him.
Ma mè... mère est... l... là?
- Is... is my mother here?
Ma mè.. comment as-tu pu... tu es... pourri!
My mo- - how could y- - you're- - rotten!
Ce qui prouve que tu ne dois pas être ma grand-mè...
Which proves you can't really be my grandma...
Tu ne peux pas laver le fait que tu prétendais être ma mè...
You can't wash off the fact that you pretended to be my mo...
T. Ray... il m'a dit que ma mè...
T. Ray... he told me that my mo...
Bien, les enfants, M. Quagmire et son père... sa mè son amie arriveront bientôt pour le diner.
Okay, kids, Mr. Quagmire and his dad... his moth... his friend are coming over soon for dinner.
VOIX D'ENFANT : Ru-ssi-e - mè-re - pa-tri-e.
Rus-si-a - mo-ther-land.
Tu as pourtant donné ton avis sur la cuisine de ma mè...
You somehow managed to compliment my mom's food!
Le nombre de fois que ma mè... Que fais-tu là?
The amount of times that my mo... what are you even doing here?
J'ai vu ce que ce job a fait à ma mè... aux autres personnes
I've seen it happen to my mo... To other people.
Pourrais-tu croire ce que ma mè...
You would not believe what my moth...
ma mè...
Nous ne savons même pas qui était le père, et, et je ne pense même pas qu'elle se souviendrait de sa mè...
We didn't even ever know who the father was, and-and I don't even think that she would remember her mo...
Je pourrai jamais envisager un avenir avec ta mè...
It's not like I'll ever have a future with your mo...
Ou ma mè...
Or my m... um...
Je ne joue pas la mè...
what do you mean?
Où est ta mè...?
Where's your mom...?
Ma mè...
My mo...

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