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Translate.vc / Francês → Inglês / Norm

Norm tradutor Inglês

1,149 parallel translation
- Toi, Norm?
- You, Norm?
- Norm!
- Norm!
- Quoi de neuf, Norm?
- What's doing, Norm?
- Bien sûr.
- Sure, Norm.
- Bien sûr, Norm.
- Sure, Norm.
- Alors, qu'y a-t-il, Norm?
- So what's going on, Norm?
Norm, je te donne une seconde pour retirer ce que tu viens de dire.
Normie, I'll give you one second to take that back.
Je devrais te remercier, Norm.
I guess I ought to thank you, Norm.
Norm, tu es le meilleur ami que j'aie jamais eu.
Normie, you're about the best friend I ever had.
Norm est à nouveau en chaleur.
Norm's in season again.
Que disais-tu la semaine dernière sur les incapables du Congrès?
Norm, what were you saying about that do-nothing Congress in DC?
Tiens-moi ça.
Norm, hold this for me.
- Salut, la compagnie. - Norm!
- Evening, everybody.
Une bière, Norm?
Quoi de neuf, Norm?
What's new, Norm?
Alors, Norm.
So, Norm.
- Salut la compagnie! - Norm!
- Afternoon, everybody.
- Comment va la vie?
- Norm! - How's life?
- Salut la compagnie!
- Evening, everybody. - Norm!
- Norman! - Tu veux une bière, Norm?
- Would you like a beer, Norm?
- Quoi de neuf, Norm?
- So how's life treating you, Norm?
- C'est trop bête.
- That's too bad, Norm.
- Qu'est-ce qui ne va pas, Norm?
- What's wrong, Normie? - Nothing.
Vois-le comme ça. - Tu es un homme libre maintenant.
- You are a free man now, Norm.
- C'était du rapide.
- That was awfully quick, Norm.
C'est la jungle ici...
Norm, am I right?
Pas vrai, Norm? Même si tu étais en feu, pas un patron ne te cracherait dessus.
Most employers wouldn't spit on you if your hair was on fire.
- I don't think so. Normie?
Mme Peterson, merci d'avoir libéré Norm.
Mrs Peterson, thank you for letting Normie go.
- A toi, Norm.
- Up to you, Norm.
- Fous-moi la paix!
Norm. - Get the hell out of here!
- Bien essayé, Norm.
- That was inspiring, Norm.
Non merci, Norm!
No, thank you, Norm.
- Tant mieux, Norm.
- Good for you, Norm.
Norm, viens voir.
Norm, hurry up.
Norm, viens voir.
Hurry up.
Norm s'épanouira-t-il dans son nouveau travail?
Will Norm find happiness in his new job?
- Salut, la compagnie. - Norm!
Afternoon, everybody.
- Ca va, Norm?
- How you doing, Norm?
Et ta recherche d'emploi?
How's the search for work, Norm?
Ça, c'est Norm.
This is Norm.
- Norm!
- Norman!
Allons, Norm, voyons.
Now, Normie, come on.
Ne t'en fais pas, peut-être...
Cheer up, Norm, maybe...
- Allez, Norm.
- Come on, Norm.
Comment ça se fait, Norm?
What's going on here, Norm?
- Tiens, Norm.
- Here, Normie.
C'est Norm.
It's Norm.
- Sammy? C'est Norm.
- Sammy?
- Tu veux quoi?
- What'll it be, Norm?

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