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Ritã tradutor Inglês

24 parallel translation
- Il dit la và © rità ©, Votre Honneur.
- He's telling the truth, Your Honor.
Tu agis comme si j'avais besoin de toi tout le temps alors que... la và © rità © est que tu es tellement en colà ¨ re contre le monde entier que personne à part moi ne veut de te parler.
You act like I need you all the time when the truth is, you're so mad at the world that nobody but me even wants to talk to you
La và © rità ©, c'est qu'il y a 50 ans, le pà ¨ re du chah, officier, voulait renverser l'empereur Qadjar.
Truth is that 50 years ago, the Shah's father, an officer, wanted to overthrow the Qadjar emperor.
* La và © rità © surgira bientà ´ t de leur sang.
Truth will soon arise from their blood.
C'est la dernià ¨ re ressource pour la prospà © rità © future de notre nation.
It's the last resource for our nation's prosperous future.
Le moment de và © rità ©.
The moment of truth.
L'art doit dire la và © rità ©, non?
Art's gotta tell the truth, right?
La và © rità © blesse.
Truth hurts.
Je vous dis la và © rità ©.
I'm telling you the truth.
- Vous l'avez mà © rità ©.
- You deserved it.
Le moment de và © rità © sera à notre porte
The moment of truth just might be now.
La và © rità ©, c'est que la raison est toute simple.
Truth is, the cause is near and dear.
Sarah, Robbie mà © rite de savoir la và © rità ©.
Sarah, Robbie deserves your honesty.
C'est la và © rità ©, Marina.
It's all true, Marina.
Je sais que tu veux m'insulter, mais c'est la và © rità ©.
Hey, I know you're trying to insult me, but it's just too true, bro.
La và © rità © et moi, on a une relation chancelante.
I got a real shaky relationship with the truth.
J'ai mà © rità © cette confiance, non?
Haven't I earned that?
Certaines personnes travaillent encore durement et honnêtement pour un avenir de richesse et de prospà © rità ©.
Some people here work very hard for a better future
Nous garantissons la prospà © rità © et la sà © curità © de vos actività © s.
We will warrant your business, make it develop.
Vas-y, dis-leur que c'est la stricte và © rità ©.
Isn't that right, old pal?
Veux-tu la và © rità ©?
Um... Do you want the truth?
Elle l'a mà © rità ©.
Oh, the lady deserved it.
Dites-moi la và © rità © maintenant.
Now, tell me the truth.
Je ne sais pas oà ¹ ma vie s'arrêtera, mais de ce monde oà ¹ le mensonge vaut autant que la và © rità ©, je ne vais plus tarder à m'en aller.
I don't know when my journey of life will end, but my passing from this mortal world where there are lies among the truth is soon.

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