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Grady tradutor Inglês

1,173 parallel translation
Tem a certeza sobre este rapaz, Alex Grady?
Are you absolutely sure about this kid Alex Grady?
Alexander Grady, Portland, Oregon.
Alexander Grady, Portland, Oregon.
Vem cá, Grady!
- Push it, come on. Get your butt in here, Grady.
Não estás de uniforme.
You're out of uniform, Grady.
- Lá fora. Um momento.
- Outside, Grady.
Lamento, Grady.
- I'm sorry to hear that, Grady.
Partiremos para a Coreia daqui a 3 dias.
- I'm not in your place, Grady. We leave for Korea in three days.
- Sr. Grady, sou o Dr. Weisman.
- Mr. Grady, I'm Dr. Weisman.
- Ele está em coma.
- Mr. Grady, your son is in a coma.
- Grady estás fora da equipa.
- Don't bother, Grady, you're off the team.
- Fizeste a tua escolha.
- Nothing to talk about, Grady, you made your choice.
E isso inclui a decisão sobre o Alex Grady.
- That includes the participation of Alex Grady.
Vem aí outra lenda. O veterano da equipa. Do Oregon,
Coming up next, another long shot, the veteran fighter on the team from Portland, Oregon, Alex Grady.
Este é um teste para Alex Grady após anos de afastamento...
- This is a real test for Alex Grady after a three year layoff from the tournament circuit he makes his comeback against
Alex Grady avalia.
Alex Grady measuring.
Kwon ataca, Grady derruba-o e marca ponto.
Sae Jin Kwon attacks, Grady counters with a down and scores.
Nas primeiras lutas a Coreia criou uma ampla vantagem... Até que Alex, nesta óptima actuação, está a fazer a diferença.
In the earlier matches today, the Koreans have built up a wide lead, but because of this outstanding performance by Alex Grady, the Americans are closing the gap.
Como se não bastasse o confronto físico... Kwon parece insultar Grady.
As if this physical confrontation weren't enough, he seems to be taunting Grady.
Alex Grady recuperou da diferença e lidera na 2.º categoria de peso-Pesado.
Alex Grady has thus far defied the odds and is leading in the second heaviest weight class of the competition.
Grady feriu o ombro num torneio há 3 anos.
An injured shoulder forced Grady into retirement three years ago.
Alex está ferido.
Alex Grady, hurt.
Se não poder continuar estará perdida a luta. Perderão os pontos ganhos por Grady até agora.
If he can't continue, the match will be forfeit and the American team will lose the valuable points that Grady's earned so far.
Haverá 2 minutos de intervalo. Para decidir se o Alex pode continuar.
- Ladies and gentlemen, I've just been informed that there will be a two minute injury time out to determine if Alex Grady can continue.
Kwon ataca, Grady reage e marca ponto!
Kwon attacks, Grady counters and scores.
E Grady apanha-o num salto, tirando Kwon do ringue.
Oh, and Grady catches him with a jumping front kick that knocks Kwon!
Alex Grady com o ombro ferido derrota Sae Jim Kwon... E mantém viva a esperança americana.
Alex Grady, injured shoulder and all, has defeated Sae Jin Kwon and managed to keep the American hopes alive.
Alexander Grady. Portland, Oregon.
- Alexander Grady, Portland, Oregan.
- Grady Rogers na 3ª fila.
- Grady Rogers at third.
- O Grady adoeceu.
- Grady got sick.
Grady, devolva seu dinheiro.
- Grady, give the man his money.
[Grady] You see?
Procura uma boca-de-lobo onde cair?
You lookin'for a manhole to fall into, Grady?
Bom dia, Grady.
- Morning, Grady.
Olá, Grady.
Hey, Grady. Ohhh.
O abajur está velho e gasto, Grady.
The lamp's old and worn out, Grady.
Algo errado com ele.
[Grady] Something's wrong with him.
Obrigado, Grady.
Thanks, Grady.
Grady, amigo.
Grady, my man.
Escute, Grady, Magic quer falar consigo no beco.
Listen, Grady, uh, Magic wants to talk to you in the alley.
This- - Grady.
Grady, está bem?
Grady, are you all right? I'm fine.
Grady, vá escolher-me um taco.
Grady, go pick me out a stick.
Obrigado, Grady.
- Thank you, Grady.
Muito bem!
All right! Rack'em, Grady.
- Não, isto é Grady.
- No, this is Grady.
... a sua pena será de 16 horas de serviço comunitário, como médico residente do Memorial Hospital de Grady.
Your sentence will be 16 hours... of community service... served as resident doctor at Grady Memorial Hospital.
- Alexander Grady
- Alexander Grady.
O coreano ataca com um chuto no rosto de Grady.
- The Korean bounces right back.
Grady caiu!
Grady is down.
Alex volta ao ringue.
Alex Grady has reentered the ring.
Ajeite-as, Grady. Um jogo pela partida.
Game match.

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