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Kizzy tradutor Inglês

228 parallel translation
- Ela vai chamar-se Kizzy.
- We gonna call her Kizzy.
- Kizzy?
- Kizzy?
O mestre Reynolds quer saber onde arranjaste o nome Kizzy.
Massa Reynolds gonna wanna know where we get the name Kizzy.
Eu tenho que lhe chamar Kizzy.
I just got to name her Kizzy.
E quando ela crescer digo-lhe o verdadeiro significado de Kizzy.
And when she grow up I'll tell her what Kizzy really mean.
Miúda, o teu nome é Kizzy.
Girl, your name is Kizzy.
Vens de pessoas especiais, bébé Kizzy.
From special people, baby Kizzy.
Kizzy, estás aqui.
Kizzy, there you are.
Foi falsificado para ele pela Kizzy.
It was forged for him by Kizzy.
E a Kizzy.
And Kizzy.
Não, mestre, não pode vender a Kizzy.
No, massa, you can't sell Kizzy too.
Vai buscar-me outra bota, Kizzy.
Got me another boot, Kizzy.
Eu tenho mulher, Tildy, a Mamã Kizzy e dois filhos
Got my wife, Tildy, Mama Kizzy and two young ones.
Bem, para fazer o que o Marcellus fez... e comprar a nossa liberdade... a tua, a minha, das crianças e da Mamã Kizzy... vai custar... perto de $ 6000.
Well, to do like Marcellus done and buy ourselves you, me, the children and Mama Kizzy it costs near $ 6000.
É difícil de acreditar, mas a tua Mamã Kizzy vinha mesmo fresca.
It's hard to believe, but your Mama Kizzy was fresh once.
Eu sou a Kizzy.
I'm Kizzy.
Desculpe, mas... não reconheço nenhuma negra chamada Kizzy.
I'm sorry, but I don't recollect any darkie by name of Kizzy.
Excepto a Kizzy.
Except for Kizzy.
Porque ficamos com a Kizzy?
Why will we keep Kizzy?
Mamã Kizzy.
Mama Kizzy.
E o filho de Kizzy... era o homem a quem chamavam Chicken George.
And the son of Kizzy was the man folks call Chicken George.
Vamos chamar-lhe Kizzy.
We're gonna call her Kizzy.
- Kizzy!
- Kizzy!
- Aprendeste bem, Kizzy.
- You got that right, Kizzy.
A jovem Kizzy.
Young Kizzy.
Kizzy é uma criança.
Kizzy is a child.
Fico feliz em ouvir isso, porque a Kizzy escolheu-o.
Glad to hear that,'cause Kizzy wants him.
Isto diz Kizzy.
That say Kizzy.
Oh, Kizzy, olha para ti.
Oh, Kizzy, look at you.
Oh, Kizzy!
Oh, Kizzy!
Se é sobre saltares a vassoura com a Kizzy, não tenho tempo.
If it's about jumping the broom with Kizzy, I ain't got the time.
Eu não sei, Kizzy.
I just don't know, Kizzy.
Oh, Kizzy, tiveste a melhor das ideias!
Oh, Kizzy, you do have the most wonderful ideas!
Estou a falar a sério, Kizzy.
I'm serious, Kizzy.
Kizzy, só de pensar nele já quase estou a desmaiar.
I declare, Kizzy, just the thought of him makes me feel I'm about to swoon.
Toca na minha mão, Kizzy.
Feel my hand, Kizzy.
Para longe da Kizzy!
Away from Kizzy!
Voltarei cá para buscar a Kizzy e levá-la também para a liberdade.
I'll come back and fetch Kizzy and take her to freedom.
- Ele ama-me, Kizzy.
- Adoring, Kizzy.
Tu eras muito boa aluna, Kizzy.
You were such a good student, Kizzy.
Estás a ler, Kizzy?
is that you reading, Kizzy?
A Kizzy e eu estamos a treinar para pregar uma partida à Mamã Bell.
Kizzy and I are making up a joke to play on Mammy Bell.
Vamos deixá-la a pensar que a Kizzy sabe ler.
We're gonna make her think Kizzy knows how to read.
mas estou surpreendido contigo, Kizzy.
But I'm surprised at you, Kizzy.
Está tudo bem, Kizzy.
It's all right, Kizzy.
Não me resta muito tempo, Kizzy.
Ain't all that much time left, Kizzy.
Tu és parte dela, Kizzy.
You're part of it, Kizzy.
- Sim, o que é, Kizzy?
- Yes, what is it, Kizzy?

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