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Nets tradutor Inglês

476 parallel translation
Joguem a rede.
Throw your nets.
Redes, nassas...
Nets everywhere!
Devíamos ir combater os teutões... e não remendar redes.
Instead of mending nets we should be fighting the Germans.
Quanto tempo levaremos a chegar lá? Atravessamos todas as minas e as redes em cerca de 45 minutos.
We'll get through the nets and minefields in about 45 minutes.
Sobrevoamos as redes, os campos de minas - e aterramos no meio do porto.
We fly over the nets and the minefields plumb in the middle of the harbor.
Larguem as redes.
Let down your nets.
Levantar redes.
Get your nets adrift. Get down, men.
Os trabalhadores ao dia têm de ser pagos e as redes e os barcos têm de ser reparados.
There are the day laborers to pay... and the daily cost of mending nets and repairing damage to the boats.
As nossas redes são as mesmas.
What a terrible night. Our nets are torn too.
No entanto, a noite passada, as redes estavam cheias.
Yet when they pulled in their nets... they were full.
As redes afundam-se para serem arrastadas com resplendor.
The nets are dropped and then hauled back up... swarming with silvery fish.
Pano para tecer, redes para fazer...
There's cloth to weave and nets to make.
as redes, os remos, as velas...
The nets, the mast, the oars, the sail.
E, a partir de agora, eu prometo que não invento mais histórias.
Yes, but I know one thing I'll never gonna be a fire man I don't like jumping in those nets
"Vão para águas profundas e lancem as vossas redes."
"Go out into deep waters and let down your nets."
De repente, as redes encheram-se como que por milagre.
In a moment, the nets were full as if by a miracle.
Estão a trabalhar sem redes.
They're working without nets.
Os rapazes segui-Ios-âo esta noite, e nós levaremos as redes amanhã.
The boys can keep track of them tonight, and we'll bring up the nets tomorrow.
Tu e o BoItchak verificam as redes do outro lado.
You and Boltchak check the nets on the other side.
A rede está podre!
The nets wobble.
Enredou-se numa rede como um gorila e nâo sabe soItar-se.
Got himself all tangled up in one of his nets like a gorilla and he doesn't know how to get out.
Não deito as minhas redes para apanhartodo o tipo de peixe, grandes e pequenos?
Don't I spread my nets to catch all kinds of fish, both great and small?
Se o pai e o Martin puserem a rede, eu e o Minus vamos ao leite.
If Papa and Martin put out the nets, Minus and I will get the milk.
Não, o David e o Minus tratam disso, eu vou passear com a minha mulher.
No, David and Minus can put out the nets so I can take my wife for a walk.
A Karin e eu pomo-la e o Minus e o Martin vão buscar o leite.
Can't Karin and I put out the nets, while Minus and Martin get the milk?
Vamos vestir-nos ou pôr a rede primeiro? Que achas?
Should we get dressed before we put out the nets?
Bem, vamos pôr a rede?
Well, shall we put out the nets?
O Martin pediu-me para levar as redes. Vens?
Want to come and pull in the nets?
O pai e o Minus já estão a pôr as redes.
Papa and Minus are doing the nets. Come here.
Atirem as redes.
Throw your nets.
A rede! Depressa!
Get the nets ready!
Alcatrão para as redes, azeite e demais.
Just tar for the nets, lamp-oil and the like.
Naughton de Northants levou uma tacada nas nozes, mas não é digno de nota.
Naughton of Northants got a nasty knock on the nut in the nets last night but it's nothing of note.
O que nada no mar e é apanhado nas redes?
- No. What swims in the sea and gets caught in nets?
Os gorilas caçavam-nos por desporto, com redes e armas.
The gorillas hunted them for sport, with nets and with guns.
Estão algures debaixo das redes.
They're somewhere under the nets.
Muitos rapazes ficaram presos nas redes e foi difícil soltá-los.
( man # 4 ) A lot of boys got caught in the nets. We had quite a time getting them loose.
Os mais afortunados tinham redes, os outros dormiam em compartimentos, o que era muito desconfortável.
Most fortunate they had nets, the others slept in compartments, what it was very desconfortável.
Coloquem helicópteros e redes por cima dele.
Get some helicopters and blasting nets on top of him.
Os pescadores pegaram uma enguia em suas redes.
The fishermen caught an eel in their nets.
as redes estarão cheio de peixes novamente.
So their nets will be full of fish again.
Puxe as redes!
Pull up the nets!
para que elas estivessme cheias de peixes.
The one who enchanted the nets so they'd be full of fish?
Em suas redes Homem os barcos!
Into their nets Man the boats!
A rede da carga precisa de conserto.
The cargo nets will need to be prepared.
As redes do canal estarão abertas. Utilizem os tanques um e dois.
Channel nets will be open, use tanks one and two.
Escalem sobre a rede! Com calma, isso mesmo.
Climb over the nets, come on, quickly!
Vê aquelas redes acolá?
See those nets over there?
Preparem as redes aéreas para apanhar o corpo do Gordon.
Prepare sky nets to catch Gordon's body.
Afastem-se das redes.
Keep clear of the nets.
até regressarem a Capo Mulini.
Up and down go the nets... up and down... until dawn breaks over the hills.

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