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Translate.vc / Português → Russo / Above

Above tradutor Russo

28 parallel translation
Que até me rio p'rás nuvens E do escuro p'los céus...
I'm laughin'at clouds So dark up above
Will you stand above me
# Will you stand above me #
* Todos os anjos acima de nós *
All the angels above
* Invoque os anjos *
Call the angels above
* Invoque todos os anjos *
Call the angels above
Lay o lay above, lay o lay below
Lay o lay above, lay o lay below
Does it fall from skies above
* Падает ли она с небес? * * А может быть она *
Assim como André deve achar uma nova rota se o trajeto estiver bloqueado, nossas vias neurais se ajustam para processar e registrar novas experiências.
I can see, like, down my body was, like, up more so I could only see, like, above. How - - above? Ага.
Maybe it's been crazy And maybe I'm to blame But I put my heart above my head
возможно это было безумием и возможно я очень виноват но я ставлю чувства выше разума
Stars shining bright above you
* Над тобой ярко светят звезды *
* Sinto você acima de mim.
? I feel you above me?
Há uma caso onde uma mulher de 80 anos levantou um adulto acima da sua cabeça quando acreditou estar ocupada por um santo.
There was one case where an 80-year-old woman was able to lift a grown man above her head when she believed she was occupied by her Saint.
A Tenente Daniels disse que isso estava na parede por cima do sofá.
Lieutenant Daniels said that was on the wall above the couch. Right.
♪ Above thy deep and dreamless sleep... ♪ Urgh! Oh, céus.
В своем глубоком забытьи без сновидений... Боже...
# Up above, girls walk past
# Up above, girls walk past
♪ Skies above can't be stormy
♪ Небеса над головой не могут быть мрачными ♪
Sim, Stefan. Era... meu amigo. E é por essa razão que, sobretudo eu, deveria saber que estava morto.
Да, Стефан, он был моим другом, which is why I, above anyone else, should have known that he was dead.
As estrelas brilham por cima de ti a brisa da noite parece murmurar "amo-te"
♪ Stars shining bright above you ♪ ♪ night breezes seem to whisper, "I love you" ♪
As estrelas brilham por cima de ti a brisa da noite parece murmurar "amo-te"... ♪
♪ Stars shining bright above you ♪ ♪ night breezes seem to whisper, "I love you"... ♪
♪ And tell all the stars above ♪
Poderíamos resolver o processo.
♪ High up above it ♪
Eu sei quem é a Senga.
# High above there's nothing here # but you and me Я знаю кто такая Сенга.
Quando dizem :
When they say "above and beyond"

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