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Fool tradutor Russo

26 parallel translation
I could see you were no fool
# I could see you were no fool #
Uma tragédia de droga. - "Such a Fool."
Наркотики... "Сач э фул"...
Ditas ao estúpido P'ra enganar o povo
- Reach the dumb to fool the crowd
* Talvez seja certo dizer que vivo como um tolo *
Maybe it's fair to say I live like a fool
# My friends said I was a fool #
# Мои подруги говорили мне, что я дура #
- # You're a fool.
# - Ты дура. # #
Castle - SO2E04 "Fool Me Once" Sra. Schultz, sou a Detective Beckett.
- --
Do you hope to make her see, you fool?
Неужто ты надеешься заставить ее увидеть тебя, дурачок?
- and treats you well - treats you well then he's a fool, you're just as well hope it gives you hell when you see my face, hope it gives you hell hope it gives you hell
Если кто-то полюбит тебя Тогда он просто идиот, как и ты, Надеюсь, это выводит тебя из себя.
- well, you'll never tell - never tell then you're the fool, I'm just as well
И никому об этом не расскажешь, Тогда ты круглый дурак, Да я и сама не лучше.
Stop making a fool out of me
* Перестань делать из меня дурака *
Stop makin'a fool out of me
* Перестань делать из меня дурака *
- The Fool Monty -
Ёпизод 6. "The Fool Monty"
Se pegares no mesmo gajo, a contar a mesma história, e o colocares na esquina, com um carrinho de compras, ele seria um velho maluco.
If you took the same guy, telling the same story, put him on the street corner with a shopping cart, he'd be a babbling old fool.
bless your soul, you've got your head in the clouds she made a fool out of you and, boy, she's bringing you down she made your heart melt but she's cold to the core
Боже, ты все летаешь в облаках, Ты выставил себя дураком, Малыш, она унижает тебя.
A mamã costumava chamar-lhe "Fool-Aid." ( Auxilio de Idiotas )
Мама обычно называла это "Fool-Aid".
Não penses que me enganas.
Don't fool me for a minute.
- O que se passa com aquele palerma?
What's up with this fool, man?
Aposto que sim. Vinhas para te regozijar da minha idiotice?
Were you coming in here to celebrate what a fool I am?
És um tolo.
You're a fool.
- J'pité Le fool.
Защищайся, дурак! О!
Não te deixes enganar.
Don't let that fool you.
O Lowry Fool's Gold, o cavalo de corridas de um barão da droga mexicano, desapareceu em 2014.
Голд Лоури Фула, призовой скакун мексиканского наркобарона, пропал в 14-м.
Lear, Kent e Fool.
Лир, Кент, Шут.
- treats you well - then he's a fool you're just as well hope it gives you hell now, you'll never see what you've done to me you can take back your memories
Который полюбит тебя, Тогда он просто идиот, как и ты, Полюбивший тебя
"Won't Be a Fool No More".
"Won't Be a Fool No More".

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