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Translate.vc / Russo → Inglês / [ Ч ] / Чахотка

Чахотка tradutor Inglês

36 parallel translation
Говорит, у него чахотка. Я думаю - это нервы.
He says he has tuberculosis I think it's neurosis.
Возможно, у него чахотка.
Consumptive, I'd say.
У него была чахотка, в те годы эта болезнь была неизлечимой.
He had tuberculosis, which was incurable at that time.
- Чахотка, не так ли?
Tuberculosis, isn't it? !
Повезло. Это не чахотка.
Then it's not consumption, luckily.
Чахотка - ужасная вещь.
Consumption, a terrible thing.
У меня чахотка и я скоро умру.
I have consumption and will be dead before the year is out.
У него чахотка.
He has consumption.
Оспа. Чахотка.
Smallpox, consumption.
- Потому, что у Терезы Кармоди чахотка.
- Why? 'Cause Theresa Carmody's got the consumption.
Это чахотка делала с ней такое. Я люблю ее, Господи.
The excitement on the sofa is what the consumption does to you.
- У него была чахотка.
- He had consumption.
У нее чахотка.
She has consumption.
Возможно, это чахотка, и скоро она сведет меня в могилу.
It is probable TB and it is my death.
У нее была чахотка. Поэтому, сколько я себя помню, меня к ней не пускали.
She had tuberculosis so from when I can remember I wasn't allowed near her
Чахотка - тяжелая болезнь, и заразная.
Tuberculosis is a hard disease And it's catching
У нее была чахотка.
She died of consumption.
" Мой отец, бросил школу в 14 лет, бронхит, чахотка,
" My dad, 14 years old, left school, bronchitis, consumption,
Я думаю, у меня чахотка.
I think I have consumption.
У меня небольшая чахотка.
I have a touch of consumption.
Может коклюш... или чахотка, не знаю.
May be pertussis or consumption.
У неё чахотка.
She has consumption.
ты не можешь у меня уже была чахотка
You can't. I've already had consumption.
У нее была чахотка.
She had consumption.
- Конечно, причина смерти - огнестрельная рана, но у нее была чахотка. Есть явные признаки.
The gunshot wound was obviously the cause of death, but there are clear indicators of consumption.
Чахотка, явные признаки. Вряд ли ей долго оставалось.
There were clear signs of consumption.
Чахотка съедает его легкие.
The white plague eating away at his lungs.
Кажется, чахотка, но есть еще 8 вариантов с похожими симптомами!
Otherwise at least eight other helmet with manifest similar symptoms
Это же не чахОтка?
It's not consumption, is it?
У вас чахотка?
Is it consumption?
Сама ты чахотка.
You're what sneezes are.

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