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Translate.vc / Russo → Francês / [ A ] / Advice

Advice tradutor Francês

9 parallel translation
He didn't accept all the advice he was given. Сколько раз, его коллеги советовали ему быть мягче и обходительнее. On several occasions, his associates advised him to be more forthcoming.
À plusieurs reprises... ses associés lui ont conseillé d'être plus ouvert.
A bit of short-term advice to tide you over.
Un petit conseil pour t'aider.
* Не позорь мой хороший совет *
Don't put my good advice to shame
You doing a story or giving advice?
Tu fais une histoire ou tu donnes des conseils?
I haven't been assigned the story, so I'm giving advice.
On ne m'a pas confié l'histoire, donc je donne des conseils.
Look, I just need some advice.
J'ai besoin de conseils.
Doesn't anybody want me to give'em advice?
Personne ne veut de mes conseils?
Sign here, date there, and that states that you are leaving against medical advice.
Signez ici, datez là, et cela stipule que vous quittez l'hôpital contre l'avis médical.
... the advice and capabilities of this extraordinary group Я собираюсь и тебе предложить, - поступить туда на работу. "... I'm forming and you gotta be in it. "
- Tu en feras partie. " - J'ai dit :" Non.

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