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Aşki tradutor Inglês

58 parallel translation
# With heart as cold as only heart #
Acıklı bir aşk hikâyesi yapmaya karar verdik. Adı da "ŞOFÖRÜN AŞKI"
So we decided to make a tragic love story titled "The Chauffeur's Romance."
Oh... my...
öncelikle sevişme olur daha sonra aşki düşünürüz. Sevginin temeli sağlam olursa kafa karıştırıcı oluyor.
First we have sex and then we think if it was love or not with these fundamentals of love there's solid confusion
Hay aski!
# Yaz aski vurdu beni kalbimden
♪ ( OFF-KEY ) ♪ ♪ Summer lovin'♪ ♪ Had me a blast ♪
Muhtemelen boylesi daha iyidir. # Yaz aski...
Yeah, that's probably for the best.
Aski bulasici bir hastalik gibi gören erkeklerden biktim usandim.
I'm sick and tired of men using love like it's a kind of disease you just catch.
rajanin aski var!
Raja is in love!
Aski tecrübe etmek için.
To experience love.
Sevgili dostlarim, bugün bu kilisede bir araya geldik... burada hazir bulunan bu topluluk önünde... Tanri bu aski güclendirsin ve mühürlesin.
My dear friends, you have come together in this church... so that the Lord may seal and strengthen your love... in the presence of this church's minister and community.
Fakat bugün ilk kez, birisinin aski yüzünden o kisinin dostu bir dilenci oldu.
But today it has happened for the first time that because of somebody's love, his friend has become a beggar.
Aski birak, dostlugumuza bile baglilik göstermedin.
Oh forget love. You didn't even pay lip service to our friendship.
ilk aski hatirlaticak seyler yapmak belkide bu yaptigimiz en buyuk hata
If adults could just remember their first love maybe they wouldn't think ours was so wrong.
Aski biliyorum.
I've seen it.
Yani esas konu şu... sizin onayınızı istiyorum.
So basical ly, bottom I i ne, what I'm aski ng you is for approval. Okay? .
Baska nerede iki kez ilk goruste aski bulabilirsin?
Where else could you find two "love at first sights?"
.. bu hayat, aski silmeli vazgeçmeli...
My life, I could give away for my love...
bu hayat, aski silmeli vazgeçmeli...
I thought I hated you
Sevgilim, bu aski silmeli vazgeçmeli..
For my love, my sweetheart...
1925'te 38 yasindaki Schrödinger kim oldugu hala bir sir olan yasak aski için İsviçre'de bir Alp tatil yeri olan Arosa'daydi.
In 1925, 38-year-old Schroedinger stayed at the Alpine resort of Arosa in Switzerland for a secret liaison with an old girlfriend whose identity remains a mystery to this day.
nasil oluyorda... tanimadigin bir adamla icip sarhos olup yatmak ve aski bulmaya calismak mantikli oluyor?
Why... get drunk and sleep with a man you do not know as a way to find love?
Sadece bir hastanin aptalca aski olsaydi bana tedavi ettigin bir hastana asik oldugunu mu söylüyorsun?
If this were just some patient with a silly crush... Are you telling me you've fallen in love with some patient that you're treating?
- Bu aski hakediyor musun?
- do you feel that you deserve that love?
Aski icin savasti
He fought for love
Sana baktigimda, o aski grüyorum
When I look at you, I see that love
Fakirlerin aski ile alay eder.
Making mockery of the love of the poor
Kalbim, aski ariyor.
My heart. Is searching for love.
Kalbim, aski ariyor.
My heart. Is feeling the mountains oflove.
ve siz Peder : sonradan aski konusuyorsunuz.
And you father : You talk all the time about charity.
Ben senin için diyordum.
I was aski for you, sweetheart.
Bana aski goster, eh.
Show me the love, eh.
Hey, o bana aski verdi ve ben suan cok iyi hissediyorum
♪ Hey, she give me love And I feel all right now ♪ ♪
Buyuk galeriye ilerleyelim, William Wallece Simpson'in, Lady Marion'un aski icin
Moving on to the long gallery where legend has it that William Wallace Simpson fought with Richard de Gere for the heart of Lady Marion...
Tamam, aski seçiyorum.
Well, I choose love.
Geysa aski bulacak mi yoksa bulamayacak mi ögrenemeyeceksin.
You don't get to find out if the geisha finds love.
Bence kayip aski aramaktan daha guzel birsey olamaz, bende seni buna ulastiracagim
Well, there's no greater search than that of lost love, I'll give you that.
Beni neredeyse lise aski hikayesiyle kandirmak uzereydin.
You almost had me fooled with that line about your high school girlfriend.
Sendeki Allah aski olsaydi simdi onun yaninda olurdun!
You believe in the Almighty and now you would've been with Him!
Ikisi de cok iyi cocuklar, ikisi de en iyisini hak ediyor, aski ariyorlar.
They're both nice guys, Both deserve the best, want love.
Gerçek aski olmadan sonsuza kadar yasamaya lanetlenen Silas, ölümsüzlük büyüsünü tersine çevirmeye yarayan bir büyü bulmus.
Well, cursed to an eternity without his one true love,
Yeni arka aski ve suspansiyon kolu istiyorum.
New rear suspension. New wishbones.
Hayatimin tatli aski!
Sweet love of my life!
Sen benim hayatimin aski sensin.
I fucked this up. You're the love of my life.
Gençlik aski.
Oh, young love.
sundan diyebiliriz ; filmlerime aski koyup "çekmeyi" seviyorum ve bu defa tek basima yapmak zorunda degilim.
I guess you could say I enjoy making love on film, and now I don't have to do it by myself.

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