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A friend of yours перевод на испанский

1,629 параллельный перевод
is that a friend of yours?
¿ Es un amigo de ustedes?
Sólo soy un tipo, Stuart, tu amigo.
A friend of yours?
¿ Una amiga suya?
Listen I work for a friend of yours.
Escucha trabajo para un amigo tuyo.
- A friend of yours?
- ¿ Es un amigo suyo?
Is he a friend of yours?
¿ Es amigo suyo?
A friend of yours?
¿ Un amigo tuyo?
I said, a friend of yours?
¿ Dije, un amigo tuyo?
Is he a friend of yours?
- ¿ Es amigo tuyo? - No, no lo es.
- A friend of yours?
- ¿ Amigo tuyo?
We were talking..... of old Mr Harmon... as being a friend of yours.
Estábamos hablando....... del viejo Mr. Harmon.... que era amigo suyo.
Was the girl who died in the car a friend of yours, too?
¿ La chica que murió en el auto era amiga de ustedes?
- Ah, Pace, I'm sorry. I know Dawson's a friend of yours.
Pace, lo siento, sé que Dawson es tu amigo.
She's a friend of yours?
¿ Es amiga tuya?
I shouldn't go out with a friend of yours.
No debería salir con una amiga tuya.
- ls he a friend of yours?
- ¿ Es amigo suyo?
Normally, he'd be sitting in a holding cell, but he claims he's a friend of yours.
Ya estaría en una celda, pero afirma ser amigo suyo.
- Sammy's a friend of yours?
- ¿ Sammy es amigo tuyo?
- ls he a friend of yours?
- ¿ Es amigo tuyo?
- Is she a friend of yours?
- ¿ Es amiga tuya?
- Is that a friend of yours, James?
- ¿ Ése es amigo tuyo, James?
is he a friend of yours?
¿ Es amigo suyo?
- Yeah, she was a friend of yours.
Sí, era amiga tuya.
Is that a friend of yours?
¿ Noel? ¿ Es amigo tuyo?
I told the guy out there I was a friend of yours and he just let me come on back here. So. I don't know.
Sí, le dije al tipo afuera que era tu amigo y me dejó venir acá, así que no sé, supongo que debes despedirlo.
¿ Me estás diciendo que tengo pinta de ser amiga tuya?
Is she a friend of yours?
¿ Es amiga suyo? Oh, no.
I must admit I have my concerns about Max, but if he's a friend of yours...
Reconozco que estoy preocupada por Max, pero si es amigo tuyo- -
- Is he a friend of yours?
- ¿ Es amigo tuyo?
Is he a friend of yours?
¿ Es un amigo suyo?
Was he a friend of yours?
¿ Era amigo suyo?
- I've decided to be a friend of yours.
- He decidido que quiero ser tu amigo.
- She's a friend of yours?
- ¿ Ella es tu amiga?
- Was he a friend of yours?
- ¿ Era amigo tuyo?
And bearing that all in mind... I'd like you to meet an old friend of yours.
Pensando en eso... quiero que conozcas a un amigo.
Keep that ad guy friend of yours out of here.
Mantén a ese amigo tuyo publicitario fuera.
Is a friend of yours in trouble?
¿ Ha sucedido algo?
Any help you ladies can give me in locating this ex-friend of yours would sure be appreciated.
Cualquier dato de relevancia para localizar a su ex novio seria muy de agradecer.
It's just funny,'cause, uh, I was tryin'to contact you, actually, about a story I was doin'about an old friend of yours.
Es curioso, porque... yo intentaba localizarte... por una historia... sobre un viejo amigo tuyo.
Let's go and see this little friend of yours.
Así que vamos a ver a su pequeña amiga.
Because I know he's a good friend of yours.
Porque sé que es buen amigo tuyo.
Well, one thing you won't lose is that friend of yours back there. - I'll tell you that.
Una cosa que no va a perder es a su amigo de allá, se lo aseguro.
A friend of yours.
Es alguien que usted conoce.
Well, listen, friend, Rutherford is a clean town, and it's shenanigans such as yours that are gonna dash our hopes of landing the 20-aught-8 summer Olympics!
Escucha, amigo, Rutherford es una ciudad limpia. Tus payasadas harán que perdamos la chance de ser la sede de las Olimpíadas de verano de 2008.
That friend of yours from next door, Regan.
A ésa amiga tuya de al lado, Regan.
He's not a good friend of yours, is he?
No será un buen amigo suyo, ¿ verdad, Sho-Ling?
Ah, bring that gentleman friend of yours.
Ah, trae a ese caballero amigo tuyo.
Yours ln search of justice,..... a friend. "
"Espero que esta información les sea de ayuda". Fdo : Un amigo a la búsqueda de la Justicia ".
I just saw that friend of yours, Twit, leaving with Brian.
Acabo de ver a esa amigo tuya, Twit, irse con Brian.
And remember, any friend who won't join your down-line sales force is no friend of yours.
Y recuerden, cualquier amigo que no se una a las ventas en línea no es nuestro amigo.
My own father, who says he was a good friend of yours...
Mi padre, el que dijo eso que era un buen amigo tuyo... -...

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