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Alphahff перевод на испанский

303 параллельный перевод
Go... { \ alphaHFF } Please... { \ alphaHFF } Go
Vaya, sí,
Go... Please... { \ alphaHFF } Go
Ve, por favor,
Andalusia. { \ alphaHFF } Andalusia. Andalusia. Andalusia.
Andalusia. { \ alphaHFF } Andalusia. Andalusia.
{ \ alphaHFF } or solve the puzzle... you're nothing but a loser. or solve the puzzle... { \ alphaHFF } you're nothing but a loser. or solve the puzzle... you're nothing but a loser.
Si no puedes ganar el juego si no puedes resolver el puzzle no eres más que un perdedor.
{ \ alphaHFF } who did L choose? Me or Near? who did L choose?
Ahora, entre Near y yo...
he can no longer choose. { \ alphaHFF } he can no longer choose. he can no longer choose.
Aún no lo había decidido, y ahora que está muerto es demasiado tarde.
the conclusion that as long as you don't do anything bad... { \ alphaHFF } will be an easy conclusion for some people to reach.
A decir verdad, si no cometes crímenes no, más bien si llevas una vida honrada, este mundo ha cambiado para mejor.
Y - { \ alphaHFF } Yes! Y-Yes!
¡ Sí!
Such a unfortunate family playing "happy families"... { \ alphaHFF } this is too funny. Such a unfortunate family playing "happy families"... this is too funny.
Es una familia con sus típicas conversaciones... ¡ qué divertido!
An abduction? { \ alphaHFF } Who's abducted who?
¿ Un secuestro...?
Takimura... { \ alphaHFF } We have no idea who the culprit is yet. Takimura... We have no idea who the culprit is yet.
Takimura, el Director de la Policía de momento no hay sospechosos.
Well... { \ alphaHFF } they'll exchange the Chief... for the murderer's notebook. Well... they'll exchange the Chief... { \ alphaHFF } for the murderer's notebook. Well... they'll exchange the Chief... for the murderer's notebook.
Ellos piden que le entreguemos la Death Note.
{ \ alphaHFF } and that the police have it... and they're coming after it. and that the police have it... { \ alphaHFF } and they're coming after it. and that the police have it... and they're coming after it.
Hay alguien que sabe de la existencia de la Death Note y que está en manos de la policía japonesa.
W - { \ alphaHFF } What are you talking about? ! W-What are you talking about?
¿ De qué está hablando?
{ \ alphaHFF } and their aim seems to be to obtain the notebook. and their aim seems to be to obtain the notebook.
Parece que alguien ha secuestrado al Director para así hacerse con el cuaderno.
right? Y - { \ alphaHFF } Yes.
Yagami es quien está al mando del equipo... ¿ correcto?
I don't just want the notebook... { \ alphaHFF } and become number one!
El cuaderno no es lo único que quiero quiero matar a todos quienes se interpongan.
Really? { \ alphaHFF } Good. Really?
¿ En serio?
The Head of the FBI himself offered his assistance in rescuing the Chief... { \ alphaHFF } I guess we can trust him. The Head of the FBI himself offered his assistance in rescuing the Chief... I guess we can trust him.
El FBI dijo que deseaba ayudarnos a rescatar al Director Takimura pienso que podemos confiar en ellos.
The Chief should already be dead... { \ alphaHFF } why haven't they said anything?
El Director ya debe estar muerto...
so they're just giving up the exchange? { \ alphaHFF } Is that the kind of opponent they are?
Con él muerto... ¿ han abandonado la idea del rescate?
The people here aren't the only ones in danger! { \ alphaHFF } Our families and- - The people here aren't the only ones in danger!
No somos los únicos que estamos en peligro nuestras familias también lo están.
Deputy Chief... about the deal regarding the exchange of the Chief for the notebook... { \ alphaHFF } that's now off. Deputy Chief... about the deal regarding the exchange of the Chief for the notebook... that's now off.
Vice Director el intercambio del cuaderno ha sido cancelado.
! { \ alphaHFF } Y-You bastard! What?
¿ Qué?
! Y - { \ alphaHFF } You bastard! What?
¡ Bastardos!
I'll contact you again tomorrow. H - { \ alphaHFF } Hey! H-Hey!
Mañana volveré a llamar.
We're better off if we act by using only the people here. { \ alphaHFF } If we don't... We're better off if we act by using only the people here. If we don't...
Creo que lo mejor será que actuemos por nuestra cuenta.
{ \ alphaHFF } By the people that abducted him. By whom?
¿ Quién...?
{ \ alphaHFF } it narrows the list of suspects. it narrows the list of suspects.
Por lo que sí ha sido Kira nos estamos acercando a él considerablemente.
The TV program pictured in the background is currently airing in the US. They've taken it on purpose to let us know she's okay. T - { \ alphaHFF } Thank god... at least we know she's alive.
El programa de televisión que se ve de fondo se está transmitiendo en este momento lo han hecho para que sepamos que la fotografía es actual.
T-Thank god... { \ alphaHFF } at least we know she's alive. T-Thank god... at least we know she's alive.
Genial al menos con esto sabemos que está con vida.
{ \ alphaHFF } had to say from Deputy Chief Yagami. had to say from Deputy Chief Yagami.
Quiero decir, dí Rally Connors al Jefe Yagami.
Second-generation L... { \ alphaHFF } it's a pleasure to meet you. Second-generation L... it's a pleasure to meet you.
Segundo "L", encantado de conocerte.
Second-generation "? { \ alphaHFF } What are you talking about? Second-generation "?
Segundo... ¿ qué quieres decir?
{ \ alphaHFF } Who and where? !
La muerte de "L"...
And I am the one at the center of the SPK... Let me see... { \ alphaHFF } I'm N.
Soy el líder de SPK.
{ \ alphaHFF } Is this a joke? N "? Is this a joke?
¿ E... está bromeando?
And yet... { \ alphaHFF } this feeling... what is it? And yet... this feeling... { \ alphaHFF } what is it?
Pero... ésta sensación...
! Kira is... { \ alphaHFF } the second-generation L. Kira is... the second-generation L.
Si así fueran las cosas, Kira sería el nuevo "L".
that your "second-generation" L might be Kira? { \ alphaHFF } that your "second-generation" L might be Kira? that your "second-generation" L might be Kira?
¿ Todos ustedes de la policía especial japonesa sospecharon que el segundo "L" era Kira, al menos una vez?
Near... { \ alphaHFF } I've got no choice now but to kill you! Near... I've got no choice now but to kill you!
Near, no tengo otra opción sino matarte... ahora.
Light-kun is Kira... { \ alphaHFF } that idea is being reinforced yet again. Light-kun is Kira... that idea is being reinforced yet again.
Light-kun sería Kira, ahí otra acusación.
However, in the middle of the investigation, for unknown reasons, the Angel exploded.
5000 ) \ 1cH101f28 \ bord0 \ shad0 \ p1 } m 0 0 m 144 235 l 135 71 l 1000 9 l 1022 172 5000 ) \ fnArial Black \ fs120 \ fscx85 \ 1cH828185 \ 3cH101f28 \ bord1 \ shad0 \ frz4 } Gigantesca { \ alphaHff } I { \ alphaH00 } explosión
how about it? Why don't you two try joining forces? { \ alphaHFF } how about it?
Mello, Near... ¿ qué les parecería trabajar juntos?
S - { \ alphaHFF } Sayu-chan...
Has he said anything? Mogi Kanzou and Matsuda Touta. { \ alphaHFF } Is that right?
Tenemos nuevas órdenes. ¿ Ha dicho algo? La policía japonesa ha detenido la investigación del caso Kira.
Deputy Chief... { \ alphaHFF } about the deal regarding the exchange of the Chief for the notebook... that's now off.
Soy Yagami.
Alone. { \ alphaHFF } With the notebook.
Haremos aquí el intercambio.
It's L... { \ alphaHFF } the current one.
Soy "L".
{ \ alphaHFF } You can't buy love and peace with money! what the hell do you think you're doing? !
¡ El dinero no puede comprar paz y amor!

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