And he's not перевод на испанский
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But, he's not here and it's just horrible.
Pero no está aquí, y es horrible.
And he's actually done it at a place where it's not easy for Lorenzo to get straight back.
Y de hecho lo ha hecho en un sitio en el que no es fácil para Lorenzo volver a colocarse.
That's when he's not setting up networks on the Dark Web for drug dealers and weapons traffickers. I thought the government shut down Silk Road.
Eso cuando no está creando redes en la Dark Web para narcotraficantes y traficantes de armas.
I know you have history with Michael Wynn and I'll admit, he's not an easy case.
Sé que tiene un asunto con Michael Wynn y admitiré que él no es un caso fácil.
My former partner is not dirty, and he's not a murderer.
Mi ex pareja no está sucio, y él no es un asesino.
And then, he's like, Oh, [bleep], no, it's not.
y entonces, dijo : Oh, jode *, no, no lo es.
And he's not afraid to use his voice to demand change.
Y no tiene miedo de hablar para cambiar algo.
First time domestic violence offender gets probation and anger management and that's when he's not rich and powerful.
Por la primera infracción por violencia doméstica consigue libertad condicional y manejo de la ira y eso cuando no es rico y poderoso.
Well, it's not like you needed my help, and I think I embarrassed myself enough for one day.
Bueno, no necesitabas mi ayuda, y creo que me he puesto en ridículo lo suficiente por hoy.
Well, the back door's wide open and he's not here now.
Bueno, la puerta de atrás estaba abierta y ahora él no esta aquí.
Yeah, and the other half is trying not to look at their wives and going, "Yeah, he's got a point."
Yeah, y la otra mitad esta tratando de no mirar a sus esposas y decir "Yeah, tiene algo de razón"
You told Howard not to attend my meeting with Emily's List, knowing he'd show up and make a fool of himself.
Usted le dijo a Howard no asistir a mi reunion con la lista de Emily, sabiendo que habia presentarse y hacer el ridiculo.
Or both of them, and he's not that ripped.
O los dos, y no está tan bien definido.
Well, he did that thing where he acts like he's busy, his finger sort of wobbles over the shift key and he's not really doing anything, so I think he got the gist.
Bueno, él hizo esa cosa en la que actúa como él está ocupado, el dedo especie de tambalea sobre la tecla de mayúsculas y él no está haciendo nada, así que creo que tiene la esencia.
Yeah, but I found a fingerprint on it, and it's not Newton's.
Sí, pero he encontrado una huella en él - y no es de Newton. - ¿ Tienes una coincidencia?
And he's not getting any younger.
Y ya no es joven.
Ah, he's not, but he's a really good one, and they're hard to come by, and in this business, nobody wants you until everybody wants you, but at that point, who needs'em?
No, pero es realmente bueno y son dificiles de conseguir. y en este negocio, nadie te quiere hasta que todos te buscan, y para entonces, ¿ quién los necesita?
There's been something I've been wanting to ask you, and I'm not sure how you're going to feel about it, but if you're not thinking, then you're not going to say no.
Hay algo que te he estado queriendo preguntar, y... no sé como lo vas a tomar. Pero si no lo piensas mucho, no me vas a decir que no.
My guess is, Alicia advised him not to do anything stupid, and he's boned up on all the cases in order to appear smart.
Mi conjetura es, Alicia le aconsejó no hacer nada estúpido, y está deshuesada arriba en todos los casos para parecer inteligente.
♪ "he's not your kind" ♪ ♪ they never get tired of putting me down ♪ ♪ and I never know when I come around ♪
* "no es tu tipo" * * nunca se cansan de hundirme * * y nunca sé cuando aparezco * * qué me voy a encontrar * * no les dejes decidir por ti * * no sabes, chica *
He's not shady but he's known to be ruthless and cruel to living creatures.
No sospecho de él, ni nada... pero es conocido por ser cruel y despiadado con todo ser viviente.
I'll meet him and see for myself if he's real or not.
Me encontraré con él y lo determinaré por mí mismo. Ya sea real o no.
He saved Su-hyang's life and she served him since. But not how you're imagining, okay?
Desde que Soo Hyang fue salvado por él, no es la clase de relación en la que estás pensando.
If he's not working, he's under lock and key at their embassy.
Si no está trabajando, está encerrado bajo llave en su embajada.
Brain swelled and he was toast. But that's not what you care about.
El cerebro se le hinchó y se hizo una tostada, pero eso no es lo que te importa.
It's not fair that he's all of these amazing things, and... and this one mistake is all anybody's even gonna think about him.
No es justo que esté metido en todas estas cosas increíbles y... este único error es todo en lo que la gente va a pensar sobre él.
Yeah, okay. And it's not plotting if he's already dead.
Y no es tramar si él ya está muerto.
It's not like you and Annalise carried that body into the woods. He did.
No es como si Annalise y tú hubieran cargado el cuerpo hasta el bosque.
So abi, if he's telling the truth, the four of Telling the truth, the four of you, peih-gee, yourself, varner You, peih-gee, yourself, varner and woo are not all together,
Con lo que Abi, si él está diciendo la verdad ustedes cuatro, Peih-Gee, Varner, Woo y tú no están unidos, lo cuál es la brecha que Savage y Tasha necesitarían.
He had long hair, and he had those lines on the sides of his abs, and he did MMA, but only for the money, not because he's violent. Yeah!
Tenía el pelo largo, y él tenía esas líneas a los lados de su abdomen, y lo hizo de MMA, pero sólo por el dinero, no porque él es violento.
I'm gonna go to your boss and tell him that you've been having ex parte dealings not once but twice with my clients, and he's gonna send your hick ass back to whatever haystack you crawled out of!
Voy a ir a tu jefe y le contaré que has estado haciendo tratos "ex parte" no una vez sino dos con mis clientes, ¡ y va a enviar tu culo paleto de vuelta al pajar del que salió!
The rider's getting out of the hospital later today, and he's not pressing charges.
El ciclista saldrá del hospital esta tarde, y no va a presentar cargos.
- It's not wise. - So you would rather he run and hide than exercise his right to free speech?
- No es sabio. - ¿ Así que prefieres que corra y se esconda que ejercer su derecho a la libertad de expresión?
Besides, it was just the one shirt, and he's not even wearing it anymore.
Además, era sólo una camisa, y él ni siquiera lleva más.
We've got one of his soldiers in holding, and he's not talking.
Tenemos uno de sus soldados retenido, y no habla.
It's not like when Dr. Goldfarb claimed he bought an electron microscope and he was really just keeping a Russian girl in an apartment in Van Nuys.
No es como cuando el Dr. Goldfarb dijo que compró un microscopio pero mantenía a una chica rusa en un apartamento en Van Nuys.
And it's not something that I consider because he says that he Wants to work with me, but then he kind of like stabs me behind My back.
Y no voy a considerar lo que dijo de querer trabajar conmigo, porque luego termina apuñalándome por la espalda.
And tell the little hamster he's not going to college.
Y decirle al pequeño hamster que no podrá ir al colegio.
There was a time when the coach was everything the student hoped he'd be, but then the student learned that the coach was not the man he thought he was, and when he confronted the coach, the student's life changed forever.
Hubo un momento en que el entrenador era todo lo que el estudiante espera que estaría, pero entonces el estudiante se enteró de que el entrenador no era el hombre que pensó que era, y cuando se enfrentó al entrenador, la vida del estudiante cambió para siempre.
But he's still wearing the other half of this necklace, and I'm guessing it's not because he really likes sparkly things.
Pero aún lleva la otra mitad de ese collar, y supongo que no es porque le gusten las cosas brillantes.
He's having all this trouble at school, and Ryan is dropping everything to do whatever it takes to help him, and I'm not.
Está teniendo todo este problema en la escuela, y Ryan deja de hacer todo lo posible para hacer todo lo necesario para ayudarlo, y yo no
We can't, and we would not send him away, no matter who he is or where he's from.
No podemos, y no le enviaríamos de distancia, no importa quién es ni de dónde es.
I always thought white people were bad kissers and it's not their fault, it's just that they've got really small lips and they can't embrace the challenge of lips like mine and then they try to compensate
Siempre he pensado que los blancos besaban mal, pero no es culpa suya, es que tienen labios muy pequeños y no pueden con el "desafío" de labios como los míos y tratan de compensar la falta de labios
And he's not the criminal he looks like in that picture.
Y no es el delincuente que parece en esa foto.
He's part of a much larger conspiracy, and you're his lackey. Not me. If PC Principal has been using us,
él es parte de la mas grande conspiracion, y tú eres su lacayo yo no si el director PC estubo usandonos, acabare con ese bastardo yo solo
Pepper says he's not coming if both j'Marcus and Raymond are here.
Pepper dice que no vendrá si J'Marcus y Raymond están aquí.
I'm open about my feelings and he's not.
Estoy abierto acerca de mis sentimientos y no es.
And he's not going anywhere without his family.
Y no va a ninguna parte sin su familia.
She's not biting them, she's licking them and he likes it.
No se los está mordiendo, se los está lamiendo y a él le gusta.
And now... he's gonna die... because I was not a good enough doctor... to keep him alive.
Y ahora... va a morir... porque no he sido lo suficiente buena doctora... para mantenerle con vida.
Frank's not real and if he was real, he'd be way taller, and you know, more glowy.
Frank no existe, y de ser así, sería más alto y más brillante.
and he's like 99
and he's dead 61
and he's right 54
and he's 185
and he's gone 47
and he's back 17
and he's good 16
and he's off 32
and he's here 18
he's not gonna make it 43
and he's dead 61
and he's right 54
and he's 185
and he's gone 47
and he's back 17
and he's good 16
and he's off 32
and he's here 18
he's not gonna make it 43
he's not my boyfriend 125
he's not worth it 85
he's not here anymore 22
he's not ready 47
he's not here 947
he's not 1460
he's not there 182
he's not my friend 74
he's not picking up 53
he's not wrong 55
he's not worth it 85
he's not here anymore 22
he's not ready 47
he's not here 947
he's not 1460
he's not there 182
he's not my friend 74
he's not picking up 53
he's not wrong 55