And he didn't перевод на испанский
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I have survived for a very long time now. And I assure you, i didn't do it by relying on the goodness in people.
He sobrevivido durante mucho tiempo y te puedo asegurar que no lo he conseguido confiando en la bondad de la gente.
Caldwell : I didn't have too many concerns with Alex except for that he might see all the snow and be like screw it I don't want to deal with this.
No tenía muchas preocupaciones con respecto a Alex excepto que él viera toda esa nieve y dijera :
Jorgeson : And I still didn't do it.
Y aún no lo he podido hacer.
Due to the victim's concerns about suffering additional emotional harm, he didn't testify and the judge had no choice but to dismiss the case.
Debido a las preocupaciones de la víctima sobre el sufrimiento Daño emocional adicional, que no testificó Y el juez no tuvo otra opción pero que desestime el caso.
What they didn't know is that he was beating me, because I covered up for him again and again.
Lo que ellos no sabían es que me latía, Porque me tapé para él una y otra vez.
And another guy got pissed because he didn't get one.
Y otro hombre se enojó porque no conseguir uno.
I would have called, but after I gave you my number and didn't hear from you, I thought, you know,
Yo he llamado, pero después de que le di mi número y no saber de ti, pensé, ya sabes,
And he didn't have anyone to help nurture his talents, so all he could do was lash out.
Y no tuvo a nadie para ayudar a educar sus talentos, entonces todo lo que él podría hacer era repartir golpes a diestro y siniestro.
And if so, Tristan didn't collapse because he witnessed a murder.
Y si es así, Tristán no se derrumbó porque él fue testigo de un asesinato.
And I didn't kill Lara, I swear.
Y no he matado a Lara, lo juro.
But if Josh was going to invite me, he would've asked and he didn't, so just drop it.
Pero si Josh fuera a invitarme, ya lo habría hecho, así que nada.
So I called Ginny, and the black eyes and the broken bones she patched up, Ray did that to you, didn't he?
Por lo que llamé a Ginny, y los ojos morados y los huesos rotos que te curó, lo hizo Ray, ¿ no?
And no, I didn't kill him.
Y no, no le he matado.
Now Makaela's father is in jail for a crime he didn't commit, the old man is dead, and Makaela suffers all over again.
Ahora el padre de Makaela está en la cárcel por un crimen que no cometió el abuelo está muerto y Makaela no deja de sufrir.
Yeah, when Gibbs noticed the dark stains on Tupperman's shoes, he didn't think anything about it until Lyle, here, saw the same stains... on the shoes of Agents McGee and DiNozzo.
Sí, cuando Gibbs vio las manchas oscuras en los zapatos de Tupperman no pensó en nada hasta que Lyle vio las mismas manchas... en los zapatos de los agentes DiNozzo y McGee.
That was an Op-Ed piece in the paper written by a first grader who found the school lunch policy to be ridiculous, and he thought "r-retarded" to be the best word to describe it. As the editor of the paper, I didn't think it was right to censor the words the student used.
eso fue escrito por un chico de primero que cree que la politica del almuerzo es ridicula y utilizo la palabra "retardado" como la mejor descripcion como el editor que soy, no creo que este bien censurar las palabras de los estudiantes
You see, what I did there is I created a framework for problem solving, and I didn't spoon-feed them the answers.
Veis, lo que he hecho aquí es crear un ambiente de resolución de problemas, y no les he regalado las respuestas.
I didn't think he'd come back and ask for it so soon.
No pensé que volvería y pregunte por ella tan pronto.
Maybe he picked it up and you didn't see him return it.
Quizás lo cogió y no le viste devolverlo.
We got a lunatic out here, and he didn't leave us much to work with.
Conseguimos un loco aquí, y él no nos deja mucho que trabajar.
And it seems he didn't bring his rifle in himself.
Y parece que no trajo su rifle en sí mismo.
I asked you to move them and you didn't move.
Te he pedido que las quitaras y no las has quitado.
Listen, before my pill wore off, we talked a lot, and I think that I can prove that he's innocent and that he didn't do this, but I need my pill tomorrow.
Escucha, antes que mi pastilla se acabe, hablamos bastante, y creo que puedo probar que es inocente y que no lo hizo, pero necesito mi pastilla mañana.
And my dad didn't want a scandal, so he paid off the coroner, bought a death certificate and told the press that she died of cancer.
Y mi padre no quería un escándalo, así que valió la pena el juez de instrucción, comprado un certificado de defunción y le dijo a la prensa que ella murió de cáncer.
And it was not my fault that he didn't answer.
Y no fue mi culpa que él no respondió.
I was sick and he didn't leave my side.
Estaba enferma y no se apartó de mi lado.
- He didn't shoot up anything, and no, he's white.
Él no disparó a nada, y no, él es blanco.
What he didn't know was you must've wanted out of your marriage and he had just given you the perfect exit ramp.
Lo que no sabía era que tu querías librarte de tu matrimonio y que te había dado la rampa de salida perfecta.
I got sick in front of him and he didn't care.
Me enfermé en frente de él y él no me importaba.
I didn't love you at first, and he has shrunk on me.,
Yo no te amara al principio, Y él se ha reducido en mí,.
Mom said he studied every night and didn't waste time on girls or beer.
Mamá dice que estudiaba todas las noches y no perdía el tiempo con mujeres ni cerveza.
Now, she didn't know that her father was an arms dealer, and he's dead now, but back then, he was alive.
Ella no sabía que su padre era un traficante de armas y ahora está muerto pero en aquella época, estaba vivo.
I always hated that we didn't have window coverings, and I was always kind of...
Siempre he odiado que no tuvieramos cortinas en la ventana, y yo siempre fui un poco...
He gave an alibi that didn't hold, and we had the star witness- - the victim's wife,
Tenía una coartada que no se sostuvo, y nosotros teníamos una testigo estrella... la mujer de la víctima.
Dirklin caught the killer on camera, and he-he didn't even know it.
Dirklin atrapado al asesino ante la cámara, y él-él ni siquiera lo saben.
I had no idea what he was talking about, and he threatened to kill me if I didn't tell him who I was working with.
No tenía ni idea de lo que él hablaba, y me amenazó con matarme si no le decía para quién estaba trabajando.
I-I didn't even know that he was out of jail until they came here yesterday and told... Stop!
Yo-Yo ni siquiera sabía que estaba fuera de la cárcel hasta que vinieron aquí ayer y me lo dijeron... ¡ Para!
- He murdered her girls and she loved her girls, didn't she, Ginny?
- Asesinó a sus chicas y ella amaba a sus chicas, ¿ no, Ginny?
And he didn't.
Y no lo hizo.
I just grabbed some shots of him walking towards us, but he didn't stop, and came closer and closer.
Grabé algunas de ellas tomadas en nuestro camino, pero él no se detuvo, llegó más y más cerca.
Yep, the first time. I didn't say trick him so he could come in and do it again!
Sí, la primera vez. ¡ Pero no dije que lo liarais a venir a hacerlo otra vez!
Y-you think because I just destroyed my liver and didn't live in a fucking septic tank I can't be in your little bad boys'club?
¿ Crees que porque solo destruyo mi hígado y no he vivido en una fosa séptica no puedo estar en tu pequeño club de niños malos?
Didn't you hear anything I just said about Alison and the kids?
¿ No has oído nada de lo que he dicho sobre Alison y mis hijos?
Uh I-I didn't get a gift for the lovely bride and groom.
No he traído un regalo para los novios adorables.
Yeah, and you didn't hear it from me, but don't say another word without an attorney present.
Sí, pero yo no he dicho nada, y no digas ni una palabra más sin un abogado presente.
He was my ultimate influence and I didn't realize that until he was gone.
Él fue mi última influencia y no me di cuenta de eso hasta que se fue.
And sunglasses, didn't he, Mick?
Y gafas de sol, ¿ no Mick?
And I didn't know he was dead until they told me.
Y yo no sabía que estaba muerto hasta que me dijeron.
And he said he didn't know her.
Y dijo que no la conocía.
Chili, I've been meaning to say something, and I-I didn't want to text you.
Chili, he intentado decirte algo, y no quería enviártelo por mensaje.
That he was a liar and a fraud, and that he didn't deserve my daughter.
Si, que era un mentiroso y un fraude, y que no merecía a mi hija. ¡ Padre! ¡ Ella preguntó!
and here 683
and here you go 26
and here i was 16
and here you are 183
and here we go 118
and here it is 109
and here's the kicker 17
and here it comes 20
and here they are 24
and here's the thing 41
and here you go 26
and here i was 16
and here you are 183
and here we go 118
and here it is 109
and here's the kicker 17
and here it comes 20
and here they are 24
and here's the thing 41
and here they come 18
and here we are 249
and here he comes 19
and here i am 205
and here she is 38
and here he is 45
and he's like 99
and he's dead 61
and he's right 54
and here's why 34
and here we are 249
and here he comes 19
and here i am 205
and here she is 38
and here he is 45
and he's like 99
and he's dead 61
and he's right 54
and here's why 34
and he's 185
and he's not 37
and her husband 30
and her 173
and her daughter 18
and he said 537
and he's gone 47
and he's back 17
and he's good 16
and her father 16
and he's not 37
and her husband 30
and her 173
and her daughter 18
and he said 537
and he's gone 47
and he's back 17
and he's good 16
and her father 16