And we're not перевод на испанский
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You see, your brother and I, uh, we're not exactly friends, which makes his intentions suspicious.
Usted ve, su hermano y yo, uh, no son exactamente amigos, que hace sus intenciones sospechosas.
He's doing everything he can to destroy everything that we worked so hard to get, not to mention our wedding, and we're still no closer to stopping him.
Se está haciendo todo lo posible para destruir todo que hemos trabajado tan duro para llegar, no mencionar nuestra boda, y estamos todavía más cerca para detenerlo.
We're not gonna have enough time to get to the dead drop and get the rail charges.
No tendremos tiempo para llegar al punto de entrega y preparar los rieles.
not because you think that's what I want to hear but because you know deep in your heart that it's true, and if you don't, we're all gonna die.
sino porque sabes en lo más profundo de tu corazón que eso es verdad, y sino lo haces, todos vamos a morir.
Charlie, we're looking at an overview of the target cities now, and it's not much.
Charlie, estamos echando un vistazo a un listado de las ciudades objetivo, y no es demasiado.
There's never any meat on the bone, and when there is, it feels like we're taking out his enemies, not ours.
Nunca hay carne en el hueso, y cuando la hay, da la sensación de que estuviéramos acabando con sus enemigos, no con los nuestros.
It's bad enough her husband of 50 years was just murdered, and without a witness, we're probably not gonna be able to collar up on this guy.
Ya es bastante malo que su marido desde hace 50 años... fuera asesinado, y sin ningún testigo, sino que además es muy probable que no podamos detener a quien lo hizo.
Look, we came here to win and they're not even giving us a chance.
Miren, vinimos aquí a ganar y ni siquiera nos están dando una oportunidad.
Now, Westgroup Energy, if you're not aware, is really a parent corporation to nine wholly owned subsidiaries, and we do DE for all of them.
Westgroup Energy, por si no la había notado... es realmente la corporación madre de nueve empresas subsidiarias... y llevamos la contabilidad de todas.
I mean, maybe when we're both married for 50 years and we're in walkers, but not yet, not tonight.
Supongo, que quizás cuando ambos llevemos casados 50 años y estemos con bastones, pero aún no, no esta noche.
Rule number two, let's not put labels on it. We're not boyfriend and girlfriend ;
No somos novio y novia ;
I should be happy, but I can tell you're bummed, and that's not cool'cause we are friends.
Debería estar feliz, pero puedo darme cuenta de que estás fastidiado y eso no está bien porque somos amigos.
And we all know you're not working out.
Y todos sabemos que no haces ejercicio.
We're not gonna just do nothing and then let Samuel leave.
No vamos simplemente no hacer nada y luego dejar que Samuel se vaya.
We're coming round, and do not move!
¡ NO se asusten! - ¡ Dios mío! ¡ Vamos para allá y no se mueva!
I'm more concerned about the people, and why we're not seeing any.
Me preocupa más la gente, y porque no vemos ninguna.
Is not romantic. we're like lady and the we're like lady and the tramp.
- Es un poco de asqueroso.
The only way we're getting back to the ship is if I carry you and I'd rather not.
La única forma de volver a la nave es si te llevo... y preferiría no hacerlo.
We're not just acquaintances that come and go.
No somos solo conocidos que vienen y van.
You have to promise me that from now on, you're not gonna go anywhere alone, and we're both gonna use the Tasers my grandmama sent.
Tienes que prometerme que de ahora en adelante, no vas a ir a ninguna parte sola, y las dos vamos a usar los Tasers que mi abuela mandó.
We're gonna put her in the meat locker for now and revisit the question when I'm not totally grossed out by you
Vamos a ponerla en el congelador de carne por ahora y repasar el asunto cuando no esté asqueada por ti
We have to be super sneaky about it, because if we're not, she'll smell a rat and kill us first.
Tenemos que ser supercuidadosas porque, si no, enseguida se lo olerá y nos matará las primeras.
Like it or not, we're sisters, and Dean Munsch is not gonna stop until we're all dead and buried.
Os guste o no, somos hermanas, y la decana Munsch no va a parar hasta que estemos todas muertas y enterradas.
Just kind of an alternative family situation, but we're not married but we're friends and there's a baby.
Solo un tipo de situación familiar alternativa pero no estamos casadas, somos amigas y hay un bebé.
But we're not gonna, because it's my house and I'm gonna keep it at 11!
Pues no, ¡ porque esta es mi casa y voy a hablar lo alto que quiera!
Look, the good news is that we're reasonably good people, so we could probably do this and not fuck the kid up too horribly.
Mira, la buena noticia es que somos personas razonablemente buenas y probablemente consigamos hacerlo sin joder demasiado al crío.
For the same reason we're going to see Hitler and not Ava Gardner.
Por lo mismo que vamos a ver a Hitler, y no a Ava Gardner.
And we've put most of them here, so they're not gonna be happy to see us.
Y nosotros pusimos ahí a la mayoría, así que no estarán felices de vernos.
- and we're not gonna take it anymore.
- no vamos a seguir aguantándolo.
And I understand why you hid it from us, and while we are not happy, young lady, we're gonna work this out.
Y entiendo por qué nos lo ocultaste, y aunque no estamos contentos, señorita, vamos a sacar esto adelante.
And we're not gonna count each other's drinks.
No tendremos que porque no beberemos.
And she'll drag us down if we're not careful.
Y nos va arrastrar con ella si no tenemos cuidado.
We're not gonna get that apartment and Mrs. Jacobsen died for nothing.
No vamos a conseguir el departamento y la Sra. Jacobsen habrá muerto en vano.
Then we're not selling the company, at least not at this time and not at that price.
Entonces no vendemos la compañía, al menos no ahora y no a ese precio.
I'm just worried that we're doing this because of the pregnancy and the visas and the not-cancer and that's it.
Es que me preocupa que estemos haciéndolo por el embarazo y el visado y el no-cáncer y ya está.
On the whole, I think everyone finds it a very important event and even more so, the fact we're abroad and not able to celebrate it at home.
En conjunto, creo que todo el mundo lo encuentra un evento importante e incluso más, el hecho de que estemos en el extranjero y no podamos celebrarlo en casa.
From our point of view, we're in our own house, being stalked, and it has to be said, it's not my fault and you can shoot me if you like... but we're being stalked by a black kid,
Desde nuestra forma de verlo, Estamos en nuestra propia casa, siendo acosados, y hay que decirlo, no es culpa mía y puedes dispararme si quieres... pero estamos siendo acosados por un chico negro, eso es un hecho.
I want to say, guys, you know, we're getting a second chance here, and it's not something that happens to a lot of people, you know?
Quiero decir, tíos, que tenemos una segunda oportunidad aquí, y eso no es algo que le pase a todo el mundo, ¿ sabéis?
And I was thinking, if you're not busy, maybe we could go grab a beer?
Y estaba pensando, si no estás ocupado, ¿ quizás podríamos tomar una cerveza?
We're finally on the same page! I guess... there's not even a comparison between the Olympics and the fire case.
Verdad, no puedes comparar el incidente de la explosión con las Olimpíadas.
Look, I love that we're getting you out of your rut, and I will have your back every time, but this is not just about you.
Mira, me encanta que te saquemos de tu rutina, y te cubriré la espalda cada vez, pero esto no se trata sólo de ti.
Arredondo was not harsh enough, and this is why we're fighting today... because he was not harsh enough.
Arredondo no fue lo suficientemente duro y es por eso que hoy estamos luchando... porque no fue lo suficientemente duro.
Yeah, today we're not Mom and Bob.
Sí, hoy no somos mamá y Bob.
We're all trying to come in and just not miss any of it.
Estamos todos intentando entrar y no te pierdas nada de eso.
We're not only best friends and lovers, but, um, we're soul mates.
No somos solo mejores amigas y amantes, sino que, somos almas gemelas.
I mean, he would, right? # We're not coming knocking at your door * Let me in and I'll tell you some more... *
Bueno, él lo haría, ¿ verdad? Creo que podemos decir con seguridad que te vas, Spike.
And just because we're not together now, Finn Nelson... doesn't mean that we'll never be.
Y porque no estemos ahora juntos, Finn Nelson... no significa que no lo vayamos a estar nunca.
We're not supposed to get close till mom and dad start dying!
¡ Se supone que no debemos llevarnos bien hasta que mamá y papá se mueran!
Great. Right now we need to get these men in front of the green screens and make it look like they're back in their home countries and not here.
Ahora tenemos que conseguir estos hombres frente de las pantallas verdes y hacer que parezca que están de vuelta en sus países de origen y no aquí.
Cabe, I do not mean to rush you, but if they come back here and we're trapped...
Cabe, no me refiero a correr, pero si vuelven aquí y estamos atrapados...
And we're not going to get a chance to get people to remember much about us. No company is.
Y ninguna empresa tiene muchas oportunidades para que las personas nos recuerden mucho.
and we're off 44
and we're running out of time 21
and we're back 55
and we're done 73
and we're walking 16
and we're 60
and we're out 44
and we're here 22
and we're like 16
and we're clear 51
and we're running out of time 21
and we're back 55
and we're done 73
and we're walking 16
and we're 60
and we're out 44
and we're here 22
and we're like 16
and we're clear 51
and we're in 21
we're not friends anymore 25
we're not gonna make it 79
we're not together anymore 25
we're not married 104
we're not lost 34
we're not ready 48
we're not sure 186
we're not going 77
we're not friends 137
we're not friends anymore 25
we're not gonna make it 79
we're not together anymore 25
we're not married 104
we're not lost 34
we're not ready 48
we're not sure 186
we're not going 77
we're not friends 137
we're not there yet 98
we're not dating 51
we're not together 85
we're not finished 45
we're not doing anything 43
we're not going to make it 34
we're not fighting 41
we're not done yet 77
we're not gonna hurt you 59
we're not 1349
we're not dating 51
we're not together 85
we're not finished 45
we're not doing anything 43
we're not going to make it 34
we're not fighting 41
we're not done yet 77
we're not gonna hurt you 59
we're not 1349