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Ao перевод на испанский

225 параллельный перевод
We were assistants to Motomura but Ao won't move at all.
Éramos ayudantes de Motomura, pero Ao no se mueve ni un centímetro.
So what's happened to you, Ao?
Entonces, ¿ qué te ha pasado, Ao?
Ao, did I do something wrong?
Ao, ¿ hice algo mal?
On the contrary,
Ao contrário,
- E ao mundo!
- ¡ Y por el mundo!
A não ser que fôssemos ao Albert Hall... e fizéssemos um show. A única alternativa é dizer... que nunca mais iremos tocar... diante de uma platéia.
La única alternativa a esto es decir nunca haremos esto frente a una audiencia otra vez.
"Ao, don't you cry..."
"Ao, no llores..."
Everybody loves everybody now for Christ's sake let's get the hell out of here!
Todo el mundo ama a todo el mundo ahora para Cristo, el amor deja AO, AO largarme de aquí!
He is the son, and I am the daughter of Duke Ch'ao.
Somos el hijo y la hija del Duque Ch'ao.
Irene, I lst just one big chance in my life 25 years ao.
Irena, yo perdí la ocasión de mi vida hacen 25 años.
Ai o hanasanai de Don't let go of love
'Ao o hanasanai de'No dejes irte de amor
I heard that AK-47 fire coming from your AO.
Oí disparar un AK-47 en vuestra área de operaciones.
- No one asked my AO. - What?
- No quiera que esté de acuerdo.
A year older than you are now.
Un ao más que tú ahora.
Among them, Ao-Bye was the most cruel, threatened the emperor in order to call the shots. And persecute men of letters.
De ellos, Ao-Bye fue el más cruel amenazando al emperador para llevar la voz cantante y acosando a los letrados.
Ao-Bye covered the White Banner and Led them to oppress your other subjects.
Ao-Bye encubrió al estandarte Blanco y dejó que oprimiese a sus súbditos.
Yet, Ao-Bye has so many members that they dared not stir against him.
Ahora, Ao-Bye tiene muchos miembros que no se atreven a desafiarle.
Four men with great Kung-Fu were here looking for Ao-Bye.
Cuatro hombres con buen Kung-Fu han venido buscando a Ao-Bye.
The order is that we cooperate to defeat Ao-Bye.
La orden es que cooperemos para derrotar a Ao Bye.
The Greenwood Chiefwas killed by Ao-Bye.
Ao-Bye mató al jefe de los Greenwood.
Subject Ao-bye knees to Your Majesty! Your Majesty.
Ao-bye se arrodilla ante su Majestad.
Ao, he and you are appointed to be the four assistant subjects.
Ao, él y tú estáis señalados para ser los cuatro asistentes.
He's Ao-Bye?
Es él Ao-Bye?
Invite Ao-Bye here, sentence him for treason ask him to kneel before Guan to swear.
Invita a Ao-Bye a que venga, senténciale por traición. pídele a Guan que se arrodille para jurar.
Kill Ao-Bye.
Matad a Ao-Bye.
Ao-Bye will be loyal to the country till I die.
Ao-Bye le será leal al país hasta que muera.
Ao-Bye rebels.
Ao-Bye se rebela.
Listen to me, Ao-Bye rebelled.
Escúchame, Ao-Bye se rebeló.
After the hard fighting. I defeated Ao-Bye, the traitor to keep Queen Mother safe.
Después de una dura lucha, vencí a Ao-Bye, el traidor para que la Reina Madre esté a salvo.
Put Ao-Bye into prison! Yeah! Mother!
Llevad a Ao-Bye a prisión!
Gift yellow suit. Responsible for killing Ao-Bye's family.
Eres responsable de matar a la familia de Ao-Bye.
Ao-Bye, the traitor robbed so many things from our people.
Ao-Bye, el traidor robó muchas cosas a nuestra gente.
They're all Ao-Bye's wives.
Todas son esposas de Ao-Bye.
Ao-Bye was cruel!
Ao-Bye era cruel! Ves.
Ao-Bye's betrayal must be influenced by this spy.
La traición de Ao-Bye debió estar influenciada por esta espía.
Ao-Bye, the sleaseball.
Ao-Bye, el despiadado.
Lord Wei, in Ao-Bye's storage, A gun and a silk vest were found.
Lord Wei, en el almacén de Ao-Bye, encontraron una pistola y este chaleco.
To help you to kill Ao-Bye and the Emperor.
Para que te ayuden a asesinar a Ao-Bye y al emperador.
Wei uses firework as his signal. Then we invade the palace and kill Ao-Bye and the Emperor. Decapitate him.
Luego invadiremos el palacio y mataremos a Ao-Bye y al emperador.
You've searched Ao-Bye's family, you must have some treasures in your house.
Has visitado a la familia de Ao-Bye debes tener tesoros en casa.
If I took any money from Ao-Bye,
Si cogiese dinero de Ao-Bye,
I'll be seized to death by Ao-Bye.
Ao-Bye acabaría conmigo.
The "42 Chapter Classic" of Ao-Bye is now in your hands, right?
El "Capítulo Clásico 42" de Ao-Bye está ahora en tus manos, verdad?
Kill Ao-Bye first. Then, the Emperor.
Matad primero a Ao-Bye, luego al emperador.
Fudge! Ao-Bye couldn't be hurt.
Ao-Bye no podía resultar herido.
You killed Ao-Bye.
Has matado a Ao-Bye.
Put in jail with Ao-Bye, and you are still alive!
Has estado en la cárcel con Ao-Bye, y sigues vivo!
If you don't hand me "42 Chapter Classic", you're going to see Hai-Da-Fu and Ao-Bye.
Si no me das los "42 Capítulos Clásicos", te reunirás con Hai-Da-Fu y Ao-Bye.
Segure-os ao mesmo tempo e veja o que acontece.
- Agarra ese otro al mismo tiempo a ver que pasa...
aoki 44

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