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As much as i'd like to перевод на испанский

368 параллельный перевод
You know is much as I'd like to, I wouldn't even believe it if I'd heard you'd been eaten by a shark.
No te creería, ni aunque te hubiese devorado un tiburón.
As much as I'd like to, I'm not following you.
Mire que quisiera, pero no la sigo.
As much as I'd like to spar, I'm a little short of time.
Aunque me gustaría discutir, estoy corto de tiempo.
I've been doing some research, not nearly as much as I'd like to.
Investigué un poco, no tanto como me habría gustado.
Um... places so long I haven't been around a house as much as I'd like to.
He vivido en tantos hote... sitios,... Echo de menos estar en una casa.
That was pretty fortunate. So, as much as I'd like to cooperate, I can't show you our books.
Por más que quisiera cooperar con usted... no puedo mostrarle nuestros libros.
Oh, I'm afraid we'll have to work right through Sunday, sir. You see, we've only been given a few days to do this job and, much as we'd like to...
no tendremos tiempo, sólo disponemos de 3 días.
Much as I'd like to kill the Monster, I'd hate to crawl around through those dark catacombs of Frankenstein's castle in the black of the night.
Aunque me gustaría matar al monstruo... odiaría entrar en esas catacumbas oscuras... del castillo de Frankenstein en plena noche.
As much as I'd like to put an end to this stupidity, I am helpless.
Por mucho que quiera acabar con esto, estoy imposibilitado.
Much as I'd like to, I have a meeting with my chief.
Me encantaría, pero tengo una reunión con mi jefe.
I don't get to see you quite as much as I used to, or as I'd like to, Trudy.
Ya no te veo tanto como antes, y me gustaría, Trudy.
I'd like to see as much as the others fear of becoming blind.
Me gustaría tanto ver como los demás temen quedarse ciegos.
I'd like to see him strung up as much as you would, but don't let's have a lynching.
¡ Yo también deseo verlos ahorcados! ¡ Pero no debemos lincharlos! ¡ Para eso hemos venido aquí!
About as much as I'd like to get kicked in the head by a mule. - Why?
Tanto como recibir una coz de una mula en la cabeza.
No, but I'd like to help as much as I can...
No, me gustaría ayudar en lo que pudiera...
Much as I'd like it, I want pat to be the one to say when.
Por más que me gustaría quiero que Pat me diga cuándo.
Well, I'd like a good argument as much as the next fellow, but I think we ought to get up to this higher ground in case of them Comanches is gonna try again, huh?
Me gusta discutir como a cualquier otro, pero creo que debemos subir al en terreno alto para el caso de que los comanches lo intenten de nuevo, ¿ eh?
Much as I'd like to save that gorgeous hide of yours I just can't take that kind of a chance.
Aunque me gustaría salvar tu hermoso pellejo no puedo arriesgarme tanto.
You know, Jonathan, much as I love my home out here sometimes I feel like I'd just like to throw my hand in.
¿ Sabe, Jonathan? Por mucho que me encanta mi casa... ... a veces siento deseos de abandonarla.
But first, I'd like to gather as much information as possible... and I'll see if I can learn anything from that village girl.
Pero primero, quisiera juntar la mayor cantidad de información posible... y ver si la campesina puede ayudarme en algo.
I'd just like to say that it was as much my fault as Stacey's, sir.
Fue tanto culpa mía como de Stacy, señor.
I manage to... i manage to keep busy not as much as i'd like... my wife says i'm underfoot, but i do all right.
Me las ingenio... me las ingenio para mantenerme ocupado,... no tanto como me gustaría.
Much as I'd like to, I won't ask any more questions.
Aunque quisiera, no le haré más preguntas.
Me gustaría tenerlo en mis manos casi tanto como al doctor Shotwire.
Because now I'd like to live, be independent, do as much as I can on my own.
- Porque tengo deseos de vivir. Ser independiente para hacer muchas cosas.
As much as I'd like to meet his mother-in-law I wouldn't think of intruding.
Pero aunque me gustaría conocer a su suegra no me gusta entrometerme
It's not my doing. I'd like to have that statue out of here as much as you would.
Si por mí fuese se llevaría Vd la estatua ahora mismo...
It was as if my great rush of anger had washed me clean, purged me of hope, and staring up at that night sky, for the first time I opened my heart to the sweet indifference of the universe, and I felt that it was so much like myself, almost like a brother, that I realised that I'd been happy, and that I was happy still.
Era como si mi gran ráfaga de ira me hubiera limpiado, purgado de esperanza, y mirando al cielo de la noche, por primera vez abrí mi corazón a la dulce indiferencia del universo y sentí que era como yo mismo, como un hermano, y me dí cuenta que había sido feliz,
I'd very much like to, if I could, but I need to take the boy to his father in Maebara as soon as I can.
Estaría encantado, si pudiera debo llevar a Ryota con su padre a Maebara tan pronto como pueda.
"My reason for writing is to say that I'm a bachelor and I would appreciate it if you could suggest a nurse who might like me as much as I'd like her and if so, we could begin a friendship that might lead to the altar."
"Les escribo para decirles que soy soltero y les agradecería que me recomendasen a una enfermera a la que pudiese gustar y gustarme para iniciar una amistad que podría llevarnos al altar".
As much as I'd like to, you know that I'll not go out and fight until I'm of age!
¡ Aunque me encantaría, sabes que no saldré a luchar hasta la mayoría de edad!
On the surface, your income isn't connected with the case as such but I'd like to have as much background as possible.
En principio, sus ingresos no están relacionados con el caso pero me gustaría tener la máxima información posible.
Unfortunately, I can't get down as much as I'd like to.
Por desgracia, no vengo tan a menudo como quisiera.
I'd like you to stay out of my way as much as possible and try and keep out of trouble. I don't suppose you can make tea?
Me gustaría que te mantuvieras fuera de mi camino lo máximo posible... e intentases mantenerte alejada de los problemas. ¿ Supongo que no sabes hacer té?
I'd like you to get me as much information as possible on the effect of dream symbology in pre-Columbian culture.
Quiero que busque tanta información como sea posible sobre simbología del sueño eficaz en la cultura precolombina
Well, much as I'd like to stay and discuss the loves I won, I best be getting back to the herd.
Me quedaría para escuchar cuántas mujeres has perdido por mi culpa, pero debo volver con el rebaño.
The mayor, Mr. Pastia, was attacked in the Romanian Star, and I'd very much like you to, as a man of words, to write a few words in his defense.
EI alcalde dela ciudad, el señor Pastia, fue criticado en "Steaua Romaniei". Le ruego, siendo Vd. hombre de letras, que escriba unas líneas en su defensa.
We're not supposed to say, as much as I'd like to tell you about it.
Se nos prohíbe decirlo. Por mucho que yo quisiera.
I'd like very much to spend some time with you, Mattie, as I think you know.
Me gustaría mucho pasar un rato contigo, Mattie.
Al, as much as I'd like it to be, I don't think I'm here to keep you and Beth together.
Aunque me encantaría no creo que esté aquí para mantenerlos juntos a Beth y a ti.
I'm going to New York. You can see Mary as much as you'd like.
Voy a volver a Nueva York, podrás verla cuando quieras.
Lieutenant, as much as I'd like to help, this is a radar ticket.
Teniente, me gustaría mucho ayudarle, pero esta es una multa de radar.
- It doesn't happen to me as much as I'd like.
- No tanto como quisiera.
Baby, much as I'd like to, I think your uncle wants me to stay put.
Mi niño, claro que me gustaría hacerlo pero tu tío quiere que me quede quieta.
I don't get out as much as I'd like to.
No salgo tanto como quisiera. ¿ Y tú?
A lot of people have let you down - too many people - and as much as I'd like to,
Mucha gente te ha decepcionado... demasiada gente... Y por mucho que me gustaría,
I can't make that argument, much as I'd like to.
No puedo dar ese argumento, aunque me gustaría mucho.
As much as I'd like to do something with you, ice fishing just isn't it. I know!
Me encantaría hacer algo contigo este fin de semana... pero me temo que la pesca en hielo no me atrae.
It's beeping, for God's sake! And as much as I'd like to inflict this on Lilith, I'm looking for fast and educational, all right?
Esta chillando, y aunque quisiera castigar a Lilith con esto,... estoy buscando algo educativo, ¿ correcto?
Much as I'd like to tube that little twerp, my orders are very clear.
Quisiera acabar con ese necio, pero la orden es clara.
I just, you know, don't get to see him as much as I'd like to.
Solo que no.... no lo puedo ver tanto como quisiera.

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