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As much as i can перевод на испанский

1,790 параллельный перевод
Of course I do... as much as I can, given the way she joined our family.
Por supuesto que sí. Tanto como puedo, considerando la forma en que se unió a nuestra familia.
Well, I... try to take Molly out as much as I can.
Bueno, yo... trato de llevar a Molly siempre que puedo.
I help the environment by driving as much as I can.
Yo ayudo al entorno conduciendo tanto como puedo.
I want as much as I can possibly have in this lifetime.
Quiero tanto como sea posible tener en esta vida.
- I want to see him as much as I can.
Quiero verlo todo lo posible. Por supuesto.
I just want to get his little head on the pillow tonight, that's as much as I can think about.
Sólo quería recostar su cabecita en la almohada esta noche, es en lo más puedo pensar ahora.
That's as much as I can do.
Es todo lo que puedo hacer.
It's as much as I can do to keep up with YOU.
Es todo lo que puedo hacer para seguirte el ritmo a ti.
But she wants me to keep trying to help you as much as I can.
Pero quiere que siga tratando de ayudarles lo más que pueda.
I would like to learn as much as I can about Blair and there's no better way to learn than through a quiz.
Me gustaría aprender todo lo que pueda sobre Blair... Y no hay mejor forma de aprender que a través de una prueba.
.. I try to keep away as much as I can.
.. yo trataré de mantenerlos alejados lo mas que pueda.
I mean, I try to help them as much as I can, but sometimes I have to remind myself it's okay for these kids to make mistakes.
Quiero decir, intento ayudarles todo lo que puedo, pero a veces tengo que recordarme que está bien que cometan errores.
I love and have loved His Majesty as much as any woman can love a man.
Amo y he amado a Su Majestad tanto como una mujer puede amar a un hombre.
As far as I can tell, not much has changed up here.
Por lo que yo puedo ver, esto no ha cambiado mucho. Buzz :
I mean, be careful with it,'cause if you so much as scratch me with that thing... I will have you in prison before you can put your pants on.
Ten cuidado con él, porque si llegas a rasguñarme con él... te enviaré preso antes de que te pongas los pantalones.
I need you to give me as much time as you can before you let them find it.
Necesito todo el tiempo posible antes de que dejes que lo encuentren.
Stay with me as much as you can. I'll mark your position and I will send someone to pick you up.
Quédate conmigo lo más que puedas marcaré tu posición y mandaré a alguien por ti.
I need you to take As much heat as you can in your hands.
Necesito que juntes todo el calor que puedas en tus manos.
I understand your need to, sort of, think of your father as someone giving a gift, but I really can't see how there's any kind of justification in that much murder and that much destruction.
Entiendo que tengas que pensar en tu padre pero no entiendo cómo puede haber alguna justificación para tantos asesinatos y para tanta destrucción.
As much as it pains me, I think we may need something that can stick in court.
Por mucho que me duela creo que podríamos necesitar algo que sirva en la corte.
My life can flash away as much as it likes because I am not going to die.
Mi vida puede pasar delante mío tanto como quiera porque no voy a morir.
I'll take as much of the fine lace as you can make.
Llevaré el encaje más fino que puedas hacer.
I can tell you the last few months, as much as last few years I spent with her... Were only time of true happiness in my life.
Les diré que los últimos meses, tanto como los último años que pasé con ella... fueron momentos de verdadera felicidad en mi vida.
When you've been in PR as long as I have, nothing much can surprise you any more.
Cuando estas tanto tiempo en RRPP, nada puede sorprenderte.
I'll be home as soon as I can, but it's a much bigger...
Estaré en casa cuanto antes pero esto es mucho mayor...
You can pray as much as you like, I'm not listening.
Pueden rezar cuanto quieran, no los escucharé.
Because I can promise you they are having exactly as much sex with each other... as George Bush and Jeb Bush are.
Les prometo que tienen la misma cantidad de sexo... que George Bush y Jeb Bush.
This is pretty much, I guess, as about as far away from land as you can get anywhere on the planet,
Esto es lo más lejos de la tierra que puedes estar en todo el planeta,
I told her the truth- - that she can learn just as much with a library card and an open mind as she can at any college.
Le dije la verdad, que puede aprender más con una tarjeta de la biblioteca y una mente abierta que en una Universidad.
Confío en Ace, y creo que me cuidará tanto como pueda.
Um, I've already enhanced all of the photos as much as I can.
Ya he mejorado las fotos tanto como pude.
I just want to do as much damage as I can before I go.
Sólo quiero hacer tanto daño como pueda antes de irme.
The department's trying to force me out. So I'm gonna clear away as much shit off the street as I can before I go.
El departamento intenta forzar mi retiro así que voy a quitar tanta mierda de la calle...
And you can hate me as much as you want, But I will keep doing that as long as I'm here.
Y puedes odiarme tanto como quieras, pero seguiré haciendo esto mientras esté aquí.
Nonetheless, I am terribly impressed that your scientists can deduce almost as much from a few particulates.
De todos modos estoy muy impresionada de que tus científicos hayan podido deducir todo eso de unas pocas partículas.
I try to spend as much time with her as I can.
Intento pasar todo el tiempo que puedo con ella.
I can say as much.
Puedo decir lo mismo.
Actually, I think our best bet is just to transfer as much power as we can to the shields, and ride it out till the next jump.
En realidad, creo que nuestra mejor opción es transferir toda la energía que podamos a los escudos y alejarnos hasta el próximo salto.
Okay, look, as much as I want to see college boy here wet himself on camera, if you can get here in time to read the 11 : 00 news, you can have your old job back.
Muy bien, mira por más que quiera ver al chico universitario mojarse ante la cámara si puedes llegar a leer las noticias de las 11 puede tener de vuelta tu antiguo empleo.
I believe you try and do as much good as you can, but...
Creo que lo haras lo mejor que puedas pero...
I spoke to him, and that's as much as we can do at this point.
He hablado con él y eso es todo lo que podemos hacer ahora mismo.
I can drink as much... I drink a pitcher of beer, and to me it's like drinking a regular beer to a small guy.
Yo puedo beber una jarra de cerveza y es como darle un vaso de cerveza a un hombre pequeño.
No, I got to tell you. Just from my standpoint, I can't tell you how proud I am of him for having as much of a problem and saying, " You know what?
Tengo que decirte cuán orgulloso estoy de él.
I need a sports drink, as much vitamin b As you can get your hands on, and one dill pickle.
Necesito una bebida para deportistas, y tanta vitamina B como puedas conseguir, y un pepinillo en vinagre.
Clark, i've analyzed every possible scenario, And, as much as it scares me, you can't wave Your kryptonian wand and save me on this one.
Clark, he analizado todos los escenarios posibles, y por mucho que me asuste, no puedes agitar tu varita mágica Kriptoniana y salvarme de esto.
But I can't hear it anymore as much as I might want to.
Pero no puedo oírlo de nuevo por más que quiera hacerlo.
Cramming as much life into my life as I can.
Amontonando la mayor cantidad de vida que puedo a mi vida.
And from what I've seen, one alien can be as much trouble as a whole invasion.
Y por lo que he visto, un alien puede causar muchos mas problemas que una invasión.
Now, I want to be here about as much as you do, so the sooner you get your homework done, the sooner we can all go home.
Ahora, yo deseo estar aqui tanto como ustedes. asi que cuanto mas rapido hagan la tarea, mas rapido nos iremos a casa.
As much as I need the money, I can't do it.
Por más que necesite el dinero, no puedo hacerlo.
I learned that movies can teach you almost as much as books can, but in the process, I lost the best teacher I ever had.
Aprendí que las películas pueden enseñarte casi tanto como los libros, pero en el proceso, perdí a la mejor profesora que alguna vez tuve.

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