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As much as you want перевод на испанский

1,417 параллельный перевод
They give you as much as you want.
Te dan todo el que quieras.
I want you as much as you want me.
Yo te deseo tanto como tú a mí.
Torture me as much as you want to, officer... but I'm not opening my mouth!
Tortúreme cuanto quiere usted, oficial... pero no voy a decir!
Listen, you can grow your dope and get drunk and listen to Helix and play video games and not clean up as much as you want.
Escucha, puedes cultivar tu droga y emborracharte, y escuchar Helix, y jugar a los videojuegos, y no limpiar tanto como tengas ganas.
Wait just a minute! Do you want money? I'll give you as much as you want!
iSi lo que quieres es dinero, puedo darte cuánto quieras!
I-If you want money, I'll give you as much as you want!
iSi es por dinero, te pagaré lo que sea!
Drink as much as you want.
Bebe cuanto quieras.
Eat as much as you want.
Come tanto como quieras.
If you're good in here, you can achieve what you want and as much as you want, and you can even stop when you want.
Aquí dentro si eres bueno, puedes conseguir lo que quieras y tanto como quieras, e incluso puedes parar cuando lo desees.
Here, when you're good, you can do what you want, if you want and as much as you want and you can stop when you want.
Aquí, cuando eres bueno, puedes hacer lo que quieras si lo deseas y tanto como quieras y puedes parar cuando tu quieras.
You know, you can suck the cock of a guy as much as you want... but that does not mean he loves you.
Sabes, puedes chuparle la verga a un tipo cuanto quieras... pero eso no significa que alguna vez te ame.
Ask as much as you want.
Pregunta todo lo que quieras.
Later on, you can dance as much as you want.
Luego bailarás todo lo que quieras.
Maybe it's because, in life as much as you want the nougat and caramel deliciousness of candy...
Quizá porque en la vida por más que desees el rico sabor de un caramelo...
Carry all the flowers in the world, to be loved by you Carry all the flowers in the world, to be loved by you Eat as much as you want
Vengo a recibir tu amor.
Drink as much as you want for 560 yen
Bebes cuanto quieras por 560 yenes
Listen, you guys can hang out here as much as you want, no problem.
Escuchen, pueden estar juntos aquí tanto tiempo como quieran, no hay problema.
You can say that as much as you want, but it's gotta be.
tú puedes decir lo que quieras. Pero así puede ser.
Okay, guys, take as much as you want.
Vale, coged lo que queráis.
You want this man just as much as I do.
Usted quiere encontrar a este hombre tanto como yo.
I can arrange as much money as you want.
Puedo darte tanto dinero como quieras.
I want you to keep your head down as much as possible.
Mantén la cabeza baja en lo posible.
I want to know who it is just as much as you do.
Quiero saber qué es eso que haces tanto.
Lori, as much as I may want you... desire you even, I do not need you.
Lori, por mucho que te quiera o te desee incluso, no te necesito.
Because I want what's about to happen to you to hurt as much as is humanly possible.
Porque así, lo que te va a pasar te hará tanto daño como humanamente sea posible.
I want you to learn as much as you can about them.
Quiero que aprendas todo lo que puedas de ellos.
We want her as much as you do.
La queremos tanto como ustedes.
I want you to get me as much information as you can.
Descubre quién lo dirige todo y quién los financia.
I want to find out who killed him just as much as you do. [Door opening]
Quiero saber quién lo asesinó, al igual que usted.
You want me as much as I want you.
Tú me deseas tanto como yo a ti.
I want him home as much as you do.
Le quiero en casa tanto como tú.
I can lie to myself as much as I want... but I've always been in love with you.
Por mucho que me engañe a mi misma siempre he estado enamorada de ti
And I don't want to wait around for you to resent me as much as I resent myself, so...
Y no quiero esperar a que estés resentida conmigo de la misma forma que estoy resentido conmigo mismo, así que...
I want you to go out with me'cause you like me as much as I like you.
Yo quiero que te vayas conmigo porque le gustaría que yo lo todo lo que te gusta.
You might not want to think of release so much as parole. Which I'm sure you'll be eligible for at some point.
En el mejor de los casos, será en libertad condicional que podrás solicitar llegado el momento.
Lex, a-as much as you say you want it- - this is business- - it's not.
Lex, por mucho que digas que quieres- - que esto es por dinero- - no lo es.
" Keep drinking as much as you want.
" sigue bebiendo tanto como quieras.
But as much as I love that house, you know, I wouldn't want it if it means you guys leaving.
Pero por mucho que amo esa casa no la querría si significa que Uds. se van.
As much as you want.
Toda la que quiera.
Don't tangle up much, and you can cast them about as far as you want.
No enreda el sedal, y puedes lanzarlo muy lejos.
I want the house just as much as you do.
Quiero la casa tanto como tú.
Take as much money as you need, but there's a couple of conditions. On your way back to the past, make sure Chris never marries that bitch Vanessa. And I want a promise that I won't spend my old age in a place like this.
Saquen todo el dinero que necesiten, pero con unas cuantas condiciones en el camino asegúrense que Cris nunca conozca a la perra de Vanessa y quiero que me prometa que no pasaré mi vejez en un sitio como este...
Now, after you get a comfortable three-touchdown lead, I want you to inflict as much pain as humanly possible.
Hasta que consigan una cómoda ventaja de tres anotaciones provocarán el mayor dolor que alguien pueda soportar.
You make all that money and eat as much pie as you want?
¿ Ganas bien y comes todo el pastel que quieres?
Eat as much as you want When day becomes starry night Eat as much as you want When day becomes starry night
Tú y yo podemos vivir entre las estrellas, disfrutando de la luz del otro.
I can take you to a place where you will get as much action as you want.
Te puedo llevar a un sitio donde.. .. puedes conseguir tanta acción como quieras.
I want to know who I'm working for as much as you do.
Quiero saber para quien trabajo mucho más que usted.
I want to believe Aunt Wu and her predictions as much as you do... but my brother and Aang saw the lava with their own eyes.
Quiero creer en las predicciones de Tía Wu tanto como Uds. pero mi hermano y Aang vieron la lava con sus propios ojos.
Now, I want to find Sarah as much as you do, but I need your help.
Ahora, quiero encontrar a Sara tanto como Vd. pero necesito que me ayude.
You want to stop them as much as I do.
Y ahora quieres detenerles tanto como yo.
That is why I think you want to stop the Avatars just as much as I do.
Y por eso creo que quieres detener a los Avatares tanto como yo

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