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As we both know перевод на испанский

213 параллельный перевод
You're the type they're looking for, young, intelligent, good-looking... and as we both know, not entirely without humor.
Tú eres del tipo que buscan : joven, inteligente, guapa, y como ambos sabemos, con mucho sentido del humor.
As we both know, the Princess is most strong-willed.
Como ambos sabemos, la Princesa es de lo más obstinada.
As we both know, such things are child's play to a master of sorcerer, but you cannot believe that Mr. Lupton is a sorcerer.
Como ambos sabemos, esas cosas son un juego de niños para un maestro de hechicería, pero no se puede creer que el Sr. Lupton sea un hechicero.
We're so overdue, as we both know too well.
Ya es hora de que lo hagamos y las dos lo sabemos muy bien.
So many officials are being paid now, as we both know.
Muchos policías están recibiendo su paga, como ambos sabemos.
Therefore, I am going to work here so that when you finally accept it, as we both know you will, we can move forward to build and nurture our relationship.
Por lo tanto, voy a trabajar aquí de modo que cuando finalmente se acepta, como los dos sabemos que usted, podemos avanzar para construir y nutrir nuestra relación.
It's going to be the more interesting as we both know the archetypes
Será más interesante si ambos conocemos los arquetipos
She gave him some of her medicine which, as we both know, can kill somebody if they don't have the same heart condition that she has.
Ella le dio algunos de sus medicamentos, como ambos sabemos, Puede matar a alguien si no tienen la misma corazón condición de que ella tiene.
But as we both know, this is the car I'm gonna have for the rest of my life.
Pero como sabemos, voy a tener este coche para el resto de mi vida.
Now, as we both know, you are doing this for sex.
Ahora, como ambos sabemos, estás haciendo esto por sexo.
And if I'm right, and as we both know, I am seldom wrong where women are concerned, she wants to be a bride.
Y como ambos sabemos, rara vez me equivoco en lo que concierne a mujeres, quiere ser novia.
But as we both know, such is not available in these parts.
Pero sabemos, que no hay ninguno disponible por estos parajes.
As we both know, they will strike if there's any Shadow influence still here, yes?
Y como ambos sabemos, atacarán si aún hay alguna influencia Sombra aquí, ¿ sí?
As we both know, there's been an attempt on your life.
Los dos sabemos que has sufrido un atentado.
As long as we both know!
Hace mucho que nos conocemos.
Actually, if you were standing out here, you would see that I am just on the line, which, as we both know, is in.
De hecho si pudieras pararte aquí, verías que estoy justo en la línea, lo cual, como ambos sabemos, está dentro.
But you might, at a later point in your life, when you're not so angry and you make up with your dad, as we both know you will, you might be sorry you missed it.
Pero podrías, en otro momento de tu vida, Cuando ya no estés furiosa y te hayas reconciliado con tu padre, como sabemos las dos que pasará, podrías sentirlo
Because as we both know, without purpose we would not exist.
Porque los dos sabemos que sin propósito... -... no existiríamos.
See, I hit up my homegirl'cause I had to get my hair done, as we both know.
Llamé a mi amiga porque tenía que tener mi pelo peinado, como nosotras sabemos.
But she is very resourceful, as we both know. I wouldn't worry about her too much.
No son los alemanes quienes me preocupan.
In the first place, we both know Lanning's parents do not consider a marriage to Tina as desirable.
Para empezar, los padres de Lanning no quieren que su hijo se case con Tina.
We both know things haven't panned out as well as we thought.
Las cosas no han salido como queríamos.
And while we're both in the mood... you might as well know it's a little late for that now.
Y ya que estamos de buen humor... más vale que sepas que ya es un poco tarde para eso.
If it isn't, we should both know it as soon as possible.
Si no lo es, deberíamos saberlo cuanto antes.
As we all know, when the father of both Ptolemy and Cleopatra died he named the two of them to rule jointly over Egypt.
Al morir, el padre de Ptolomeo y Cleopatra dijo que ambos gobernasen conjuntamente en Egipto.
As to my business with you, we both know what that is.
En cuanto a nuestro asunto ambos sabemos de qué se trata.
But fellas, as you know, we can't throw anything at him except dangerous driving and failure to stop - misdemeanours, both of'em, over here.
Pero solo podemos detenerlo por conducción temeraria y no detenerse. Los dos son delitos menores aquí.
Maggie and I talked about this thing, we both feel that all of you should know as much as we do about it.
Maggie y yo hablamos sobre esto, ambos nos sentimos que todos ustedes deben saber lo más que podemos hacer al respecto.
I want to introduce you to a man that we all know as both a writer and a philosopher :
Les presento un hombre Que todos conocemos... Como escritor y filósofo :
It's better for both of us if we know as little as possible about each other.
Es mejor para las dos que sepamos lo menos posible la una de la otra.
As you probably know, we're the favorites to win the Cannonball... and I was wondering if one of you or both of you... might like to ride in the winning vehicle.
Como sabrán, somos los favoritos para ganar el Cannonball. ¿ Desearía ir una de Uds. o ambas en el vehículo vencedor?
George, we both know it isn't that simple as that.
George, ambos sabemos que no es tan sencillo.
But we both know it's not as simple as that.
Pero los dos sabemos que no es tan sencillo.
As ALD parents, we both know the answer to that inane question.
Como madres de niños con ALD, ambas sabemos la respuesta a esa pregunta.
In Ireland... as you know... we have them both.
En Irlanda, como saben tenemos ambas cosas
And we both know the King regards a betrayal of time as a betrayal of faith.
Y ambos sabemos que el Rey considera los retrasos como una traición a su confianza.
You know I could guarantee you all day long, but we both know a guarantee is only as good as the man who writes it. Sounds good, Tom.
Sabes que puedo darte las garantías que quieras, pero ambos sabemos que una garantía es tan confiable como el hombre que la otorga.
Look, you and I both know that we should be leaving, but as long as we're staying, how come they got to go inside of that thing?
Mira, tú y yo sabemos que deberíamos irnos, pero mientras nos quedemos, ¿ por qué se meten a esa cosa?
Palooka, you know that I firmly believe that human beings are built for sex and for love. And that we should dole out as much of both as possible before we're old and ugly and nobody wants to touch us anymore.
Tontito, tú sabes... que yo creo firmemente... que los seres humanos están hechos... para el sexo y el amor... y que deberíamos aprovechar tanto de ambos como sea posible antes de que seamos viejos y feos y ya nadie quiera tocarnos.
And as inventive as that family defense is, and again I like it we both know in the end, you'd probably lose.
Y aunque tu defensa de la familia es ingeniosa y, repito, me gusta ambos sabemos que, al final, quizá pierdas.
Add to that the fact that I know you both better than anybody else, and I've never seen either of you so much as hurt a fly, and I've concluded that what we have here... is a terrible misunderstanding.
Agreguen a eso que los conozco mejor que nadie, y ninguno de los dos dañó una mosca jamás. y concluyo diciendo que lo que tenemos aquí... es un terrible malentendido.
But since both parties, as far as we know, want to move to this camp, I can't imagine what's going on on the sand spit.
Pero, por lo que sabemos, ambas partes quieren estar en este campamento, pero no sé qué pasará.
If you so much as break a fingernail, we both know you'll sue. Hey, let's go!
No estamos cubiertos como compañía de bicicletas... y si te rompes siquiera una uña, ambos sabemos que presentarás una demanda
I think, with a little baiting we both know who we can expect as an uninvited guest.
Creo que, con un pequeño cebo, ambos sabemos quien podemos esperar como visitante no invitado.
We both know that you're going to... have to eliminate him as a suspect, so what's his name?
- Ambas sabemos que tendrás que eliminarlo como sospechoso. ¿ Cómo se llama?
Ambos sabemos que no serías capaz de algo tan bárbaro como el asesinato.
Tom, we both know that the word of the IRA is as permanent as a fart in a wind machine.
Tom, ya sabemos que la palabra del IRA vale tanto como una llama al viento.
We both know that I'll soon be sick of getting laid in a hotel room. And as you put your clothes back on for the last time, I'll say :
Ya sabemos que un día, voy a estar harta de que me coje aquí dos veces a la semana, y te diré... mientras que te estas vistiendo por última vez :
Well, Handy, as I'm sure you know, we've both put in for mayor.
Hábil, sé que sabes que ambos queremos ser el alcalde.
And it was Michael's way of thanking... you know, me and Jerry both... and, boy, you know, it's so amazing how the fates work... because this was the last time we were all together... and, you know, they could not have been luminous as a pair... we could not have all been happier.
Y fue la forma de Michael de dar las gracias... tanto a mí como a Jerry... y es increíble como funciona esto del destino... porque fue la última vez que estuvimos todos juntos... y sabes, no podíamos estar más felices o contentos de estar todos juntos allí...
We both know Jaffa intelligence is not always as reliable as it should be.
Ambos sabemos que la Inteligencia de los Jaffa... no siempre es tan fiable como debería ser.

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