Because i like you перевод на испанский
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- Because I like you!
- ¡ Porque me gustas!
i would rather work with you i would rather work with you two because i like you. Two because i like you. If i have to go work with missy
Si tuviera que ir y trabajar con Missy, lo haría, pero no quiero hacerlo.
I think this is going to do great things for your low T situation, because you cannot spell hot tub without a double T. Yeah, it's just like all the focus is on my penis.
Creo que esto te irá bastante bien a tu baja testosterona. Es como si todo se centrara en mi pene. Como el Día de la Marmota, ¿ sabes?
Anyway, I'm glad that you didn't, you know, because I like guys who are level-headed and sweet, smart, sensitive, funny.
En fin, me alegro que no lo hicieras, ya sabes, porque me gustan tíos racionales y dulces, listos, sensibles, divertidos.
And, you know, with you, and what you're going through, you know, like, I know it's scary, but you're gonna get through it with such strength because of how strong you are, and we all get our strength from you.
Y contigo, y todo lo que estás pasando, sé que da miedo, pero vas a superarlo con tal fuerza por lo fuerte que eres, y todos obtenemos nuestra fuerza de ti.
Uh, well, that's kind of what I came here to talk to you about, actually, um... uh, he doesn't know yet, and I just woke up feeling like I had to tell him today, so I just was wondering if I could borrow your car, because mine'll never make it to Wyoming.
Bien, es más o menos por lo que he venido a hablar contigo, de hecho, aún no lo sabe, y simplemente me he despertado como si tuviera que decírselo hoy mismo así que me preguntaba si podrías dejarme tu coche,
I can't imagine you would want a murderer like that to be free because of a technicality.
No me imagino que quieras que un asesino como ese... esté libre por un tecnicismo.
Like you said, because I don't have a line,
No le gustaré pronto.
Come to dinner, and I'll learn to like Jake because you like Jake.
Vamos a cenar, y voy a aprender a como Jake porque te gusta Jake.
Because the day we met, I felt out of place and you made me feel like I belonged.
Porque el día que nos conocimos, me sentí fuera de lugar y tú me hiciste sentir que encajaba.
Because I feel like all you're doing is stonewalling.
Porque siento que todo lo que hace es ponernos una pared.
So I'd just like to get that done so that it's done, um, and also because, you know, it might be that you want to do that early.
Así que me gustaría hablar de eso y sacárnoslo de encima y también porque quizá prefieras hablar de eso antes.
All an elaborate trap that you knew I would fall for because I trust you like a father. Aah!
Toda una elaborada trampa en la que sabías que caería porque confío en ti como un padre.
And some people are just hanging out, you know, because it's like, I'm a devotee to train wrecks.
Y algunas personas están simplemente pasando el rato, ya sabes, porque es como, soy un devoto de entrenar naufragios.
Oh, I would like to request that you keep the door to my wig colosseum closed because, if I did not make it clear, this whole situation is on climate control and has an estimated value of 60 grand.
Me gustaría pedirte que mantuvieras cerrada la puerta de mi coliseo de pelucas porque, si no lo he dejado claro, todo esto está climatizado y está estimado en 60 de los grandes.
You're mad at yourself because I'm just like you.
Estás enfadado contigo mismo porque soy igual que tú.
Why were you even out of the house like this? Because I'm your toughy-tough supergirl.
Porque soy tu super-chica super-dura.
Because... I think you're beautiful and... I like you.
Porque... creo que eres preciosa y... me gustas.
Something I'll never have because you ruined my life when you sent Sterling away, but I refuse to become old and miserable like you.
Algo que nunca tendré porque arruinaste mi vida cuando hiciste que Sterling se fuera lejos, pero me niego a convertirme en vieja y miserable como tú.
I mean, that's why I don't wanna have a relationship because then you have to do things like have discussions about the relationship...
Es decir, por eso es que no quiero tener una relación porque entonces debes hacer cosas como tener una discusión sobre la relación...
I hope you can be super-supportive because I really do like Julia.
Espero que seas súper comprensiva porque Julia me gusta de verdad.
Do I want it to be energetic like Swiss coffee or welcoming like summer wicker, because don't you think a closet is sort of a wishing place?
¿ Quiero que sea energético como Swiss Coffe o acogedor como Summer Wicker, porque no crees que un armario es una especie de lugar para deseos?
You know, I asked you for a raise because I think I deserve it, not because I'm, like, pregnant or your niece.
Os pedí un aumento porque creo que lo merezco, no porque esté embarazada o sea vuestra sobrina.
You know, it's just frustrating, because you weren't, like, honest or straightforward with me about it, and so I didn't even get the chance to, like, look for other opportunities if this falls through, you know?
Ya sabes, es frustrante, porque no fuisteis sinceros o directos conmigo sobre ello, y por eso no tuve la posibilidad de mirar otras oportunidades si esto se viene abajo.
We want to talk to you about what happened with Dylan, because I feel like we owe you an apology.
Queremos hablar contigo por lo que pasó con Dylan, porque siento que te debemos una disculpa.
I messed up, but I'm not like your father, and I'm not gonna let you push me away because of how screwed up our families were.
La he cagado pero no soy como tu padre y no voy a dejar que me alejes porque sabes lo taradas que estaban nuestras familias.
You know, I only let you help me because it seems like you need it.
Ya sabes, sólo dejo que me ayudas porque parece lo necesite.
What was happening is that characters like the Punisher and Wolverine were just super popular, not because it was a degradation of society or whatever... because I just think, I got to tell you, that I'm 7, 8, 9, 10 years old,
Lo que estaba pasando es que personajes como Punisher y Wolverine eran súper populares, no porque fuera una degradación de la sociedad o lo que sea... porque solo pienso, debo decirte, que tengo, siete, ocho, nueve o diez años, y tengo a un tipo que va a salir allí afuera a patear algunos "c".
You ditched me because you didn't like the way I looked.
Me dejaste plantada porque no te gustaba mi aspecto.
And I put some fresh Parmesan on it because I know you like that!
Y le puse parmesano fresco ¡ porque sé que te gusta!
When cops started to come around with decibel meters at the gigs, telling people to turn it down because, you know, neighbors or residents of like, new condos that went up weren't feeling the noise, I was like, " Okay,
Cuando los policías empezaron a llegar alrededor con medidores de decibelios en los conciertos, decirle a la gente que baje el volumen porque, ya sabes, vecinos o residentes de como, nuevos condominios que subieron no fueron sintiendo el ruido, Yo estaba como, " Bueno,
You know, I didn't do it for, like, financial gain or whatever, I'm just keeping it going because I love it here and people love coming here, you know?
Ya sabés, no lo hice por, tipo, ganancia financiera o lo que sea, sólo lo mantengo en funcionamiento porque me encanta este lugar y la gente ama venir acá, sabés?
I'd gotten to one of those points like other artists where you can't say you're finished, because now it's subject to critique.
Había llegado a uno de esos puntos como otros artistas en los que no podés decir que terminaste, porque ahora está sujeto a la crítica.
I just posed you like that because I didn't want to take all the blame.
Solo te puse en esa pose porque no quería cargar toda la culpa.
Like I'm looking at a stranger because I'm never gonna be able to give you what you want, because I just can't remember.
Como si estuviese mirando a un extraño porque nunca voy a poder darte lo que quieres, porque no puedo recordar.
I couldn't imagine why she would let anyone like you go, because you were practically my best friend, because I trusted you.
No podía imaginar por qué dejarla ir a alguien como tú, porque prácticamente eras mi mejor amigo, porque confié en ti.
It doesn't matter because as much as I like you my life is complicated enough.
No importa porque por mucho que me gustes mi vida ya es lo suficientemente complicada.
Jana's support is enough that I don't, you know, like- - Jana's support is enough that I don't, you know, like- - I don't need their support because I have hers.
El apoyo de Jana es suficiente, no sé... no necesito su apoyo porque tengo el de ella.
But yet I was developing breasts, but yet I was developing breasts, and I was too scared to go and talk to people about it because they're thinking that something's wrong with you or--just like my mother first thought,
Y tenía mucho miedo de hablar de ello con la gente porque piensan que te pasa algo o, como pensó mi madre la primera vez,
Please forgive me if anything I said yesterday made you feel like I do not respect you because I respect you so much.
Por favor, perdóneme si algo que dije ayer lo hizo sentir como si yo no lo respetara, porque lo respeto mucho.
Especially because I have a religious question I'd like to ask you.
Especialmente porque tengo una pregunta religiosa que me gustaría hacerle.
And I didn't say anything because I knew you'd react like this!
Y yo no dije nada porque yo sabía que ibas a reaccionar de esta manera!
Look, I'm sorry if I'm not the son that you had in mind, but if you took the time to actually get to know me, you might actually like me, because I'm a delight!
Mira, lo siento si no soy el hijo que tenías en mente... pero si te tomaras el tiempo suficiente para conocerme... es posible que te gustara... ¡ Porque soy una delicia!
Because what I'm saying is it feels more like something you can use and drive hard rather than a bauble.
Porque lo que digo es que se siente como algo que puedes usar... Y manejar a fondo, en vez de algo que es solo para ocasiones
me, you, keith, and alec. I know they will vote him I know they will vote him because they don't like jon.
Yo sé que van a votar por él, porque no les agrada Jon.
You'll just go and shag the next girl you lay eyes on, because that's what you do, and I'm not like you.
Irás y te enrrollarás con la siguiente chica a la que le eches el ojo, porque eso es lo que tú haces, y yo no soy como tú.
Because I figured you'd say something like "total hottie" during drinks and her education would kick in, that'd be the end of it.
Porque imaginé que dirías algo como "muy linda" mientras bebían que iba a aparecer su educación y que todo acabaría.
You're such a wonderful little sister, Sateen, but I'm scared that the baby is draining all the blood away from your brain, because I saw you last week and you were, like, 90 pounds.
Eres una maravillosa hermana menor, Sateen pero me temo que el bebé te está chupando la sangre del cerebro porque te vi la semana pasada y parecías pesar unos 40 kilos.
Because I couldn't get over that thought, just like you said... I gave up on any ideas of me seeking revenge against her.
No podía dejar a un lado ese pensamiento, así que al igual que has dicho, yo había plegado mis pensamientos sobre la venganza.
I wasn't avoiding you because I didn't like you.
No te evitaba porque te odiara.
Because I like it.. It's just you and me, it's just like before.
Estoy tan feliz... de que me recordaste de nuestros viejos tiempos.
because i'm happy 21
because i love you 339
because it's you 31
because i said so 88
because i can't 94
because if you don't 161
because i don't 101
because i'm your friend 17
because i love her 53
because i don't care 17
because i love you 339
because it's you 31
because i said so 88
because i can't 94
because if you don't 161
because i don't 101
because i'm your friend 17
because i love her 53
because i don't care 17