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But i didn't do it перевод на испанский

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But, Walter, I didn't do it and I'm not going to do it.
Pero Walter, no lo hice y no lo haré.
I didn't have the nerve to say anything, but I'm going to do it, Philippe.
No tuve valor para decirle nada, pero voy a hacerlo, Philippe.
Maybe that's the way it works in your books... but even when I was a kid I was always being beaten up for something I didn't do.
Quizá eso es lo que ocurre en tus novelas... pero incluso de pequeño, siempre me castigaban por algo que no había hecho yo.
All these weeks I was in the hospital, helpless you had him here to yourself, but it didn't do you any good, did it?
Todas estas semanas estaba en el hospital, sin ayuda... lo tenías aquí para ti sola, pero eso no te sirvió de nada.
- But he didn't do it. I know he didn't.
- Sé que él no fue. - ¿ Lo sabe?
I didn't know what to do next, but suddenly it hit me.
No sabía qué hacer. Y un día pensé...
She may be funny some ways, but she wouldn't do nothing wrong, so I'd like it if you didn't talk to people like it was.
Sé que a veces es un poco rara, pero no hace nada malo. Así que no hable así de ella, señor Barker.
I didn't want to do it, but I have to leave!
¡ No quería hacerlo, pero tengo que irme!
I didn't want to do it, But he don't learn!
No quería hacerlo,... pero no aprende.
So I thought that would do the trick, but it didn't.
Pensé que eso funcionaría, pero nada.
I didn't know what to do at first, but, at last, I managed to stop it.
Primero no sabía qué hacer, pero al fin pude pararla.
I've done a very wrong thing, but I didn't mean to do it.
Hice algo equivocado, pero no era mi intención.
I'll admit I was one of the last ones to see her, but I didn't do it!
Fui el último en verla, pero soy inocente.
So you didn't go into the house with Courtland? No! He wanted me to come into the house, but I wouldn't do it.
Quiso que entrara pero me negué, no entré en la casa.
Oh, just that I hate my father. I didn't know it, but he says I do.
pero dice que sí.
But I didn't say it was all right for you to do it.
Pero nunca dije que estaba bien que tú lo hicieras.
But I didn't do it. A knife flew in through the window.
Entró un cuchillo por la ventana.
I admit it, and he's got plenty against him but he didn't do the de Grazia job.
Lo reconozco, y hay mucho en su contra... pero él no mató a De Grazia.
But I didn't do this. I don't even understand it. I don't know who- -
Yo no he hecho esto, no Lo entiendo, no sé quién ha podido...
I didn't think I could do it, but I am.
No creí que pudiera, pero lo hago.
It was naturally so dark, they didn't want to do it, but I made the hairdresser keep on with it.
Lo tenía tan moreno que el peluquero no quería, pero le insistí.
I didn't know what else to do for you for Christmas, but evidently, someone thought of it for me, so from now on, all of you will be allowed to use lipstick.
No sabía qué más hacer por ustedes para Navidad... pero es evidente que alguien lo pensó por mí... así que de ahora en adelante tienen permiso para usar lápiz labial.
Sé que no lo hiciste, Joe, pero deberás probarlo.
I'll take the money... but you really didn't have to do it.
Cogeré el dinero pero en realidad no hubiera tenido que hacerlo.
I don't know what you're father did or didn't do. I couldn't possibly know. But you've got to realise, even if it's very hard to... that that really doesn't matter.
No sé lo que hizo o no hizo tu padre, pero debes entender que no importa.
I didn't want to, but still did do it.
No quería hacerlo, pero aún así lo había hecho.
I didn't want to do it, but he drags me, practically, over a hill there.
Yo no quería, pero George me convenció.
I didn't mean it quite as it sounded. But, do you seriously believe that you've established contact with Mars?
No se lo tome mal, pero, ¿ de verdad cree que ha contactado con Marte?
I didn't want it to happen but... there's nothing a guy can do about the real McCoy, and that's what this is.
No deseaba que esto sucediese. No se ir contra el verdadero amor. Eso es lo que siento.
Man killed, but I didn't do it.
Un hombre asesinado, pero yo no lo hice.
I don't know who did it, but I didn't do it.
No sé quién fue, pero yo no fui.
- I don't know, but I didn't do it.
- No lo sé, pero yo no fui.
But I didn't do the picking, they done it for themselves, and a fine lot they picked, too.
Pero yo no os elegí, lo hicieron ellos mismos, y vaya lote que eligieron.
Oh, it didn't do any harm, but, then, I don't believe in miracles, your highness.
Al menos no me perjudicó. Pero no creo en milagros, alteza.
At first I didn't get it. But I do now.
Al principio no supe verlo pero ahora...
Oh, but I didn't do it!
¡ Pero yo no lo hice!
But I didn't do it!
Pero yo no lo hice. ¡ Lo juro!
I didn't do anything. But you make it sound as though I did.
No, yo no hice nada pero usted hace parecer que lo hice.
But I didn't do it either, sir.
Pero es que tampoco fui yo, Sr. Comisario.
I'm supposed to mark it down whether they put it back together or not and there ain't supposed to be but one way of doing it and he didn't do it.
Debo apuntar si logran engancharlos o no y se supone que hay sólo un modo de hacerlo y él no lo hizo.
I didn't see you. But I propose the panther do it.
Yo no te vi, pero sugiero que lo haga la pantera.
Yes, I knew that the beautiful stranger had took it but I didn't know what to do.
Sí, sabía que esa hermosa desconocida se lo había llevado,... pero no supe qué hacer.
I'm well aware there has been some disappointments but it occurred to me on the way down here, didn't it, Childs? that we might be able to do make some amends
Sé que se habrán producido decepciones, pero de camino hacia aquí se me ha ocurrido, ¿ no es cierto, Childs?
But I didn't ask her to do it.
Aun sin pedirle que lo hiciera.
He didn't do it so good, but I tell what.
No ha ido muy bien, pero le diré algo.
Well, yes. I'm responsible, but it's a bit of my fault, but I didn't do it on purpose.
Por supuesto que... sea responsable o no... quizá sí que tenga parte de culpa... pero no lo hice adrede.
Frankly speaking, I didn't like her at first... but I learned to appreciate her. Well, what do you think of the house? Do you like it?
Como epítome del pícaro encantador y adorable... se las ingenió para establecerse en la alta sociedad de España... generando el dinero que le había estafado a la gente... codeándose con ricos y famosos... tales como Adnan Khashoggi y William F. Buckley.
I didn't want to do it, but I had to.
Yo no quería, pero era necesario.
I took that medicine but it didn't do any good.
Tomé ese medicamento pero no hizo ningún bien.
But I didn't do it to them.
Pero yo no sé los hice.
I didn't do it for me but for you. Let's go.
No lo he hecho por mí, sino por vosotros.

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