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But i didn't want to перевод на испанский

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But I didn't want to because I knew I couldn't marry.
Pero no quise, porque... sabía que no podía casarme.
I didn't want to tell you about it... But you've led me into a trap.
No quería hablarte al respecto pero me guiaste a una trampa.
But I didn't want you to leave me.
Pero no quería que me dejaras.
But, I didn't want to go there. - Why?
Pero no quería pensarlo.
I did, but.. It's only because i didn't want to lose him.
Sí, pero sólo porque Yo no quiero perderle.
Now, look, I didn't want to do you here, but your stupid fucking boyfriend forced me.
Ahora, mira, yo no quería hacer esto aquí, pero tu estúpido puto novio me obligó.
I even tried to call her once, but she didn't want to talk to me.
Incluso intenté llamarla una vez, pero ella no quería hablar conmigo.
I didn't want to be cut, but I want you to cut me.
No quería el corte, pero quiero que tú lo hagas.
I really didn't want to be the one to break this to you, Taryn, but, uh...
Yo realmente no quería ser el que te dijera esto, Taryn, pero...
Look, I know you want to find Hattie, but saying you saw something when you didn't see it, it... it just doesn't help anyone.
Mira, sé que quieres encontrar a Hattie, pero decir que viste algo cuando no lo viste, no ayuda a nadie.
I didn't say it earlier,'cause I didn't want to alarm anybody... but I saw Tom, and Tom spilled this man's pint.
Yo no lo dije antes, porque no quiero alarmar a nadie... pero vi a Tom, y Tom derramó la pinta de este hombre.
Before you tell me where the money from the robbery is in the Bronx... and you're gonna fucking tell me, which is the only reason we don't bash your fucking head in right now... but before you do, there's somebody I want you to meet who's been telling me about a robbery you didn't want to include me in on.
Antes de que me digas dónde está el dinero del robo en el Bronx y me lo dirás, carajo, que es la única razón por la que no te reventamos la cabeza ahora mismo pero antes, hay alguien a quien quiero que conozcas que me contó algo sobre un robo del que no me querías incluir.
Well, it was stuffy but I didn't want to interfere because of the Baroness.
Bueno, fue sofocante pero yo no quería interferir - por la Baronesa. - Esa mujer espantosa de negro.
I told him he could stay here, but he didn't want to.
Le dije que podía estar aquí, pero él no quería.
I didn't want to push you away, but it took me by surprise.
Yo no quiero alejarte, pero me tomó por sorpresa.
Yeah, I didn't think so, but I didn't want to, you know.
Sí, eso pensé, pero tampoco quería, ya sabes.
I didn't want to bother you at the party, but I saw the show.
No quería molestarte en la fiesta, pero vi el espectáculo.
I didn't want to, but I did.
No quería, pero lo hizo.
I didn't want to worry you, but...
No quería que se preocupara, pero...
I'm really, really sorry for my part in this, but I want you to know that my brother didn't have anything to do with it.
En serio, de veras lamento todo esto de mi parte, pero quiero que sepan que mi hermano no tuvo nada que ver con eso.
But I didn't know if there was, like, werewolf traces left in me, so I didn't want to give you a seizure.
Pero no sabía si quedaba algo de hombre lobo en mi, así que no quería que te diese un ataque.
Aidan, I know you didn't want to lose Henry, but the rest of them,
Aidan, se que no querías perder a Henry, pero el resto de ellos,
I-I didn't want to tell you, but it just felt worse and worse, and I had to just...
Yo - yo no quería decirte, pero se sentía cada vez peor y peor, y tuve que solo -
She says she's going to fix it up, but I think she just didn't want to waste any money on a dress when she knows she's never gonna wear it.
Dice que va a arreglarlo, pero creo que no quiere gastarse el dinero en el vestido cuando sabe que nunca lo va a llevar.
I didn't want to bring you into this, Mrs Bligh, but I have to tell someone.
No quería comprometerla, Sra. Bligh, pero se le tengo que explicar a alguien.
But there was something that I didn't want to admit, and yet, desperate to share.
Pero había algo que no quería admitir... y aun así, estaba desesperada por compartir.
I wanted to come and visit you in the hospital, but I... didn't want to put you in danger.
Quería venir y visitarlo en el hospital, Pero no quiero para ponerte en peligro.
I didn't want to say anything at the time, but, when old Yamashita, our neighbour, saw Keita for the first time, she said :
No quise decir nada entonces, pero cuando la anciana Yamashita, nuestra vecina, vio a Keita por primera vez, dijo :
Well, I didn't want to get anybody's hopes up, but things are looking a lot better now.
Bien, no quería emocionaros pero las cosas tienen mejor pinta.
I didn't want to call and wake her if she was sleeping, but I'll give her a call now.
No quería llamar y despertarla si estaba durmiendo, pero la llamaré ahora.
I didn't want to do this, Hank, but you give me no choice.
No quería hacer esto Hank. Pero no me dejas elección.
But I didn't just want to live the high life.
Pero yo no quería ser simplemente un mundano.
I saw you the other day, but I didn't want you to see me.
Te vi el otro día, pero no quería que me vieras.
Then Pete, you know, he... he didn't want to get out of the car, but I said, " Pete, come on, we gotta get out of the car. We gotta go right now.
Y Pete no quería salir del carro pero le decía : " Pete, tenemos que salir del carro, tenemos que irnos ahora.
Now I didn't want to hurt these men, but somebody will come looking for them, you know they will.
Yo no quería lastimar a estos hombres, pero alguien vendrá a buscarlos, saben qué lo harán.
I was going to call but I didn't want you driving home if you were upset.
Te iba a llamar, pero no quería que condujeras si estabas angustiado.
You don't know and I didn't want to say anything, but...
- Ali... tú no sabías y yo no quise decir nada, pero...
I didn't want to bring a lawyer into this, but I had to.
Yo no quería traer un abogado en esto, pero tuve que.
I didn't want to discuss it but...
No quiero hablar de ello pero...
Ellen went out with friends, but I didn't really want to go home.
Ellen salió con unos amigos, pero yo no tenía ganas de ir a casa.
I didn't want to get married, but I sure as heck didn't want her to marry anyone else.
No quería casarme, pero lo que menos quería era que ella se casara con otro.
Oh. I didn't know, but I'm more than happy to splurge on concessions, if that's what you want.
No lo sabía, pero estaré más que feliz de despilfarrar en concesiones, si eso es lo que querías.
You wanna be... Yeah, but, I mean, you know, you transcend that but I didn't want to be controversial.
Sí, tu sabes que trasciendes eso pero no quise ser polémico.
I was smoking pot when you called, but it was such an incredible opportunity, I didn't want to miss out.
Estaba fumando hierba cuando llamaste, pero era una oportunidad tan increíble, que no quería perderla.
♪ Look, I didn't want to have to tell you, but I may be coming ♪
# Escuchen, no quería decírselo pero quizás tenga hepatitis #
I wanted to go to some parties, but I didn't because I didn't want Ricky to get upset and have any reason to tell me not to go to school there.
Quería ir a algunas fiestas, pero no lo hice porque no quería que Ricky se molestara y darle una razón para decirme que no fuera a la escuela allí.
Yes, I know I said it was a simple procedure, but I didn't want to alarm you. Henry, uh,...
Sí, sé que dije que era una operación sencilla, pero no quería alarmarla.
You know, I didn't even want to be on this commission but now that I'm on it, I've got every intention of finding out what went wrong.
Sabe, ni siquiera quería estar en esta comisión pero ya que estoy en ella tengo toda la intención de averiguar que se hizo mal.
I didn't want to do this but now only I have to set this right.
432 ) } Yo no quería hacer esto pero ahora sólo tengo que hacer valer mi derecho.
I didn't want to talk about that, but your boss was pretty insistent.
No quería hablar de eso, pero tu jefe fue bastante insistente.
I didn't want to do it this way, but...
No quería hacerlo así, pero...

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