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But in order to do that перевод на испанский

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Yes, but in order to do that, I'd specifically have to know what it is I'm trying to find.
Sí, pero para eso, necesito saber concretamente que estoy intentando encontrar.
But in order to do that, he needs to catch me, and in order to catch me, he's counting on you.
Pero para hacer eso, tiene que encontrarme, y para encontrarme, él cuenta contigo.
But in order to do that, we have to flood the entire complex with sodium hydroxide.
Pero para hacer eso tenemos que inundar todo el complejo con hidróxido de sodio.
But in order to do that, you gotta hit rock bottom first.
Pero para hacer eso, tienes que golpear fondo primero.
But in order to do that, it's got to be able to find its way home, because it's foraging for grasshoppers for quite a long distance.
Debe hallar el camino de regreso a casa, pues recorre largas distancias en busca de sus presas.
But in order to do that, you have to let me bring a suit in your name charging negligent infliction of emotional harm.
Pero para hacerlo, debe permitirme presentar un pleito en su nombre... por negligencia con causa de daño emocional.
But in order to do that, I'll have to pull a lot of our ships off the front lines.
Pero para hacer eso debo sacar muchas de nuestras naves de las líneas del frente.
I have it in me to be a great doctor... but in order to do that I have to sacrifice if I want to be better.
Tengo la capacidad para ser un gran médico. Pero tengo que sacrificarme para ser mejor.
But in order to do that, we need to keep our heads, think clearly, okay?
Pero para hacer eso, debemos ser cuerdas, pensar claro. - ¿ Está bien?
But in order to do that, I need to know what you found out about my father.
Para hacer eso, debo saber qué averiguaste sobre mi padre.
All I care about is maintaining the Grand Design, but in order to do that, I must claim the soul of the chaplain soon.
Solo me preocupa mantener al gran designio pero para ello debo de llevarme el alma del capellan en breve.
But in order to do that, we gotta get some fresh meat.
Pero vamos a necesitar carne fresca.
I want to help you, but in order to do that, I need to forgive you, and... I can't do that until you admit what you've done.
Quiero ayudarte, pero para hacer eso, necesito perdonarte, y... no puedo hacerlo hasta que reconozcas lo que has hecho.
We try to find other desirable natural features to find the most likely settlement sites. But in order to do that, I'm gonna need all the information he took from Clearwater's house.
Intentamos encontrar otras características naturales deseables para encontrar los sitios más probables de asentamientos pero, para hacer eso, voy a necesitar toda la información tomada de la casa de Clearwater.
I'm your bestest, bestest, bestest buddy, and I'm gonna make all this nasty shit go away, but in order to do that, I need 10 minutes of your time right now, ok?
Soy tu mejor, mejor, mejor colega, y voy a hacer que toda esta mierda horrible desaparezca, pero para poder hacer esto, necesito 10 minutos de tu tiempo ahora, ¿ vale?
But in order to do that, I have to...
- Pero para hacerlo, debo...
It's standard procedure for late-stage aids patients, but in order to do that, I'd have to convince them that I was about to die,
Es procedimiento rutinario para pacientes de sida en las últimas etapas, pero para lograr eso, tenía que convencerlos que estaba a punto de morir,
But in order to do that, you gotta become one of them.
Pero para hacer eso tienes que ser uno de ellos.
But in order to do that, you're gonna have to stay calm.
Pero para hacer eso, vas a tener que mantener la calma.
But in order to do that, we would have to leave the frequency open.
Pero para hacer eso, tendríamos que dejar la frecuencia abierta.
But in order to do that, I have to be late, a I worry,
Pero para hacerlo, tengo que llegar tarde, y me preocupo,
And when they do, we will bring Ellie home, but in order to do that,
Y cuando lo hagan, recuperaremos a Ellie. Pero para hacer eso necesito que pienses.
Okay. I finally got Casey's mom to like me, But in order to do that, I had to agree to something
Vale, porfin conseguí gustarle a la madre de Casey, pero para conseguirlo, tuve que aceptar algo que realmente no quiero hacer.
In order for a rōnin such as me to gain fame I had no choice but to do that!
¡ ¿ Y, sin embargo, se considera un ser humano?
But in order to leave him I had to believe it was the only thing I could do and that it was the best thing for him.
Pero llegué a creer que dejarlo era lo único que podía hacer y que era lo mejor para él.
Most we could do is ship him home. But, in order to do that, we would have to catch this man with the stolen diamonds, right in the palm of his hand.
Podríamos enviarle a su país, pero para hacer eso tendríamos que cogerle con los diamantes robados en las manos.
I know Lois is under a lot of pressure right now and she needs my support but in order to give it to her, I have to ignore my instincts and I don't know if I can do that.
Sé que Lois está muy presionada y necesita mi ayuda pero para dársela debo ignorar mis instintos y no sé si puedo hacerlo.
I think so, but, in order to get them to do that, we'd have to communicate with them first.
Eso creo, pero primero tendríamos que comunicarnos con ellos.
But, in order to do that, you're gonna have to shoot through young Tom here!
Pero para hacerlo, tendra que pegarselo primero al joven Tom.
- Don't be silly. We're not combating them as if this is a war, but we're using some of the army as peace agents in order that the police be more free to do their job as policemen.
No combatimos como en una guerra, usamos las tropas para que la policía..
But in order to do so, you're going to have to learn that youth basketball ain't about you and your lack of respect for others.
Pero para hacer eso, vas a tener que aprender que el baloncesto juvenil no se trata de ti y de tu falta de respeto hacia los demás.
But those who do what is true come to the light... in order that the light may show that what they did was in obedience to God.
Pero esos que hacen lo correcto vienen a la Luz... para que la Luz muestre lo que hicieron en obediencia a Dios.
We need to neutralise it first, but in order to do that, we have to find it.
- Eso es. Eso es. Y necesitamos neutralizarlo primero.
Right, but the thing is, in order to do any of that, you need to remove it from the fuselage and deactivate the motion sensor.
Correcto, pero el caso es que, antes de hacer todo esto tienes que quitarla del fuselaje y desactivar el sensor de movimiento.
I'm trying to help Walt, but he won't tell me what I need to know in order to do that.
Estoy intentando ayudar a Walt, pero no me va a decir lo que necesito para ayudarlo.
But how many shifts do you think this guy had to work in order to cover the payments on that car?
¿ Cuántos turnos crees que tuvo que trabajar para pagar ese auto?
Well, I would love to help, Corrine, but... in order to do that, I would actually have to give a shit what my father thought and felt about me.
Bueno, me encantaría ayudar, Corrine, pero... para hacerlo, debería importarme una mierda lo que mi padre pensara y sintiera por mí.
But, in fact, he's having to make continual changes to adjust for slight currents in the air. It's an amazing piece of acrobatics, far better than anything that we could do in a helicopter... and it's all done in order to impress the female, to show her that he is superb at holding his territory.
pero de hecho, tienen que hacer continuos cambios para ajustarse a las pequeñas corrientes de aire es una muestra asombrosa de acrobacia mucho mejor que cualquier cosa que pudiéramos hacer en un helicóptero y todo es hecho para poder impresionar a la hembra
I have no idea where it is, but what I do know is that in order to get to it...
No tengo idea de dónde está pero lo que sé es que para llegar a ella...
But, in order to do that, you must stay alive.
Pero, para hacerlo, deben permanecer con vida.
But in order to do that we're going to need a few minutes.
Tomaremos un descanso y Vamos a hacerlo
I just came here to tell you that you don't have to worry about me in, you know, coming here, and I'm very, very sorry for what I've put you through, but trust me. You do not need a restraining order.
Sólo vine a decirte que no te preocupes por mí por, ya sabes, venir aquí, y que estoy muy, muy arrepentida de lo que te hice pasar, pero créeme, no necesitas una orden de restricción.
But that might have something to do with the sale, which means that, if we're successful, you're gonna lose the customers you have in order to get the customers you want.
Debe de estar relacionado con la liquidación. Eso significa que si logramos el objetivo perderás los clientes que tienes por los clientes que quieres.
But if you do a good deed, sound no trumpet before you in order for others to see your piety so that they may praise you.
Pero si haces una buena acción, no te vanaglories, para que otros vean tu piedad y así te enaltezcan.
Yes, but I'm afraid in order to do that, we may need Shota to curse someone else.
Sí, pero me temo que para hacerlo necesitaremos que Shota hechice a otra persona.
It looks to be a combination of moss-type plant... as well as potentially some algae as well but basically chlorophyllic species that do use photosynthesis in order to produce their food, and to produce, to grow and to survive.
Parece ser una combinación de plantas tipo musgo y potencialmente algunas algas también pero básicamente especies clorofílicas que usan la fotosíntesis para producir su alimento para reproducirse, crecer y para sobrevivir
I mean, I don't know how to make a film, but obviously, that hadn't stopped Thierry, but I needed him out of the way in order to do it, so I said,
Pero necesitaba que Thierry supiera como hacerlo así que le dije :
We were able to stop the bleed, but... In order to do that, we had to... remove your uterus.
Conseguimos parar el sangrado, pero... para ello, tuvimos que extirpar tu útero.
Somehow he managed to get... a real driver's license tied to a fictional identity, but y-you'd have to have a birth certificate... in order to do that.
De alguna manera se las ha arreglado para conseguir... un carné de conducir verdadero junto a una identidad ficticia, pero te-tendrías que tener un certificado de nacimiento... a fin de conseguirlo.
But in order for me to do that, I really need to talk.
Pero para yo poder hacer eso. Realmente necesito que hablemos.
You can ignore the child if you wish, but in order to become the kind of painter you want to become, this is what you must do - - father a child. I told you three months ago, that's not what I do.
- Ya le dije hace 3 meses no es lo que hago.

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