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But it's not like that перевод на испанский

960 параллельный перевод
Ah, well... that... It's not like booze, but why would he buy it suddenly before he dies?
Ah, bueno... eso es...
She has, like, a chronic and really rare form of pneumonia called BOOP, which sounds cute, but it's not that cute, actually.
Llamada BOOP ( neumonía organizada con bronquiolitis obliterante ) suena lindo, pero no es lo que parece.
- Okay. - Don't listen to them. Yeah, maybe it's not made out of the pages, but I like the color, and I like that it is different, and it's kind of shingle-like.
No las escuches, quizás no esté hecho de páginas, pero me gustaron los colores, me gustó que sea diferente.
Well, it's not for me to say, but I'm not sure that at a time like this, a woman is the right man.
Bueno, yo no tengo ni voz ni voto, pero no sé yo si en un momento así una mujer es el hombre adecuado.
You know, all that stuff I told ya about bein'hard, dishing'it out, takin'it? Well, that's swell for someone like me... but not you, honey. - Yeah.
¿ Recuerdas lo que te dije sobre ser duro y andar a los puñetazos?
It's not that I don't trust you, but I'd like to consult with Chieko first.
No es que no confíe en vd., pero primero quisiera consultarlo con Chieko.
I like that song Mireur was singing but it's not exactly the way things are.
No está mal la canción aunque no es exacta. Bomier, rema, a la derecha.
Well, maybe it was 20 Onondagas, but that's not to be saying that a MacDougall like myself couldn't have killed 30 if he had a mind to.
Bueno, quizá fueron 20, pero eso no significa que un MacDougall como yo no pudiera matar a 30 si quisiera.
It's not a word I like to use, but that dress is super.
No es una palabra que me guste, pero estás súper.
But it's also possible that a man who would take a chance like he has taken so far is not afraid to die.
Pero también es posible que un hombre que se ha arriesgado tanto no tema morir.
It's not that I like to drink, but my asthma...
No es que me guste beber, pero con mi asma...
There may be a lot of things wrong, but it's not a noisy great gasbag like you that's going to set them right.
Hay muchas cosas que están mal, pero no serás tú quien las arregle.
That Miss Roberts, she's not gonna like it, but I like.
A esa Sra. Roberts no le gustará, pero a mí, sí.
But it's not in blossom like it was that day.
Pero no está tan bonito como aquel día.
Of course, it's not the kind of wine we got before the war but I think that she would rather like it.
No es el tipo de vino de antes de la guerra pero no creo que lo encuentre mal.
I realize that it's not in order to call witnesses at this time, but with the court's permission, I would like to interrogate certain persons who were present at the coroner's inquest.
Sé que no es el momento para llamar a los testigos... pero si usted me lo permite, quisiera interrogar... a algunos participantes de la pesquisa.
But it's not like that.
Pero no es así.
It is clear to you that I'm not a fool like you... has showed... Not a fool, but a meddler... for your hunger... of friends. I always calm my hunger with my friend's food...
Te consta que no soy tonto, como tú... lo has presumido tonto no, si entrometido, por el hambre... de amistades el hambre siempre la calmo con el manjar del amigo
But it's not as simple as that, if I don't like him.
- Entiéndelo, Okimi. No es tan sencillo, porque no me gusta.
Some bands have that sound already, like Pollack, but it's not the right sound, not for me.
Algunas ya tienen su propio sonido, como la de Pollack, pero no es el sonido correcto, no para mí.
A geisha's life looks glamorous from the outside but it's not always like that
La vida de una geisha resulta fascinante desde fuera,... pero no siempre es así.
But it's not all like that.
Pero no todo es así.
It's true, in a way, but I'm really not like that.
Es verdad, en cierta forma, pero no soy así en realidad.
That's nice to hear, but my intended would not like to hear it.
me gustaria poder escucharlo de boca de mi prometido
Oh, I know, I know it's bothersome... but you must realize... that the fire commissioner could not be stopped by a thing like a traffic light.
Oh, lo sé. Sé que es molesta... pero debe comprender... que el Comisionado no puede detenerse con las luces del tráfico.
Obviously, I can't force you to perform the play well this afternoon but perform it you will, whether you like it or not! That's all!
Obviamente no le puedo forzar a que haga la representación esta tarde, pero hágala, le guste o no.
No, I swear, that's not it! But I feel like I'm going mad! Like I am in a dream.
Siento que eres tan vibrante, tan viva... quien quiera que seas, Hipólita o Deanita, tú eres la mujer que amo.
I don't mean that I don't like you at all, but it's not that.
No es que no me gustes en absoluto, pero... no tanto.
Not that it's any of my business. But i don't like to see you upset.
No es asunto mío, pero no me gusta verte alterada.
It's not that I don't like it, but I love Gilbert
No es que no me guste, pero amo a Gilbert.
I'm not sure where that is, but I know what it's like.
No estoy segura donde está ese lugar, pero se como es.
But knowing the area like I know it... it's not around here that the right trail is found.
Pero conociendo esta zona como la conozco... no encuentro por aquí ningún pista.
- It's not that I like it. But I'm not with my people.
- No es que me guste estar sola pero no estoy con mi gente.
That may not seem like much, but it's more than we had, your mother and I.
No parece mucho... pero es más de lo que teníamos tu madre y yo.
But it's not like that with Lisabeth as she's not yet dead.
No fue así para Lisabeth, porque ella nunca murió.
It's not that I never felt like it, but I just never wanted...
Y no es que no tengamos nuestras diferencias, pero no.
first corpses, then money, but it's not like that.
Primero los cadáveres, después el dinero, pero eso no ha sido así.
Yes, that's true, I told you I'm not interested in your past, but it was because I thought you were pure like a lily!
Sí, es verdad, te he dicho que no me interesa tu pasado, pero porque te creía pura como un lirio.
It teaches you how to command, but not in a real way because it's about executing commands like we obey orders today it's not occupying the university, bivouacking inside it or scribbling on the walls that you will resolve anything.
El centro de estudiantes ha decidido que todas las actividades didácticas de hoy deben ser suspendidas. ¿ Qué centro? ¡ No reconocemos a ningún centro de estudiantes!
It's not that I am sleepy, but I like to smoke in the dark.
No es que tenga mucho sueño, me gusta fumar en la oscuridad.
It's not that I'm crazy about men with a moustache, but... I like them.
No me enloquecen los hombres con bigote, pero... me gustan.
Now, that's not the exact house, but it sure does look like the one I'm looking for.
No es la casa exacta, pero se parece a la que busco.
It's not enough that he talks and acts like a gringo... But now he think like a gringo.
Ya no le basta hablar y actuar como un gringo... ahora ya piensa como un gringo.
I bet that you think that I'm like a devil or something but it's not like...
Apuesto a que crees que soy un demonio o algo así pero no es verdad...
But at least it's honest weirdoism. Not like that phoney footage you shot.
Sí, pero al menos somos locos reales... no como esa película falsa que hizo.
It's not like gambling or liquor or even women, which is something that most people want, but is forbidden by the Church.
No es como el juego, el alcohol o la prostitucià ³ n. Diversiones practicadas por la mayorà ­ a aunque està © n condenadas por la Iglesia.
I suppose I was thinking that you were thinking that you were just another girl I brought up here, but it's not like that.
Supongo que he pensado que estarías pensando que eras una chica más de las que traigo aquí, pero no es así.
Of course it's not a place that matches your standards but I'd like to go there.
Lo sé... no es muy elegante para ti... pero en el fondo...
No, you don't look like you're up to something but whenever you look like you're not up to anything you're up to something. What are you up to, Ma? It's nothing that need concern you.
se que algo tramas pobre Bell.
It's not enough that you broke into my flat, but you behave like a gangster!
¡ Márchese de aquí! ¡ Usted se comporta como una bandida!
It's not a young woman's taste. But only an older person would live in a room like that.
Inclusive en su estadía, como lo vi, fue la de una mujer vieja.

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