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Defeated перевод на испанский

3,242 параллельный перевод
Mesagog planned to send the earth back to the mesozoic era... That is, until the Power Rangers defeated him with mild gymnastics.
Mesagog planeaba mandar a la Tierra de vuelta a la era mesozoica... hasta que los Power Rangers lo derrotaron con gimnasia ligera.
Have... have you defeated He-Man once yet? Well... just once?
¿ Has vencido a He-Man al menos una vez?
I mean, what does "defeated"
Bueno... ¿ solo una vez?
"A defeated nation doesn't have the right to participate" at the International Conference in Brussels,
"Una nación derrotada no tiene derecho a participar... en la Conferencia Internacional de Bruselas".
Who defeated the Lancasters in the War of the Roses?
¿ Quién derrotó a los Lancaster en la Guerra de las Rosas?
No offense, Highness, but you were defeated at Bracciano by the Orsini, the Papal Guard then deserted, facts which do not augur well for your ability to lead a nation.
No te ofendas, Alteza, pero fuiste derrotado en Bracciano por los Orsini, y la Guardia Papal desertó, hechos que no auguran nada bueno... en cuanto a tu capacidad de liderar una nación.
But what early judge favorite will go home defeated?
Pero, ¿ cuál de ellos saldrá derrotado favorito?
What if we are defeated?
¿ Qué pasa si perdemos?
Perhaps if you were to admit it to yourself in your own heart that you're defeated to yourself.
Deberías admitir ante ti misma, ante tu propio corazón, que has sido derrotada.
According to the transitive property, you just defeated Muammar Qaddafi in arm wrestling.
De acuerdo con la propiedad transitiva acabas de derrotar a Muammar Gaddafi echando un pulso.
First you need to know how to be defeated.
En primer lugar usted necesita saber la forma de ser derrotado.
We are the yokai defeated by Sugawara no Michizane, the prince, and sealed within the illustrated storybook.
Somos los espíritus que fueron derrotados por Sugawara no Michizane, el príncipe, y sellados en el libro.
I thought we were defeated by Sugawara-something, and sealed in something-book for thousands of years?
Fuimos vencidos por Sugawara-algo, y sellados en ese libro-lo que sea por cientos de años, ¿ verdad?
I can not be defeated!
¡ No puedo ser derrotado!
Matt not only defeated Russell, he reduced him to tears.
Matt no sólo derrotó a Russell, lo redujo a lágrimas.
I cannot be defeated, monster.
No puedo ser derrotado, monstruo.
And while they may have defeated my masters of evil as a team, individually they will fall.
Y aunque derrotaron a mis Amos del Mal, como equipo individualmente, caerán.
Would not have defeated Malekith without you.
No habría derrotado a Malekith sin ti.
To many he's a simple shepherd boy, who defeated a giant, but for modern Israelis, David is a founding father.
Para muchos es un simple pastor, que venció a un gigante, pero para los israelíes modernos, David es un padre de la patria.
The roll call of the defeated appears to include one Ahaziah, a king, the inscription tells us, belonging to a royal dynasty.
La nómina de los vencidos parece incluir a un Ocazías, un rey, la inscripción nos dice, perteneciente a una dinastía real.
Cold meats and sausages will never be defeated.
Fiambres y embutidos jamás serán vencidos.
In a joint effort " ... federal, state and local police fought and defeated the criminal group known as La Estrella. In this operation, the lives of Captain Agustin Robles and eight state policemen were lost along with those of eight criminals.
En un operativo conjunto, la procuraduría general de la república junto con la policía estatal y la policía municipal se enfrentó y sometió al grupo criminal La Estrella donde perdieron la vida el capitán Agustín Robles y ocho elementos dela policía estatal asimismo, se dio muerte a ocho criminales entre ellos, el líder dela banda, Chalino Valdez, alias Lino y uno de sus escoltas personales, Lorenzo San Martin, alias Tío.
the Ometepe six learned that once they defeated the entire enemy tribe, the battle was only beginning. Because now they had to face each other.
Los seis de Ometepe han aprendido que una vez derrotada toda la tribu enemiga la batalla apenas comenzaba, porque ahora tienen que enfrentarse entre sí.
The psalm tells how the other gods are defeated.
El salmo dice cómo los otros dioses son derrotados.
In the 6th century BC, the Israelites are disempowered, humiliated and defeated.
En el siglo 6 a.C., los israelitas pierden su poder, son humillados y derrotados.
This is not defeated.
Así que no llegarás.
Our troops have all but defeated the South so I don't see any reason for us to make concessions.
Nuestras tropas han derrotado al Sur... por lo que no veo razón para hacer concesiones.
I fear the Dorocha cannot be defeated by swords and arrows, sire.
Me temo que los Dorocha no se vencen con espadas y flechas, señor.
You've defeated Silk.
Has derrotado a Seda.
All have been defeated, at least in part because the memory of Prohibition and the unintended consequences that accompanied it remain fresh more than 3 / 4 of a century after it ended.
Todas han sido derrotadas, por lo menos en parte, porque el recuerdo de la prohibición y las consecuencias no previstas que implicó siguen frescas en la memoria, incluso tres cuartos de siglo después de haber terminado.
The mind stormed in its citadel, quite defeated by frenzy.
La mente asaltada en su ciudadela, vencida por el frenesí.
- The book told that it was the Thundercats, our ancestors, who first defeated Mumm-Ra.
El libro relata que fueron los Thundercats, nuestros ancestros, Quienes derrotaron por primera vez a Mumm-Ra.
Now that I've got you in my lair, prepare to be defeated by... Thnaketicuth!
Ahora que los tengo en mi madriguera, prepárense a ser vencidos por ¡ Snaketicus!
I am defeated!
¡ Me vencieron!
I thought I defeated XXXASSASSIN23XXX?
Pensé que venciendo a XXXASSASSIN23XXX.
Yeah, we already defeated the Red Knight, Mischievio.
Sí, ya vencimos al Caballero Rojo, Mischievo.
I defeated Daniel in the 100 meters race today.
Hoy he derrotado a Daniel en la carrera de 100 metros.
And who defeated Dr. Toxin?
¿ Y quién derrotó al Dr. Toxina?
- We won! Has defeated Governor McCall Cullen in the gubernatorial primary.
Derrotó al gobernador McCall Cullen en las primarias.
The glorious South will never be defeated!
¡ El glorioso Sur jamás será vencido!
And in this way, the Hydra was finally defeated.
De esta manera, la Hydra finalmente fue derrotada.
United Hell, it will never be defeated!
¡ lnfierno unido, jamás será vencido!
Unicron cannot be defeated by sheer force.
Unicron no puede ser derrotado por la fuerza.
It was the combined power of the Primes that defeated Unicron so long ago, the very reason he now seeks to destroy you.
Fue el poder combinado de los Primes Lo que derrotó a Unicron hace mucho tiempo, por la misma razón ahora trata de destruirte.
There was an attack by a large company. We defeated the enemy.
Recibimos el embate de un ataque a gran escala, que eventualmente repelimos.
Unless this monster is defeated, the results will be disastrous.
¡ En tanto este monstruo siga invicto, nos aterrorizará a todos!
Defeated so we'll keep at it
Uno, dos, tres.
Cat Grant reporting from Chicago, where the Manhunter from Mars has defeated the headmaster.
Cat Grant reportando desde Chicago, donde Manhunter de Marte ha derrotado a Headmaster.
The invaders were defeated long ago
Se venció a los invasores hace mucho.
Perhaps when the Japanese were defeated. They discovered the relationship between rodwork, and swordplay
Quizás cuando los japoneses fueron derrotados descubrieron la relación entre usar la vara y blandir una espada.
Who defeated our troops?
¿ Quién derrotó a las tropas?

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